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08-15-11, 11:00

08-15-11, 11:04
Great info Hop! Thank you.

08-15-11, 11:51
Hop: that was interesting, thank you.

Doing a little Google-fu brings up a lot of questions about the veracity of Mr. Perkins' statements. Multiple reviews of his book point out that there is little supporting evidence provided. Has Perkins provided any more evidence in any other form?

08-15-11, 12:08
Those clips are from a documentary called ZEITGEIST 2: ADDENDUM. I saw it about a year ago. Definately very interesting. You can see the whole movie here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gKX9TWRyfs.

08-15-11, 12:40
While those were very interesting and I believe a good portion of it to be true, there was a pro communist message to it as well.

08-15-11, 13:06
While those were very interesting and I believe a good portion of it to be true, there was a pro communist message to it as well.

Yeah, I got that impression as well.

08-16-11, 07:28
You guys are talking about the whole ''lets not use any money anymore'' thing?

Yeah that turned me off.

Watch the first Zeitgeist.

08-18-11, 16:36
Yeah, I got that impression as well.

Quite communist - no question about it. AND it is not credible as there is no supporting evidence.

My father-in-law in Germany buys into it. He owns about 3 or 4 books in English: Michael Moore & Al Frankin's work mostly. He lobbied Arnold Swartzenegger to try to stop the execution of Stan Tookie Williams- founder of a bloody gang & multiple murderer (death penalty is a human rights violation to him - no matter WHAT you did).

The fact that he believed and LIKED that non-sense gave me a heads up. Once I read some of it, I realized it was propaganda from the left. :mad:

08-18-11, 18:06
Herp corporations are the devil Derp

08-18-11, 21:59
While those were very interesting and I believe a good portion of it to be true, there was a pro communist message to it as well.

i was also getting that feeling. i would pose to him, what is the acceptable alternate reality? he mentions hugo(el uno) and the funded coup, but what about the current conditions?

*Much of what the guy is cooking, I am smelling, but have some questions about what the fully acceptable course of action is....

Travis B
08-19-11, 01:18
I read the book two years ago in one of my classes. I was an outspoken proponent of using resources other countries weren't using. It was an interesting read, but it was really hard to tell what was fact or fiction.

If anyone wants to read it I'll send it to you.

08-19-11, 03:59
HOP, spot on once again. Economic Terrorism, right or wrong it's alive and well. One of the many reasons why the rest of the world hates us yet how many US tax payers are aware that their .gov executes such ops?

Communism, capitalism, et al. . .wielded with the same effect by the global financiers. In the end they will get you one way or another, the system matters not.