View Full Version : OFFICIAL Top Shot Thread - ALL of your Top Shot TV discussions go HERE!

08-15-11, 13:53
Apparently there's been a sprinkling of threads for this over the first few seasons, but nothing permanent.

So I vote for a permanent Official thread for this show.

Yes, I know a lot of folks here don't like it. You're right- there's a lot of stupid crap that goes along with it that I'm sure we'd all like to do away with if it was our show.
But we can't. And frankly, who cares!
There's alot of stupid $#!+ that goes along with shooting in general, yet I don't see anyone here quitting.
(No, I'm not saying you have to rush out and catch up on the last two seasons...:p)

But basically, it's a show on a major channel that actually promotes and supports guns for a change (and imo, also gives the haters a nice slap in the face regarding sporting use of various types of firearms). Regardless of the retards I think this show deserves as much support as it can get. At least until something better comes along or it gets stupid[er].

Maybe this isn't the right site for this- what do I know? That's why I brought this up.
I just think a preset place to discuss this might be a good idea, instead of posting a new thread every time something interesting happens.

Just my $0.02

08-15-11, 15:02

Please direct all commentary and discussion about Top Shot to this thread, from now on.

08-18-11, 06:00
This season it seems like they have some industry support.

They are using new guns, and are dropping manufacturers names. I don't remember that in the first two seasons.

08-18-11, 22:30
Jesus H Christ....you gotta be shitting me.:bad:

09-01-11, 16:47
That Seal dude is a straight up douche and a turd. I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt cause the producers prob want him to say "SEAL" every 2 lines, but being a douche negates that.

The show is a paradox. Anyone you would WANT to see on the show would never want to.

That JTAC dude from season 2 started ok, but ended as a super douche.

09-01-11, 22:54
That Seal dude is a straight up douche and a turd....

Yeah, saw that coming a mile away. You know they just put him on there so everyone could have a real-life SEAL to fawn over. Whatever. I don't watch the show for the people or the drama.
That being said, Dustin is my pick to win- He's a nobody, seems to have very little ego, and can shoot pretty consistently.

So where can I get one of those mini Gatlings? I think I just found another must-have gun. :D

An Undocumented Worker
10-11-11, 22:55
The Douche Canoe has sunk, woot!

10-13-11, 22:58
The Douche Canoe has sunk, woot!

And not a moment to soon!
I can't believe after all that he just up and quits... tsk tsk.:rolleyes:

Anyway, for the Jake anti-fans (and the rest of the folk that don't care for this show) here's a fun product: Jake targets


Apparently Mike Hughes from the show has a company and had these made up. You can find them here: https://nextleveltraining.com/product_list

10-14-11, 13:40
Now that right there is funny. Probably in poor taste and I'm not going to order any but definitely got a laugh out of it

10-15-11, 11:54
Wait. Jake just left?


I missed something.

10-26-11, 13:09
And Dustin wins Top Shot! I knew it....:D

Wait. Jake just left?
I missed something.

Yep. Up and left. I forget what exactly went down from the "behind the scenes" episode last night, but basically it seems the guy went looney after he realized everyone wasn't going to play according to his rules, and threw a big tantrum. Seems nobody was left that gave a damn anymore, so he babied out and quit.

An Undocumented Worker
10-27-11, 11:46
And Dustin wins Top Shot! I knew it....:D

Yep. Up and left. I forget what exactly went down from the "behind the scenes" episode last night, but basically it seems the guy went looney after he realized everyone wasn't going to play according to his rules, and threw a big tantrum. Seems nobody was left that gave a damn anymore, so he babied out and quit.

I'm still having trouble believing that he made it to an officer level rank in the navy with the kind of attitude he displayed.

An Undocumented Worker
02-14-12, 18:50
New season starts tonight.

02-14-12, 23:15
Aaaaaaaand it's back.

So for our next test of marksmanship skill, how about sticking the blonde guy a few yards out and see who can pick off his earings first....:lol:

02-15-12, 02:19
Watched the season 4 premiere tonight. . .

Two world champion pistol shooters eliminated right off the bat! :eek:

William scored 15th, barely securing a spot on the show, from the site:

"A former Marine and ex-Virginia state trooper with national and state 3-gun championships under his belt, he now serves as a firearms instructor for the FBI." "William spent 11 years on the Marine Corps Shooting Team, where he also coached for awhile. In 1994 he won the coveted Gold Lauchheimer Trophy, awarded each year to the top rifle and pistol shooter in the entire Corps. He is currently the FBI shooting team national record holder in 3-gun."

I was surpised, I would have thought he would have scored highest with the M14, not squeaking by the skin of his teeth.

I've got Greg, the guy that one the first challenge pegged as this seasons Douche Bag.

Seems like TS finally got some descent female shooters. I thought Gabby's peformance with the Vaquero was impressive.

02-15-12, 06:01
Gabby is "local" to me and shoots at the same USPSA matches. I don't know her at all but my observation is that she's super-nice, and can shoot. Might be enough to get me to watch this season. I wish they'd put out a DVD of the previous seasons where they edit out everything at the house, and all of the "interviews" related to interpersonal problems, and only include the scenes shot at the range.

02-15-12, 06:56
You know, I was one of the "Big ****ing deal...just going to be a Big Brother with guns and stupid shit" guys. I finally got around to watching a couple of episodes from the first season on Netflix, and wound up watching all of it.

Yes, there's a lot of douchebaggery involved, but as my wife pointed out, even the douchebaggery is mostly very gentlemanly compared to the other reality shows. Overall I think it does a pretty good job of showing a real cross-section of shooters to the non-shooting community, and it's not nearly as stupid safety nazi as I thought it was going to be. I especially like that they show people getting pissed but there's never any "OMG, Ashley is mad, better not put a gun in his hand" bullshit that you'd expect from the average TV show. These guys can get pissed at each other and still pick up a pistol and shoot a target and nobody thinks a thing of it. Also a win, because it's reality.

An M4Carbine Top Shot would look a lot different, for sure, but turning off my experiences and just watching it as a regular schmoe, I think it has way more positives than negatives. They show normal people shooting black rifles and so on, the challenges are sometimes combat-ish, and they do a really good job of portraying the contestants as regular people, not the anti-gun stereotype the media normally pushes.

I have changed my position on it. I think it's an overall win for the gun community, and for we modern weapons practitioners especially.

02-15-12, 08:29
the revolver shooting drill last night was pretty grueling. If you miss you gotta start all over.

02-16-12, 22:46
QuietShootr- that's exactly why I kept watching the show after the first season- as bad as it seems, it could be way worse, and at least it still gives all the evil baby killing tactical weapons (:rolleyes:) some good press.

The revolver challenge- holy crap. I spent the whole sequence thinking "and this would be where I'd go home" (I hate revolvers).

Also trying to shoot that M1 carbine from the sidecar must have been a royal pain in the ass- bumpy road+ no suspension.....:eek: