View Full Version : A Few Rants: Pet Peeves Unleashed

08-15-11, 17:26
A rifle isn't a platform. It's made for shooting, not for standing on. Of course, some people, like third world tin pot tyrants and self polishing gun gurus think rifles are platforms to elevate them to a higher status. That is the platform I stand on!

An AR is not a gun. Guns are smoothbores or great honking pieces of artillery lobbing huge shells downrange. An AR is a rifle, nothing quite so clumsy and indiscriminate as a gun.

There is a difference between "then" and "than". Rather then use either word incorrectly, look them up in the dictionary, than post.

...wait, strike that!

Semantics- I don't think that word means what you think it means.
More arguments have started because one word can mean different things to two people, especially when they agree. Sometimes it's better to zero in on the meaning of the first point of intersection (clever pun intended) than argue about whether it's semantics. Is it important to know if it's a clip or a magazine? If it's a rifle or gun? Actually, yes it is. Just as important to know an Old Model Single Action Ruger or Colt Single Action Army isn't a "Saturday Night Special" and a S&W 500 Magnum revolver isn't an "Assault Weapon" equipped with a "stock thingy that folds up in the back".

A firearm is not now, nor will it ever be, a range toy. I do not care how ridiculous the configuration or how many disco balls, lasers, latte machines and margarita mixers you hang from the octo-rails a firearm is NOT A TOY. Firearms can kill no matter how ludicrous it looks.

"I am not going to war with it, just to the range."
Don't bother, then. Seriously, just don't bother. Folks act like the level of reliability needed to withstand exposure to the elements and tough field conditions is exceptional. It's not. That kind of reliability is the standard. Trying to save money by buying anything less is like buying only half of a rifle. Even if all you do is plink at the range, do you want to spend your time and money shooting or clearing malfunctions? Get it out of your head that a low quality arm can ever be justified. That path leads to a collection of junk.

Ranting just be ranting. Er, let me ponder this one some more...

So, you want to post. Well, you came to the right place. Then go ahead and post. So, you don't know how to start? Well, let me give you a suggestion. Then, from this you can see it's DON'T START THREADS, POSTS OR SENTENCES WITH "SO", "WELL" OR "THEN". "All right" is out too. All right. Well then, I'm so glad to get that off my chest.

Any questions, comments, snide remarks? Pet peeves you want to let off the leash? Tough! Suck it up! :jester:

08-15-11, 17:45
It's hard enough to convey tone in text. Sometimes those "starters" are just that... starters.

Want to tell a joke?

"So, a Mexican, American and a Russian walk into a bar..."

Same thing. Probably shouldn't start conversations with "Hey" either, but it happens every day. "Hey, how ya doing?" Is it proper English? Decidedly not. Is it a means of grabbing attention? Sure. People often, at least in my experience, type how they talk. Unfortunately, that can be an ugly mess for someone who doesn't speak well. That being said, some people try to actually convey tone in text. It's harder than it sounds (yes, pun intended) and sometimes does exactly the opposite of what it was intended to do.

Personally, I've been on a long quest to try and get the "meat and potatoes" out of what is written rather than get so hung up on how it was written. Aside of course from the complete slaughterization (yes I know it's not a word) of a paragraph, or even a proper sentence structure throughout a post. Given that, I've really tried to stay outside of the Grammar Cop pajamas more and more. (Try marrying an English major *rolls eyes*) * (<--actual asterisk, see below) Life is too short to get stressed enough to post that long of a post about it. If you can't tell by now, I'm poking fun because I used to be very much the same way. This post is getting really long, but I digress.

Disclaimer: I often start posts with "So/Well/Ok". Mea maxima culpa

*I love my wife, but she literally corrects/corrected everything I've ever said since day one. See also, the rolls eyes, it conveys tone without a person being able to see your face. Welcome to the internetz.

08-15-11, 17:54
Okay, I forgot about that one. Starting a thread, post or sentence with "Okay" is banned!

08-15-11, 17:54
...assorted semanticalationisms...

So, you're a quote stealer, eh? Well than, I'm going to go shoot my gun. Ok, it's just a range toy, but I still believe it's the best platform.

Anyway, it's better then reading these semantics.


08-15-11, 17:56
A rifle isn't a platform. It's made for shooting, not for standing on. Of course, some people, like third world tin pot tyrants and self polishing gun gurus think rifles are platforms to elevate them to a higher status. That is the platform I stand on!

An AR is not a gun. Guns are smoothbores or great honking pieces of artillery lobbing huge shells downrange. An AR is a rifle, nothing quite so clumsy and indiscriminate as a gun.

There is a difference between "then" and "than". Rather then use either word incorrectly, look them up in the dictionary, than post.

...wait, strike that!

Semantics- I don't think that word means what you think it means.
More arguments have started because one word can mean different things to two people, especially when they agree. Sometimes it's better to zero in on the meaning of the first point of intersection (clever pun intended) than argue about whether it's semantics. Is it important to know if it's a clip or a magazine? If it's a rifle or gun? Actually, yes it is. Just as important to know an Old Model Single Action Ruger or Colt Single Action Army isn't a "Saturday Night Special" and a S&W 500 Magnum revolver isn't an "Assault Weapon" equipped with a "stock thingy that folds up in the back".

A firearm is not now, nor will it ever be, a range toy. I do not care how ridiculous the configuration or how many disco balls, lasers, latte machines and margarita mixers you hang from the octo-rails a firearm is NOT A TOY. Firearms can kill no matter how ludicrous it looks.

"I am not going to war with it, just to the range."
Don't bother, then. Seriously, just don't bother. Folks act like the level of reliability needed to withstand exposure to the elements and tough field conditions is exceptional. It's not. That kind of reliability is the standard. Trying to save money by buying anything less is like buying only half of a rifle. Even if all you do is plink at the range, do you want to spend your time and money shooting or clearing malfunctions? Get it out of your head that a low quality arm can ever be justified. That path leads to a collection of junk.

Ranting just be ranting. Er, let me ponder this one some more...

So, you want to post. Well, you came to the right place. Then go ahead and post. So, you don't know how to start? Well, let me give you a suggestion. Then, from this you can see it's DON'T START THREADS, POSTS OR SENTENCES WITH "SO", "WELL" OR "THEN". "All right" is out too. All right. Well then, I'm so glad to get that off my chest.

Any questions, comments, snide remarks? Pet peeves you want to let off the leash? Tough! Suck it up! :jester:

8.5/10. Needs a little more cowbell.

R Moran
08-15-11, 18:01
Well, than, I just got back from the range with my favorite range toy. An M4 platform. Had some trouble with my clips, but, its just for the range so I'm not worried.

Honestly dude, you sound like you should be on the corner waving your fist at cars as they drive by, yelling "slow down, this is a neighborhood!"

Wanna know my pet peeve? people getting wound around the axle over little shit & using derogatory remarks about latte machines "hanging off my weapon", it right up there with "do-dad, gee gaw, tactikewl, gizmo, bells & whistles" etc.


08-15-11, 18:14
...Honestly dude, you sound like you should be on the corner waving your fist at cars as they drive by, yelling "slow down, this is a neighborhood!"

I tried that. After the second day, they started throwing eggs as they drove by. Damn whippersnappers have no respect! Doctor told me I have to watch my cholesterol!

08-15-11, 18:22
Some firearms qualify as range toys, not because they are unreliable but simply because they are not practical for anything else. I can think of dozens and dozens of firearms that are completely reliable but have no place in combat.

They are for collecting or recreational shooting. But your basic premise about justifying junk rifles is accepted.

08-15-11, 18:31
That some firearms are suitable only for the range, I agree with. What I disagree with is that they are ever "toys"

08-15-11, 18:39
That some firearms are suitable only for the range, I agree with. What I disagree with is that they are ever "toys"

It's an expression, kinda like calling breast implants "bolt ons" even thought there are no actual bolts. I sometimes call my SMGs squirt guns but there is no water in them. Take a deep breath and relax.

08-15-11, 18:56
It's an expression, kinda like calling breast implants "bolt ons"

You mean like Frankentits??

Take a deep breath and relax.

You sir, do not realize the seriousness of the situation! People could start thinking this class of firearms to be less deadly. When some Range Commando starts waving one around, he'll simply say "Relax, it's just a range toy. Since it's less reliable, it's less likely to go off accidentally let alone on purpose." Steyr, you must think of the children!

Suwannee Tim
08-15-11, 20:20
I'm averse to overblown language and "platform" used for "rifle" is overblown. Using the phrase "squirt gun" for sub machine gun is the opposite of overblown, it is self depreciating. Of course you are not going to persuade folks to stop using the word "platform" for rifle, at best you hope they will not fall into "weapon platform", "weapon system" or worst, "weapon system platform" which I did not make up. A "platform" is an aircraft, tank chassis or ship upon which weapons are mounted. An AR is a rifle or carbine not a platform.

One phrase that annoys me is "range work".

08-15-11, 21:09
You sir, do not realize the seriousness of the situation! People could start thinking this class of firearms to be less deadly. When some Range Commando starts waving one around, he'll simply say "Relax, it's just a range toy. Since it's less reliable, it's less likely to go off accidentally let alone on purpose." Steyr, you must think of the children!

If anyone is actually that stupid the only important consideration is to confine them all at the same range. All the people I know who use the term "range toy" are responsible shooters. YMMV.

The Cat
08-15-11, 21:26
'Platform' is like 'Tactical' - it's a decent enough word as long as it isn't overused. I was reading a post here the other day and a guy used the word 'Platform' four times..... IN ONE SENTENCE! People get caught in a rut... it's like another poster here that ends every sentence with an exclamation point.

What's your policy on the use of the term 'M4', as relates to a semiauto weapon?

08-15-11, 21:47

08-15-11, 22:11
Holy shit...this reminds me of what my only pet peeve is, It's when people forget that this shit is the silly intraweb that was started by toolbags that lived in their parent's basement.

So my pet peeve is people who actually take this shit serious on the web and act like it's reality and a reliable source for anything but mere entertainment. Obviously you can pick up tips and learn some shit by dicking around in this completely fake environment, but real learning actually takes place in the real world and that's why my dumb ass shoots a ton of rds. a yr. self discovering stuff. I feel bad the vast amt. of people that have been tricked into believing they somehow have a "internet presence or face, and thereby actually cares and then relies on what anybody thinks, says, or does in this completely fabricated world we have created called the net. I know of a few on here that literally care more about their internet persona and life than their real life in the real world.

When you let anyone on the internet butthurt you by criticism, grammar, or whatever your petty reasons may be, you just let the biggest losers in the world win as in the toolbags that spend way more time typing and playing tactical wiz ninja on the internet forums while they bust out 9-5's in a cubicle than pulling any kind of trigger.

Life is too short and full of real pleasures to let faceless mall ninja's using poor grammar or slinging hateraid throw your panties in a wad.

Damn, that rant felt wonderful as well...good call OP:)

Hence the following....

Welcome to the internetz.

I've run an internet forum for about 8 years. My propensity to correct the English language aside, I've learned that half of what you hear is outright lies, the other quarter of what's left is fantasy, etc, etc, etc, until you get down to about the 1%.

Overall, I'd say that this site does significantly well in regards to that 1%. Whether you shoot a bunch or shoot for fun (toys), just don't make the rest of us look stupid! hehe

"I don't always shoot the M4 platform, but when I do, I load my clips to 31". (Top that internetz memes)

08-15-11, 22:24
When you let anyone on the internet butthurt you by criticism, grammar, or whatever your petty reasons may be, you just let the biggest losers in the world win as in the toolbags that spend way more time typing and playing tactical wiz ninja on the internet forums while they bust out 9-5's in a cubicle than pulling any kind of trigger.


So much of the internet is losers basement dwellers trying to feel better about themselves by flipping random shit to other people around the internet.

08-15-11, 22:36
Ain't that the truth!

Steyr, I hope you realize that while I do find what I was griping annoying and I am venting, I am doing so in a humorous fashion. I don't expect anyone to take my gripes seriously.

If anyone wants to sling a few in kind, feel free. I can take it! :D

08-15-11, 22:41
Ain't that the truth!

Steyr, I hope you realize that while I do find what I was griping annoying and I am venting, I am doing so in a humorous fashion. I don't expect anyone to take my gripes seriously.

I caught on after your reply. But it wasn't obvious in the OP, some people really do worry about this kind of silly shit.

Jay Cunningham
08-16-11, 00:28
The obsessive overuse of the word "platform" is without question the gayest current trend on dramanet gun boards.

But everyone calls all guns platforms now, so I guess they're platforms. :haha:

Remember - the right to keep and bear platforms shall not be infringed! :happy:

08-16-11, 01:02

08-16-11, 01:46
...So if you own a MRP or MWS, don't fear these crybabies with term and grammer wrinkle panties...after all your running a PLATFORM:D.

In foliage green, no less

Suwannee Tim
08-16-11, 04:56
The obsessive overuse of the word "platform" is without question the gayest current trend on dramanet gun boards.

But everyone calls all guns platforms now, so I guess they're platforms. :haha:

Remember - the right to keep and bear platforms shall not be infringed! :happy:

I couldn't have said it better myself. I am of the opinion that words mean things and I try to improve my word use continuously. I normally don't even mention such peeves.

I do have to admit though, it can get a lot worse than "platform". I heard a youngster, a salesman in Gun Gallery in Jacksonville, a place given to overblown rhetoric, refer to cartridges as "munitions".:eek:

08-16-11, 07:07
The obsessive overuse of the word "platform" is without question the gayest current trend on dramanet gun boards.
followed closely by complaining/acting superior about the internet/forums ON the internet/forums.

Suwannee Tim
08-16-11, 08:30
followed closely by complaining/acting superior about the internet/forums ON the internet/forums.

So rich in irony!

R Moran
08-16-11, 09:31
This is like the guys who bitch about "operator", marginalize the term etc.

Granted its been usurped, and a bit over used, but its still a term that's in use, and was adopted for a reason. So get over it.

Here's a pet peeve.

Drive by negative comments about instructors or companies, with no support, and usually having nothing to do with the topic. But some people take any chance they can get to get their dig in.
Either start a thread about it, or just don't say anything.


Jay Cunningham
08-16-11, 10:17
So rich in irony!

I couldn't have said it better myself.


08-16-11, 10:44
So rich in irony!

Yes...Yes it most certainly is.

08-16-11, 11:02
Other annoying gunboard "memes"

-Eats. "My AR will eat anything. It will eat brass. It will eat steel. It will eat brass after eating steel." Really. How do you think it'll do on oatmeal?

-Flawless "My AR will eat steel. I ran 20 rounds through and so far it's been flawless. I then ran 20 rounds of brass. It runs flawless." They always end this kind of claim with flawless like it's a mantra or some kind of protection from evil spirits.

-Buy Ammo Instead To be fair, there is truth to this statement. I know I need to get more ammo and shoot more. But it pops up nearly every time somebody asks about buying something. Sometimes it's ok to spend a little extra and get a freefloat tube, splurge on a trigger or buy a magazine that holds enough rounds to get you to the next level without a reload. I know I can spend a little extra and still have money for shooting, and I do

08-16-11, 11:09
So rich in irony!

:eek: Oh snap!

Anyways, Trident said it best and I'll leave it at that. I like forums a lot, but I try to take everything I read with a few grains of salt. Its the Gen 4 Glock phenom to me. Everyone I personally know with one has no issues, but everyone on the forums have the worst issues ever. Maybe they're telling the truth, but I'll stick to real world experience over what some 16yr old kid parading as a Spec Ops Warrior on a forum has to say.

"They're, their, and there", the misuse of those three very different homonyms bothers me.

08-16-11, 11:13
..."They're, their, and there", the misuse of those three very different homonyms bothers me.

Oops! Almost forgot about that one. Officially added to The List

08-16-11, 11:28
it right up there with "do-dad, gee gaw, tactikewl, gizmo, bells & whistles" etc. Bob

What about Doo-Dads...I cant put doo-dads on my range toy?

Suwannee Tim
08-16-11, 13:09
......"They're, their, and there", the misuse of those three very different homonyms bothers me.

I have a lot of trouble with that. I entered every Spelling Bee in school but I never one won.

08-16-11, 13:53
My current pet peeve: the use of the phrase "world beater / world beating". Sorry Trident, I just had to get that off my chest! :)

Suwannee Tim
08-16-11, 14:54
Never mind.

08-18-11, 16:06
An AR is not a gun. Guns are smoothbores or great honking pieces of artillery lobbing huge shells downrange. An AR is a rifle, nothing quite so clumsy and indiscriminate as a gun.


Suwannee Tim
08-18-11, 19:44
For those who care, the correct terminology is "type" in the United States and "pattern" in the Commonwealth countries, as in "1911 type" or "SMLE pattern".

A "platform" is a man made surface upon which something is mounted or placed. The definition has been extended to include platforms to which weapons or sensors are mounted as ships or aircraft. While an FA18 may be correctly referred to as a "platform", an AR cannot.

08-19-11, 02:21
There is a difference between "then" and "than". Rather then use either word incorrectly, look them up in the dictionary, than post.

uh, dude?..

08-19-11, 02:39
so, OK than, you got me started...

my peeve is, "if I do my part". if there's one phrase that makes me want to reach right through the magazine page or computer screen to hand throttle the bastard, it's when someone gets done shooting their "groups" and pronounces "it'll shoot under an inch, if I do my part"...


08-19-11, 08:08
The improper use of apostrophes and possessive vs. plural forms drives me up the ****ing wall.

Hey, ignoramus: it's not AR's, it's ARs. Unless the AR owns something, that is. Watch:

My green AR's front sight is different from my other ARs.

Also, there's There, their, to, too, and let's not forget the ever-popular "Muzzle break". It's a ****ing BRAKE, as in it slows something down, not a BREAK as in it's broken, you dumb ****.

Oh, let's see. How about "Recticle" instead of "reticle"? What the **** is a Recticle? A butt testicle?

Oh, Mr. Kotter, I have another one: "Calvary" instead of "Cavalry". I forget, did we have a 7th Calvary that strung up Jesus at the Little Big Horn, or did the Indians kill a whole bunch of white people at the Battle of Calvary?


08-19-11, 11:21
so, OK than, you got me started...

my peeve is, "if I do my part". if there's one phrase that makes me want to reach right through the magazine page or computer screen to hand throttle the bastard, it's when someone gets done shooting their "groups" and pronounces "it'll shoot under an inch, if I do my part"...


Thats exactly how I feel when I hear "Tack Driver".

08-19-11, 11:36

Suwannee Tim
08-19-11, 12:11
Thats exactly how I feel when I hear "Tack Driver".

What a tried old cliche! I hate tired old cliches! But tired old cliche is a tired old cliche! Aargh!

Suwannee Tim
08-19-11, 12:14
so, OK than, you got me started...

my peeve is, "if I do my part". if there's one phrase that makes me want to reach right through the magazine page or computer screen to hand throttle the bastard, it's when someone gets done shooting their "groups" and pronounces "it'll shoot under an inch, if I do my part"...


"All day long" ra2bach. You forgot "all day long". Funny how it's always a really great, tight group. "Two inches at a hundred with iron sights, all day long if I do my part." Yeah, right. And I can run a four minute mile. All day long. A marathon in an hour and 54 minutes. Never bothered to do it in front of umpires but I do it all the time in my neighborhood. :D:D

08-19-11, 12:26
"All day long" ra2bach. You forgot "all day long". Funny how it's always a really great, tight group. "Two inches at a hundred with iron sights, all day long if I do my part." Yeah, right. And I can run a four minute mile. All day long. A marathon in an hour and 54 minutes. Never bothered to do it in front of referees but I do it all the time in my neighborhood. :D:D

My rifle is a tack driver, if I do my part it shoots clover leafs all day long!

08-19-11, 22:44
I just outright hate the word "tactical" 95% of the time. I feel like it has lost it's real meaning.

I resent people who bag on Mosin rifles (yes, I am quite fond of them but I also understand their strengths/weaknesses/limitations). While this probably doesn't happen on this board since it's not too relevant, it happens a lot on mainstream fora.

I do also abhor improper grammar and poorly written posts. Also, I dislike posts with poor structure that are too difficult to read (ie. "a wall of text.") That is so annoying.

I think the word 'operator' is overused just like 'tactical'. It sounds kinda stupid too.

I hate the price of ammo. :mad:

I hate how I do not get to shoot and practice marksmanship as much as I'd like to.

I hate how most public ranges do not provide adequate space for a marksman to try different shooting positions. Usually, this is because a rifle bench is taking up that space. Also, one needs to be wary of the idiots. Unfortunately, I have to settle for such places right now because that is all I have.

I'm annoyed about the fact that people worry too much about their damn groups on the bench.

I also feel like the zombies meme is getting rather old and cliche.

On the bright side, I do appreciate that there are strangers out there (and not just on this site, but others as well) that are willing to share their knowledge and experience. I am really appreciative for that, especially since I don't know any other legitimate "gun" people in my immediate family or something like that.

I am also thankful for many of the kind strangers I've meet at shooting ranges.

08-20-11, 00:21
The folks I have personally come across who use the term "operator", mostly types who feel they should associate themselves with Delta Operators to the perceived "uninformed group" they are addressing. When challenged, they defer to plausible deniability, "I meant Trigger Operator" to save face. First Delta used it for legal descriptive purposes, then the term permeated to SF, then the entire SOF community, then Infantry, non combat arms vets, SWAT, PSD, contractors, internet commandos, PI's, court recorders, anyone who carries or have carried a gun for a living. I actually heard several FOBBITS in Bagram and other FOBS, use that term ad-nausem. Basically anyone who feels that their current title is not sufficient enough to be designated as the "definitive bad ass", while ignoring their conscious to feed their ego. The word may be universally used today, but it has become virally over used and misused. When I hear it, my reflexive action is to swallow the bile that entered the back of my throat, run up my BS flag, and designate them a tool. (sorry Bob :p)

Tactical of course, weapon platform, as if it was mounted to some effing vehicle, and the fairly new designation, within the last few years, weapon system.

R Moran
08-20-11, 07:15
The folks I have personally come across who use the term "operator", mostly types who feel they should associate themselves with Delta Operators to the perceived "uninformed group" they are addressing. When challenged, they defer to plausible deniability, "I meant Trigger Operator" to save face. First Delta used it for legal descriptive purposes, then the term permeated to SF, then the entire SOF community, then Infantry, non combat arms vets, SWAT, PSD, contractors, internet commandos, PI's, court recorders, anyone who carries or have carried a gun for a living. I actually heard several FOBBITS in Bagram and other FOBS, use that term ad-nausem. Basically anyone who feels that their current title is not sufficient enough to be designated as the "definitive bad ass", while ignoring their conscious to feed their ego. The word may be universally used today, but it has become virally over used and misused. When I hear it, my reflexive action is to swallow the bile that entered the back of my throat, run up my BS flag, and designate them a tool. (sorry Bob :p)

Tactical of course, weapon platform, as if it was mounted to some effing vehicle, and the fairly new designation, within the last few years, weapon system.

I never said it wasn't over used. I just get annoyed with the people who make fun of the term, but have no idea where it came from.

Theyre usually the one's who feel the overwheming desire to correct everyones grammar also.
Sorry I didn't go to college, I went to jump school.

Weapon system has been in use for along time. We used it back in my day.


08-20-11, 07:24
Agreed. See it a lot with suburban and small town PDs.

Article on the subject (http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=13174)

The folks I have personally come across who use the term "operator", mostly types who feel they should associate themselves with Delta Operators to the perceived "uninformed group" they are addressing. When challenged, they defer to plausible deniability, "I meant Trigger Operator" to save face. First Delta used it for legal descriptive purposes, then the term permeated to SF, then the entire SOF community, then Infantry, non combat arms vets, SWAT, PSD, contractors, internet commandos, PI's, court recorders, anyone who carries or have carried a gun for a living. I actually heard several FOBBITS in Bagram and other FOBS, use that term ad-nausem. Basically anyone who feels that their current title is not sufficient enough to be designated as the "definitive bad ass", while ignoring their conscious to feed their ego. The word may be universally used today, but it has become virally over used and misused. When I hear it, my reflexive action is to swallow the bile that entered the back of my throat, run up my BS flag, and designate them a tool. (sorry Bob :p)

Tactical of course, weapon platform, as if it was mounted to some effing vehicle, and the fairly new designation, within the last few years, weapon system.

R Moran
08-20-11, 07:55
Agreed. See it a lot with suburban and small town PDs.

Article on the subject (http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=13174)

neat article, especially about the term "civillian". I think its a bit reaching with the term "operator" though.

if we get down to it, only CAG guys should be called "operators".

Having said that, I've had the name applied to me and my position at times. Oh well, its just a word,... its the attitude that some assume, that bothers me.


08-20-11, 08:28
Agree with weapon system Bob. It has been used way back in the day, but if memory serves, the term was used on crew served weapons, almost exclusively.

Agreed. See it a lot with suburban and small town PDs.

Article on the subject (http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=13174)

Good article on the subject matter, and thanks...

neat article, especially about the term "civillian". I think its a bit reaching with the term "operator" though.

if we get down to it, only CAG guys should be called "operators".

Having said that, I've had the name applied to me and my position at times. Oh well, its just a word,... its the attitude that some assume, that bothers me.


Agree. False Bravado is more like it. Attitude trumping capability in most cases.

Reagans Rascals
08-20-11, 08:40
I despise the modern day usage of the word "hero".... so simply because you volunteered at a soup kitchen once when you were 12 you are a hero.....

I know this may ruffle some feathers however I mean no disrespect with this so please just be objective and look at the entire picture.... I dislike when they use the word "hero" for cancer survivors or survivors of other illnesses... yes it is great that you survived and I am ecstatic that you beat it and are still here, I know many people that didn't, but today the word hero is used too loosely.... essentially you took meds, and didn't die... you didn't fall on a hand grenade to save your men... yes you can be an inspiration to others and help them find the will to fight... but I think the word hero is misused in this extent.

The word hero to me.. means those that selflessly give to ensure the safety of others.... not an athlete or movie star being paid millions of dollars that volunteers at the boys and girls club...

those willing to give up all of their tomorrows for a strangers today...

But I guess this is why firefighters, police officers, service men and women and other public servants are paid so high right?

they are ****in heros...

once again I mean no disrespect to those that are ill, past present or future, I myself underwent brain surgery in October 2008 and I've never in my life accomplished anything to be categorized as "HEROIC".... I just think using the word in this pretense detracts from the valor of men like those in that article....

08-20-11, 15:26
Agreed. See it a lot with suburban and small town PDs.

Article on the subject (http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=13174)

LL's post reminds me of something else. The us vs. them mentality that some police have. That shit really annoys me, especially because we're all supposed to be on the same side.

08-20-11, 16:06
neat article, especially about the term "civillian". I think its a bit reaching with the term "operator" though.

if we get down to it, only CAG guys should be called "operators".

A couple former Delta guys I know simply called themselves "soldiers."

I loathe operator, tactical, tack driver, dead-nuts reliable, and probably a few others I have driven from mind. These things evolve and flame themselves out over time as they enter the atmosphere of overused words and phrases.

R Moran
08-20-11, 16:32
A couple former Delta guys I know simply called themselves "soldiers."

I loathe operator, tactical, tack driver, dead-nuts reliable, and probably a few others I have driven from mind. These things evolve and flame themselves out over time as they enter the atmosphere of overused words and phrases.

Only going by the account as told by Haney in his book. I don't think a cop using the term is indicative of him being a jack booted thug though.

I guess I never heard them refer to themselves as one either. I remember when someone used to call them "Deltoids":D


08-20-11, 16:39
These things evolve and flame themselves out over time as they enter the atmosphere of overused words and phrases.

I'd even argue that over time, over-using words limits the lexicon and variety in our vocabulary.

Another peeve, is how many people get rails and that kind of stuff on their rifle just because. I've always thought that was dumb.

08-20-11, 21:58
A few years ago, I was on a Detroit Police range shooting with a long time buddy who's on the Mayor's protection detail. Some SWAT guys show up and I noticed what looks like the Special Forces crest, tattooed on there arms, minus the black scroll. I asked if the were all former SF Soldiers, there response was no, but they kind of borrowed the crossed arrows and dagger to make them and new members feel "special" after completing SWAT training. :rolleyes:

Suwannee Tim
08-21-11, 07:20
A couple former Delta guys I know simply called themselves "soldiers."......

I was acquainted with an astronaut who walked on the moon. I once heard him describe his vocation as "pilot".

08-22-11, 17:29
This kinda irritates me. I wouldnt expect any higher standards from a PlumCrazy owner.

08-23-11, 06:32
How about this one? "The morale of the story" I see that one on here all the time & it drives me nuts!

08-23-11, 08:03
I despise the modern day usage of the word "hero".... so simply because you volunteered at a soup kitchen once when you were 12 you are a hero.....

I know this may ruffle some feathers however I mean no disrespect with this so please just be objective and look at the entire picture.... I dislike when they use the word "hero" for cancer survivors or survivors of other illnesses... yes it is great that you survived and I am ecstatic that you beat it and are still here, I know many people that didn't, but today the word hero is used too loosely.... essentially you took meds, and didn't die... you didn't fall on a hand grenade to save your men... yes you can be an inspiration to others and help them find the will to fight... but I think the word hero is misused in this extent.

The word hero to me.. means those that selflessly give to ensure the safety of others.... not an athlete or movie star being paid millions of dollars that volunteers at the boys and girls club...

those willing to give up all of their tomorrows for a strangers today...

But I guess this is why firefighters, police officers, service men and women and other public servants are paid so high right?

they are ****in heros...

once again I mean no disrespect to those that are ill, past present or future, I myself underwent brain surgery in October 2008 and I've never in my life accomplished anything to be categorized as "HEROIC".... I just think using the word in this pretense detracts from the valor of men like those in that article....

I'm curious as to what your thoughts are regarding the opinion expressed in this recent NYT op-ed piece:


Reagans Rascals
08-23-11, 08:44
I'm curious as to what your thoughts are regarding the opinion expressed in this recent NYT op-ed piece:


Occam's Razor........... The simplest explanation for some phenomenon is more likely to be accurate than more complicated explanations... in other words... "If it isn't necessary to introduce complexities or hypotheticals into an argument, don't do it: not only will the result be less elegant and convincing, it will also less likely be correct"

That 2 page thesis was unnecessary to explain his point.

08-23-11, 08:48
Occam's Razor........... The simplest explanation for some phenomenon is more likely to be accurate than more complicated explanations... in other words... "If it isn't necessary to introduce complexities or hypotheticals into an argument, don't do it: not only will the result be less elegant and convincing, it will also less likely be correct"

That 2 page thesis was unnecessary to explain his point.

Ah, yes...but it's the New York Times - it was necessary to affect the cosmopolitan, literary-sophisticate, 'what-fools-these-mortals-be' tone, it's in their style guide.

Suwannee Tim
08-26-11, 18:32
Uber. I am tired of uber. Uber this and uber that and uber the other. Uber, uber, uber. Give it a rest.

05-05-12, 19:20
I admit- my time on this site has change a few of my outlooks. While engaging in a bit of mindless entertainment while skimming through this thread, I re-read one of my old posts-

Other annoying gunboard "memes"
-Buy Ammo Instead To be fair, there is truth to this statement. I know I need to get more ammo and shoot more. But it pops up nearly every time somebody asks about buying something. Sometimes it's ok to spend a little extra and get a freefloat tube, splurge on a trigger or buy a magazine that holds enough rounds to get you to the next level without a reload. I know I can spend a little extra and still have money for shooting, and I do

I must recant. I do recall at the time, being annoyed that nearly each "What Should I Get" thread was answered with "Buy More Ammo". Today, I realize I am just as likely to give that very same advice. I wish I'd followed that advice bought more because ammo is running low while the pile of empties has grown, but I needed a roof over my head and gas to get to work.

I guess that's become another pet peeve- running low on ammo. That and resurrecting an old thread for no good reason!