View Full Version : Some people just don't WANT to learn...

08-15-11, 19:44

I came across this post in a website I get my news/humor/bs from regularly, and this post caught my eye, a guy that spent $2100+ on a delton AR kit. The rifle itself was $1070.

At the bottom, I tried to explain to him that he spent too much and he can get a much better rifle for roughly the same price (my username is the same on there), and he responds as such:

Thank you for shitty links that are copy paste with no real information whatsoever, and links to sites with prices relatively the same as del-ton. You are 100% wrong about the standard butt-stocks not being shitty, they are ****ing crap, I was in the military, I know from first hand experience talking to literally dozens of soldiers about this problem; nobody likes those shit magpul flimsy retractable buttstocks, it's why this ace buttstock is socom issue.
I wonder why 99% of all LEO/military M16's are equipped with the ol' retractable butt stocks.
Okay, and following this logic, I wonder why this is SOCOM standard issue. Who exactly is the tougher more versatile fighter; LEO or special forces? There is a reason these are issued to special forces, because they might need to use them in ways they are not traditionally being used. Again you are 100% wrong, I can use my buttstock as a battering ram to take down a door, you cannot do that with a standard retractable butt stock. The reason they are not issued to leo is because these are mass-produced and less expensive, use your head.
My buttstock will take the pepsi challenge against your shit buttstock any day of the week, and while mine will remain firm, yours will bend, facts are facts; I would ruin your shit buttstock.
BCM is the best value on the market, I built my BCM/Daniel Defense rifle with a LITE DD Free float rail, aimpoint, sling, and all you see in this picture for less than $2000.
That's funny, I seem to here you remember saying how my build was so much more expensive with subpar parts, yet I see a shit optic where my eotech is superior, you have a shit buttstock while mine is superior, and you make no mention of a two-stage trigger, so mine is more accurate.
In total mine came out to be: $2164, while you give me a number of $2,000 with sub-standard buttstock, sub-standard optic, and substandard trigger. From the looks of it, it would appear YOU have overpaid for mediocre parts, so **** off now thanks.
If this is what you call "advice", it was wise of you to keep it to yourself, after you've spilled the beans on your so called "knowledge", showing me your substandard weapon and claiming superiority, I'd say it was indeed smart for you to not say more as you looking insanely retarded now.
So my weapon is more accurate, tougher, and it only cost me less than $200 more than yours; I'd say I indeed made the right choice.
Again, it's your gun.
It's not a gun, it's a rifle you ****ing moron.

These are the people that are keeping BM, RRA, Oly etc in business, at least with their manufacturing practices. I wouldn't have minded if he got it for a lot cheaper as he could just use it as a weekend plinker, but I was just trying to inform him that he made an expensive mistake and he won't have any of it.

Although I was trying to provide some useful insight, in the end, though,


Makes me 100% more glad I joined this group!

08-15-11, 19:50
Were you expecting a different outcome on Reddit?

08-15-11, 19:54
Well to be honest, most people on there may be misinformed...but most of them are at least open to opinions and constructive criticisms. At least the time I've been there.

However, when it comes to guns, egos just don't let go.

08-15-11, 19:54
Reedit is land of retarded liberal ass clowns.

08-15-11, 20:28
Looks like a place where I can get a cheap laugh. I'll have to check it out. You were talking about the stock on his rifle, not his mother lol.

08-15-11, 20:32
Um... wow...

Most likely a case of serious gun-shop misinfo and denial from buyers remorse.

ACE buttstock being SOCOM issued? Maybe he read that Mitch Rap bookk where he was sniping with a Sabre Masad Ayoob. :rolleyes:

Also, his $67 "KAC Forward pistol grip" is a $17 Mechtech VFG:haha:

Between his shooting tips, and the fat he was deciding between an EO and an ACOG (with disregard to their function) without at least considering an AP... well, yeah.

Either he'll never use it hard enough to notice, or one day he'll end up in a MD or EAG tactical class only to find out that he did indeed pay top dollar for hobby level guns.

08-15-11, 20:42
The gun shops around me are shit so I stay away unless I'm looking for a magpul accessory and what not.

Was in one this past Saturday and heard the guy behind the counter "schooling" some poor uninformed first time AR consumer about DPMS, BM and all that "as good as" crap. I just wanted to tel the kid M4carbine and some home work. The same ass hat behind the counter told me Spikes forges their own lowers too. Then there was the chinese made nylon rifle carriers that the shop employess attatched Glock tags to that they must have taken off an actual Glock product. Total misleading sales practices

You really need to be informed. Integrity and fireamrs sales seem to be rare.

08-15-11, 20:43

I love when people use these pics to justify an optic choice. First of all this idiot isn't even using night vision. Without an NV unit behind the optic this is a non issue because you should be using both eyes open anyway.

Secondly, this picture is completely false. I have mounted my PVS14 behind a T1 and the FOV is exactly like the Eotech. There is a faint ring where the T1 is and thats it.

I guess everyone believes whatever the manufacturers are spewing out on their websites. Don't worry, they don't have an agenda or anything. :haha:

08-15-11, 20:44
Dude needs to get down to Walgreen's ASAP before they run out of butthurt salve.

08-15-11, 20:44
Well op, that will teach ya to help people!

08-15-11, 20:46
....dont waste your brain cells on Reddit

08-15-11, 20:51
Using a two-stage trigger will make my AR more accurate?
COOL! I have to get some of those.

08-15-11, 20:54

I love when people use these pics to justify an optic choice. First of all this idiot isn't even using night vision. Without an NV unit behind the optic this is a non issue because you should be using both eyes open anyway.

Secondly, this picture is completely false. I have mounted my PVS14 behind a T1 and the FOV is exactly like the Eotech. There is a faint ring where the T1 is and thats it.

I guess everyone believes whatever the manufacturers are spewing out on their websites. Don't worry, they don't have an agenda or anything. :haha:

those pics look just like the night vision app on my ipod touch!

08-15-11, 21:07
I'm happy to hear that Reddit hasn't changed.

08-15-11, 21:24
Before the bombardment or normal stereotypes about guys that work gunshops, let me put out this disclaimer, some gunshops give the firearms industries a bad name, I was/am no expert and will tell all my customers the same thing, but the store I work at most of the guys and gals behind the counter KNOW average from good and we try desperately to let our customers know," you get what you pay for " and firearms choices are preference based but within limits, glocks are a better gun then say a jennings, there is a reason colts,bcm and noveske,dd,lmt are hard use high round count ar's, dpms,oly bushmaster are not what I would call hard use. But for a weekend plinker not a bunch of rounds, then one of the other brands may be ok, I have a passion for firearms as a hobby and a career, if a customer has a question that I don't know the answer, guess what I tell them" I don't know, but I will have the answer next time they come in, instead of telling you a line of bullshit, and leaving you misinformed, if you are working with a budget of 1000 for ar, I tell you don't settle, buy a good upper, bcm or dd and put together a decent lower with good lpk, it better to buy once dry once, not.the first time we have seen this, instead of buying something average and dropping a ton into it and end up spending more. There are some shitty gun stores out there but some try hard to break the stigma, and give customers the right information!

08-15-11, 21:25
Some guy who works at a local gunshop tried to sell me a bushmaster, i told him i had a colt and would like to get one either ordered through them or check out what they had in stock to see if it is what i was looking for.

This guy who is retired LE told me that he would never sell a colt rifle to a customer over a bushmaster?!

I was under the impression that colt was better than bushmaster for what I was going to use it for and how much I plan to shoot it.
Either way I carried a colt m4 on duty and the same rifle on swat and put multiple thousands of rounds through it and it was a great rifle.
I am still learning about AR style rifles but I really liked my colt and will be buying another in the next month or so.

Greg Kulbick
08-15-11, 22:14
Holy shit. I know I don't know a lot compared to a lot of folks on this site, but I know that guy on that other site is a ****ing tard case.

08-15-11, 22:24
Some people tend to conflate their gear/guns and their ego, and get butt hurt when they learn that their choice in _______ sucks.

When this happens, rational and impartial analysis of their situation is often very difficult.

No one wants to be a sucker, but sometimes we make bad purchases. Places like this forum, with the proper amount of research, can help the novice and experienced shooter save face as well as cash.

08-15-11, 23:09
What an Idiot

" The eotech is a true holographic site, meaning the picture of the site is somehow produced in the thing," FAIL :no:

" I would only recommend someone purchase a site like this AFTER they've mastered shooting with iron sites only. If you get used to using a system like this first, I guarantee you will not be able to hit a damn thing without it, as you'll be used to not having to be square and lined up with the site and still accurate. I've been shooting for a few years now" FAIL :no:

"drop the thing wrong and you could very possibly bend that internal spring tube causing misalignment" FAIL:haha:

. I've taken my complete build and have smacked this thing very damn hard against a door, didn't do a thing :haha: FAIL

" I get inch groupings at 200 yards consistently," with an Eotech??? FAIL

"I seem to here you remember saying how my build was so much more expensive with subpar parts, yet I see a shit optic where my eotech is superior, you have a shit buttstock while mine is superior "

"and you make no mention of a two-stage trigger, so mine is more accurate." Really? really.....FAIL

"So my weapon is more accurate, tougher, and it only cost me less than $200 more than yours; I'd say I indeed made the right choice."


08-15-11, 23:13
Back in '09 I did buy an DMPS M4 and then stumbled upon this site. After two days of reading in the tech forum section and asking questions I took it back for a full refund.

3 days later my DDM4 V1 was at my ffl and never looked back since. This site and people who help out by pointing out the differences from each brand is awesome. There are those who get it and those who don't.

08-16-11, 06:37
Were you expecting a different outcome on Reddit?

There's M4C - loaded with people from whom I've learned ALL the important things there are to know about AR15's, and even trained with & under - and there's... "other" (read, "lesser" - ESPECIALLY in reagrds to technical knowledge).

They have their niche; some are hobbyist boards, some are local boards (knowing your PHYSICAL PROXIMITY neighbors if it all goes 'flush' is not UN-important), some are specialty boards, but when I need to KNOW something, I check THIS board - first, last, & always: especially in regard to AR's.

08-16-11, 06:51
OK...I got to break down this one part here...this is too good:

I can use my buttstock as a battering ram to take down a door, you cannot do that with a standard retractable butt stock.

The guy appears to be a civilian who see's a distinct possibility that he'll need to take down a door, presumably to shoot someone on the other side, and he presumes others have seriously considered doing this too, but warns against it. He's decided that the butt of his rifle is the best way to breach a door. If you say so. Now, the instant the door flies open, the butt of his rifle will be pointing at the perp. So far, so good. I guess he'll ask whoever to hold up a sec until he can shoulder his rifle, provided the buffer tube hasn't broken off at the threads, or the rifle didn't go off and shoot some kid sitting on a bicycle across the street, watching this whole fiasco.

08-16-11, 06:56
I guess he'll ask whoever to hold up a sec until he can shoulder his rifle, provided the buffer tube hasn't broken off at the threads, or the rifle didn't go off and shoot some kid sitting on a bicycle across the street, watching this whole fiasco.

I don't know why I find this hysterically funny.

On edit: Extremely sad, but really funny.

08-16-11, 08:13
Gunnit is so ridiculous it's depressing sometimes. I try not to waste my time on that site but sometimes I can't help it. They seem to have this bizarre preoccupation with the Mosin Nagant.

08-16-11, 09:26
Gunnit is so ridiculous it's depressing sometimes. I try not to waste my time on that site but sometimes I can't help it. They seem to have this bizarre preoccupation with the Mosin Nagant.

I know- I read Reddit for everything except the politics and the gun subreddits...but every once in a while a post creeps up to view and I just have to read it. What pisses me off is not the fact that people are misinformed, it's that people don't want to stray from their obviously wrong views.

A lot can happen if you keep an open mind and willingness to admit you're wrong.

08-16-11, 09:36
He's decided that the butt of his rifle is the best way to breach a door

I wonder how hard you have to bash a door to get the bolt to unlock or possibly even partially extract a round then leave it there so the trigger just goes 'click'.

Of course a REAL man can slam one of those special stocks hard enough to completely cycle the bolt thus making sure that a fresh round is ready to go as soon as the juggling act has been completed.


I thought I was wrong once, but it turns out I was mistaken ;)

08-16-11, 11:45
I wonder how hard you have to bash a door to get the bolt to unlock or possibly even partially extract a round then leave it there so the trigger just goes 'click'.

Of course a REAL man can slam one of those special stocks hard enough to completely cycle the bolt thus making sure that a fresh round is ready to go as soon as the juggling act has been completed.

Breaching Masterkey??? I don't need no stinking Masterkey! I've got Super Ninja Buttstock Ki.

The Cat
08-16-11, 12:14
Somebody needs to tell that Ubertard that DPMS is to BCM what Sparkomatic is to Kenwood.

08-16-11, 13:25
Breaching Masterkey??? I don't need no stinking Masterkey! I've got Super Ninja Buttstock Kit.

Ha! This is too good...great reading

08-16-11, 14:37
All I am wondering is whether he sighed off at the end of the post with....."High speed, low drag....goodtogo...hoooah"?

08-16-11, 14:38
I've more or less given up on trying to educate people with regard to firearms quality. They buy whatever they want anyway, and to try to convince them otherwise generally makes them angry and me frustrated. So now I just nod and say "yeah, nice Taurus/Bushmaster/whatever...Enjoy it" and go on with my life.

08-16-11, 15:07
All I am wondering is whether he sighed off at the end of the post with....."High speed, low drag....goodtogo...hoooah"?

He should've...it would've gone right along with him calling everyone an 'operator' :suicide:

08-16-11, 15:10
I have been trying to help a guy with things from guns to framing to wiring to working on house. He said he wanted to learn and to be taught........ then he pulls crap like this guy.

I have been trying to fix stupid...... and it hurts.

08-16-11, 15:47
What a ****tard.....

08-16-11, 15:49
The guy still won't quit... Maybe we should stop adding fuel to the fire? Or maybe we should just pour on the gasoline and watch him burn :suicide2:

Edit: "I deleted my post because I didn't come here to take shit from slack jawed faggot ass pansies like you who've never used a weapon in combat in their life." Wow... Sigh.