View Full Version : I Want My Ice Age Dammit...

08-15-11, 23:25
As a kid who grew up during the 70s I was told over and over that the ICE AGE IS COMING. We weren't just due, we were overdue. Something about hairspray and DDT made it a certainty that by the time I was an adult I would be wandering the frozen tundra looking for Woolly Mammoths.

And then on Jan. 19, 1977 it snowed (actually more like lightly dusted) in South Florida and that was all the proof anybody needed. That was the beginning of the things to come and we better start getting used to it. But except for a really light dusting in Jan. of 2010 we haven't seen jack and it seems this summer crap sometimes lasts until Christmas.

Nothing like trying to have an old fashioned Christmas with the freaking AC running. 95 degrees and muggy really makes you want to eat that Thanksgiving turkey and Christmas ham.

Goddamn media scared all of us little kids with the Ice Age boogeyman and they failed to deliver. FL could USE an Ice Age, do you have any idea how big insects get when they don't die off once a year in a freeze?

08-16-11, 01:11

08-16-11, 01:31
When you get the damn Ice Age tell the asshats to send me my freaking pink hoverboards that were due be released in the magical yr. of 2000 and were originally t&e'd and announced in the 80's by that guy named Marty McFly.

Don't even get me started on tech stuff. That damn 2001 movie promised all kinds of crap by now.

08-16-11, 04:00
I just installed a Heatmaster 5000 outdoor wood boiler, bring on the cold weather. Im oil independent for heat and hot water.

08-16-11, 05:42
Don't even get me started on tech stuff. That damn 2001 movie promised all kinds of crap by now.

Ain't that the truth. I grew up on a steady diet of Heinlein, Asimov, and Clarke throughout grade school and junior high and was totally floored by 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Instead of a massive orbiting space station, a permanent moon base, and manned missions to the outer planets, I got a bunch of teenage girls texting each other while trying to kill me with their dad's SUV and a worldwide web dominated by porn sites and dip shits spamming my email. :fie:

08-16-11, 12:21
Don't even get me started on tech stuff. That damn 2001 movie promised all kinds of crap by now.

Nobody realized in the 60s and early 70s just how retarded liberals would get, and also that the Soviet Union would not always be around to push us to accomplish hard things so we could boast about being better than the commies.

Two reasons why we fell so short of expectations. Pretty sure LEO is supposed to be industrialized and we are supposed to have a base on the moon and be headed towards Martian colonization right about now according to the 60s Futurists.


08-16-11, 15:48
And then on Jan. 19, 1977 it snowed (actually more like lightly dusted) in South Florida and that was all the proof anybody needed.

I WAS THERE! That's the year we went to see Micky Mouse!