View Full Version : Question for ACOG/RDS owners

09-10-11, 22:18
So i need some guidance ,I have the chance to buy an ACOG at a solid price . Any ACOG. My situation is this: I have the money to buy 1 optic for my primary rifle , Sadly i cannot try most of them because not many places around here carry Aimpoint,Eotech,or Trijicon and if they do they are sealed up and not available for playing with , I am also a noob but am attending my first class soon and would like to have a optic to run the class with . These are the questions i have :
1) I am pretty sure i know the answer but out of the 3 styles of sights (RDS, Holo,Fiber optic) which is the most user friendly ?
1a) out of the Acogs which is the most user friendly?
2) I know this is very subjective but which style would give the most flexibility in terms of performance in various settings ?

There are so many damn ACOG models im a tad overwhelmed and since ive looked through maybe 1 in my life im not sure which to get . The rifle its going on is my primary defensive rifle . I get that one optic doesn't fulfill every need however i am looking for one that will fulfill MOST needs while allowing me to train around its shortcomings . I did a search and found info on the individual models and brands and im not totally clueless however this is one of those things where if i buy it im stuck with it and i would rather not regret my purchase . My first instinct is to get a Eotech EXPS-3 and be done with it because I very briefly got to play with one and took to it quckly, but i figured id ask .

09-10-11, 23:31
To make matters worse, have you considered an illuminated 1-4x variable power scope? The TR24 or Vortex Viper pst may be worth a look. From my understanding you get a great deal of utility, but they may not be the best at any given task. If you're willing to spend acog money, check out the grsc crs 1-6x scope... I wish i had the money for one of them.

To help answer your queston, an RDS (aimpoint or eotech) would probably be the most user friendly since there is no reticle to learn with mils or holdover or what have you. An acog requires a little more thought to take full advantage of what it offers.

Put a lot of thought into this question and you'll find you want everything; Which is why im saving for a 1-4x scope :D an aimpoint or eotech would also be nice, but you need to decide which one.

09-11-11, 00:32

To me, I prefer a T-1 in a QD Absolute Height Mount. I use ADM but some others are good.

If I ever needed my AR for HD/SD it would more than likely be in my house or yard. A RDS is almost natural. At those ranges, whether you see a perfect red dot or a comet red dot or whatever...put the "red" where you want the bullet to go and pull the trigger.

I tried a ACOG (whichever model # ends in NSN) for a few months. It was a 4X and although it was solid and I shot it well at the range, I didn't find it as intuitive as my T-1. Under stress in low light or brush or just less than ideal conditions it was hard to use...reticle was too fine.

I will eventually get a high-end illuminated 1-4X for my other AR, but I do not think it would be my go to gun.

But maybe it's just me...


09-11-11, 01:06
At normal civilian engagement distances a RDS seems to be the most practical. Most of the guys I have heard sing the ACOG praises are military in Afghanistan, where the magnification comes in handy with the longer engagement distances.

nobody knows
09-11-11, 08:11
Imo you would be much better served with a T-1 and a 3x magnifier. Or you could go the 1-4x rout. But in all honesty there will be nothing you can't do inside 300 meters with an aimpoint T-1. Just my opinion. Now if you are going to be shooting consistently past 300 meters an 4x acog would be the way to go. I guess if you wanted a 1x or 2.5x acog you might get some more use out of it, but again I would go with the T-1. Just my opinion.

09-11-11, 08:38
Take the class with irons. At the class there will most likely be one of each of the models you have in mind that the other shooters will have. During down time at the class take a look at them and maybe even ask to fire a few rounds using them. After that, decide on what you like best.

09-11-11, 14:34
For a first, and potentially only sight, I recommend a quality RDS.
The only two I recommend at this point (given individual strengths and robustness), are the EXPS line and several Aimpoints.

09-11-11, 14:49
I have both ACOG TA33 and Aimpoint PRO. If I were to have only one I would have the Aimpoint, no doubts. With that being said, the ACOG is awesome for good light conditions, I can pick up the reticle with both eyes opened pretty fast at CQB distances and take advantage of the 3x magnifier for longer distance shots. At low light condition the ACOG is not good IMO, really hard to get the reticle. The Aimpoint is just great.

09-11-11, 15:18
I was looking at the ACOG as well and went and looked at the TA01NSN, they are great but I agree with everyone who said that unless your going to engage targets past 300m you would be better served with a QUALITY RDS, I went with the Aimpoint PRO and I have no problem with 200m shooting (that is how long the range is I go to). A 3X magnifier will help with target ID but is not necessary in my opinion.

09-11-11, 16:43
The one and only should be an Aimpoint. I own ACOG models TA33HG and TA44G's and think they're great optics but if I had to choose only one for self defense it would be a T-1 on Larue mount. The TA44 is the closest ACOG you'll get to an aimpoint and it is a great site, but not an Aimpoint. As a do it all ACOG the TA33 is hard to beat but is not as fast up close as an Aimpoint. I haven't owned an Eotech in many years so cannoit comment on them. FWIW I think the TA01NSN is one of the least desirable ACOG's for a general purpose optic. It is good for longer range but the reticle really sucks up close.