View Full Version : Pelican 1700 Problem

09-27-11, 17:08
So I exchanged my 1720 for a 1700. Had no problems at all with the 1720.

The 1700 is a different story. The o-ring keep coming out of its groove. I had figured maybe the one at the local shop had been finger banged too much, and the o-ring stretched out more than it should have been.

Needless to say, if the o-ring comes out of its groove, closing the case becomes very difficult...

I ordered another o-ring and it was great for about 5 minutes, before it started doing the same shit. Pelican's website said the o-ring is only suppose to be pressed into the groove, but for whatever reason i'm getting no joy with that.

Has anyone used any glue or grease to hold it in? I called Pelican and the guy said to use a water or rubber based glue, but wouldn't/couldn't eleborate as to a brand.

Looking for something that will work that I can buy locally, I have yet another o-ring inbound.

09-27-11, 17:40
Use rubber cement (can be bought at any hardware/hobby store). Put a small dab in the four corners, and at the center of each side, won't take much. carefully place in o-ring the close case and lock for 8 to 12 hours. this should hold it in place but also allow it to be removed later with out much trouble.

09-27-11, 18:15
I strongly suggest contacting Pelican - their CS is second to none.
Would be very surprised if they didn't help you out.

Have used and abused Pelican cases for more than 25 years - actually 3 years ago sent them my very first case, purchased in 84 or so, finally cracked at the hinges from abuse at the hands of Air France.
My gear survived - the case didn't.
Without a question they sent me a new case, picked up S/H old to them and new to me
I think they kept mine for their museum......:)

09-27-11, 19:33
I did contact Pelican, the o-ring isn't covered as a part of their warranty.

I called Pelican and the guy said to use a water or rubber based glue, but wouldn't/couldn't eleborate as to a brand.

A google search for water based glue lead to a bunch of Chinese crap.

09-27-11, 19:38
Pelican refuse to warranty it?

I am no longer Pelican fan. lol

09-27-11, 20:36
That's what the woman on the phone said. You know, it's only a $7 o-ring. On a $200 case.

They don't warranty the $7 o-ring. It kind of pisses me off, because it's been such a huge pain in the ass. On my 1720, it was a non-issue. On THIS 1700, its been a huge pain. That alone kind of tells me something was missed at the factory initially.

Pelican was friendly about it, but it doesn't change the fact that it's bullshit I suppose...

09-27-11, 21:14
So they won't replace a $7 o-ring on a new $200+ case but they'll replace a 20+ year old case that was cracked with a brand new $200 one? I'm confused...

So just crack your case (somehow) and turn the whole thing in as warranty and you'll get a whole new case? :confused:

In reality, I'd just do the rubber cement idea that was previously mentioned and go from there. If it works then you're done. If not, then I'd be on the phone again w/ Pelican and asking to speak to the manager.

09-27-11, 21:22
Flight of stairs + concrete floor = new case

Not that I would do it! :nono:

Just sayin! :happy:

09-27-11, 22:06
Unfortunately it will take a lot more than concrete stairs. Just so you know.
May I suggest filling it with bricks and throwing it down the 15th floor.
Then call them and say you flew with some 3rd world airlines and they blew you off.
Perhaps a bit extreme but nevertheless, it is an option.

10-08-11, 16:45
Their position has been that the O-ring is a wear item that is supposed to be replaced almost annually. A failure of the O-ring isn't covered under their warranty because it's not a defect in their design or manufacturing.

10-08-11, 16:53
Sounds to me like the o-ring didn't fail, the plastic or whatever that HOLDS the o-ring failed. My Pelican isn't here so I don't have a visual to go on, or something to check to see what's supposed to hold it in.

10-08-11, 17:17
Their position has been that the O-ring is a wear item that is supposed to be replaced almost annually. A failure of the O-ring isn't covered under their warranty because it's not a defect in their design or manufacturing.

Except this is a brand new case. The o-ring shouldn't be falling out of the goove everytime you close or move the lid.

They did send me a small bottle of glue free of charge. Glued it in and all is well.

I would call that defective assembly, not having any originally, but the guy I spoke made it right.

10-08-11, 17:30
I've had that happen on a couple of Pelican camera cases, but mostly as they age. In those two situations, I didn't even get a new O-ring, all I did was clean off the non-0-ring surface (lid) with some alcohol then sprayed it with some silicone spray and wiped it down. Then wiped the O-ring down in-place with some silicone spray. Haven't had a problem with either case since.