View Full Version : Zeer pot clay fridge. No electricity needed.

09-27-11, 17:08
If you experience an extended period of time without electricity and your refrigerator's insulation can no longer keep the food inside cold what other options do you have? How do you keep those veggies and meat their freshest for the longest period of time without modern conveniences?

The Zeer pot works through evaporative cooling and has been used for centuries although recently "rediscovered" to help people keep food stored cool in Nigeria first and then the rest of Africa. I think this is a great idea for "off the grid" type of refrigeration and could prove to be very useful.

Long version: http://youtu.be/vcuSlaecvIw (12 min video)

Shorter version: http://youtu.be/bSZH0K-Qhuw (5 min video)

Being used in Sudan: http://youtu.be/ZNKifJHqScc (2 min video)

As an example the shelf life of a tomato would be 2 days by itself and when stored in a Zeer pot that extends to 20 days! Google for more info and there's a Wiki article here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pot-in-pot_refrigerator

09-27-11, 18:59
They can work really well if the weather cooperates and you have the water to spare. We had a few while I was training at 29 palms while in the Corp's and the pots would chill the beer nicely. These can be made in many sizes but the sand to use is that powdery talcum style sand which is a bit more efficient than regular beach sand.

09-27-11, 19:13
They can work really well if the weather cooperates and you have the water to spare.

Very true. The pots will work best in dry, desert like conditions and not very well where it's humid due to the water needing to evaporate to cool the pot, food and beer. :D If you're somewhere near a natural water source like a river, stream or lake this would work out quite well for cooling purposes.

09-27-11, 19:47
not really applicable for my area, but cool nonetheless