View Full Version : Remington's AR-15

11-15-07, 11:50

I guess it was inevitable since Bushmaster and Remington are now owned by the same people (Cerberus Capital Management). Any preliminary opinions on this one?

11-15-07, 12:00
its a bushmaster in disguise.

11-15-07, 12:22
Hmm, lets see, a varmint gun without a SS barrel. Sounds like a great idea!

I cannot imagine why anyone would buy this.


11-15-07, 13:01
Another Bushmaster to saturate the market. :rolleyes:

11-15-07, 13:54
That's just a bunch of camo colored Bushmaster Varmint rifles. No thanks.

11-15-07, 14:01
Any preliminary opinions on this one?

Oh, the anticipation :rolleyes:

Hell, if it gets more Fudds into ARs, super. The more people that own Evil Multicolored Rifles the harder it will be to ban ours. I hope they sell thousands of 'em.

11-15-07, 14:37
Hell, if it gets more Fudds into ARs, super. The more people that own Evil Multicolored Rifles the harder it will be to ban ours. I hope they sell thousands of 'em.

That is a very good point.

Plus, having more AR's on the market will hopefully do nothing but help the market for upgrades and quality spare parts.

11-15-07, 14:39

I guess it was inevitable since Bushmaster and Remington are now owned by the same people (Cerberus Capital Management). Any preliminary opinions on this one?

I find this ironic considering Al Gore, who has never seen a gun control bill that he did not like, owns a large chunk of Cerberus. Then again if memory serves Cerberus was a multi headed beast guarding the gates of hell.

11-15-07, 14:41
I love your thinking Failure2stop,the more the better!

11-15-07, 14:47
Oh, the anticipation :rolleyes:

Hell, if it gets more Fudds into ARs, super. The more people that own Evil Multicolored Rifles the harder it will be to ban ours. I hope they sell thousands of 'em.
While I appreciate the sentiment calling people that use their guns for what they are intended for Fudds probably wont win friends and influence people to see our side of the picture. I must be a tac Fudd because I own both EBR's and hunting guns.

11-15-07, 14:49
I find this ironic considering Al Gore, who has never seen a gun control bill that he did not like, owns a large chunk of Cerberus. Then again if memory serves Cerberus was a multi headed beast guarding the gates of hell. Mr Green party's fortune came from COAL. I wonder what that does for his carbon footprint.:D

11-15-07, 14:58
While I appreciate the sentiment calling people that use their guns for what they are intended for Fudds probably wont win friends and influence people to see our side of the picture. I must be a tac Fudd because I own both EBR's and hunting guns.

Didn't mean to insult you, I really don't think that Fudd is an insult though. It's just easier than typing "common people that are mainly interested in shooting at ducks, gophers, deer, elk, etc. and really couldn't care less if their AR comes with the black extractor buffer, and will probably not ever own an SBR, suppressor, or even a VFG".

I used to own hunting rifles, and I am eager to refill my collection.

I also use my EBR for it's intended purpose:D . Sorry, couldn't resist.

Dave L.
11-15-07, 15:30
Man, I thought this thread was a big joke...then the page finished loading.

You know this all happened because we got Jim Zumbo fired.

...I'm still laughing.

11-15-07, 16:39
While I appreciate the sentiment calling people that use their guns for what they are intended for Fudds probably wont win friends and influence people to see our side of the picture. I must be a tac Fudd because I own both EBR's and hunting guns.

I use it at a local gunshop occasionally when I run into a real Fudd. My definition of a real Fudd being that they are willing to sell everyone elses rights down the river so long as they can hunt upland game and shoot clays.

It is mind set, not what guns you own, that make you a Fudd. I have more truly rabid 2A friends who will not own an AR than those who do. They are not Fudds, they have generally believeable reasons not to own an AR.

11-15-07, 17:33
That is a very good point.

Plus, having more AR's on the market will hopefully do nothing but help the market for upgrades and quality spare parts.

I couldn't agree more with both of you! Strength in numbers!

Regarding FUDD's...we need to respect their rights if we want them to respect ours. When I was just a FUDD (was I really?) I always believed that if I sold the handgunners out, the grabbers were one step closer to me.

I belong to a club here in Colorado, where the Trap and Sporting clay shooters out number the "Tacticians" by 7 to 1. But guess what...we have (5) 50 yd deep berms where we can shoot 180 degrees at any type of target including steel, with any type of weapon (including full auto with prior permission) all we want. Do the FUDD's look at us funny when we come off the range caked in sand, mud and dust with our "Costumes" on? Hell yeah, but we laugh at their little "Costumes" for clays just as much. It's all in good fun.

The point...we all support each others constitutional rights.



Don Robison
11-15-07, 17:44
I must be a tac Fudd because I own both EBR's and hunting guns.

Only if you hunt in a blaze orange molle chest rig and mich helmet:D

Like the others have said it's a mindset thing.

As for the Remington ARs. I wouldn't own one, but if we can get a couple million fuds to buy them, maybe they'll be less willing to sell us up the river to save their "huntin' rights".

11-15-07, 19:12
I find this ironic considering Al Gore, who has never seen a gun control bill that he did not like, owns a large chunk of Cerberus. Then again if memory serves Cerberus was a multi headed beast guarding the gates of hell.
The owner of Cerberus is very pro-gun. He even wrote in a letter to bitch slap the NY Times over one of their pro gun control articles long before he owned any gun companies. The fact he hasn't dismantled and/or sold off all these gun companies yet also shows he has a soft spot for firearms. In a CNN interview he said he drives a big 4WD Dodge truck and likes to go shooting on the weekends or something along those lines.

I agree with the sentiment that the more AR's on the market that appeal to more people, the better. Elmer F. McOverunder probably thinks AR15's are evil. That is until he picks up that new pretty camo Remington auto loader that feels good in the hands and out shoots his favorite blued and wooden bolt gun.

11-15-07, 19:37
Remington is the oldest manufacturer of firearms in our country (and judging by their product line-up, one of the more conservative). The fact that they have adopted and seem to be running with the AR platform may well soften some stony liberal hearts...maybe killing people in copious amounts with tumbling buzzsaw bullets fired rapidly from the hip isn't ALL the AR is good for after-all?

Even if the rifle isnt the greatest available, it is a solid political development in our favor. +1 on implementing the idea, if not design.

11-15-07, 20:04
For some reason I'd like to have a Remington marked lower.

11-15-07, 20:54
[QUOTE=olds442tyguy;95140]The owner of Cerberus is very pro-gun. He even wrote in a letter to bitch slap the NY Times over one of their pro gun control articles long before he owned any gun companies. The fact he hasn't dismantled and/or sold off all these gun companies yet also shows he has a soft spot for firearms. In a CNN interview he said he drives a big 4WD Dodge truck and likes to go shooting on the weekends or something along those lines.

This I did not know. I merely had read in some financial magazine about Gore and remembered Cerberus. Glad to hear that the ones in charge are not that way.

11-15-07, 20:56
+1 on spreading the BRD to hunters.

11-15-07, 21:15
Didn't mean to insult you, I really don't think that Fudd is an insult though. It's just easier than typing "common people that are mainly interested in shooting at ducks, gophers, deer, elk, etc. and really couldn't care less if their AR comes with the black extractor buffer, and will probably not ever own an SBR, suppressor, or even a VFG".

I've used "Fudd." I've decided not to anymore. Whether or not it's insulting, it's divisive. I'll opt for "sportsmen", "recreational", or "seasonal" when describing those folks. We're going to need them.

11-15-07, 21:20
...as long as they're not Zumbo-like.

I know many hunters who have tried ARs and fell in love with them.

11-15-07, 21:29
I've used "Fudd." I've decided not to anymore. Whether or not it's insulting, it's divisive. I'll opt for "sportsmen", "recreational", or "seasonal" when describing those folks. We're going to need them.

Fudd is a term used for people who actively down AR fans because of the rifles we enjoy. Not something used for the guy who just never saw a need for using an AR but isn't upset by the mere mention of one.


11-15-07, 23:44
and here all this time I thought "Fudd" was just another name for a goofy hunter (like me) sort of like a "Fife" but anyway I've killed quite a bit more than paper targets or tin cans with my AR's and as a hunter I'll defend all my guns and my rights. Let's not make this an "us vs. them" when referring to gun owners, as I said before it was the Fudds who got dumbo fired not the Fifes.

Now for the Remington rifle, what happened to their AR-10 offering? It also had some suggestions made by Byron South a coyote hunter, I wonder if remington makes the barrel? They have a new trigger design of their own and will have a few different options. It could be interesting.

11-16-07, 18:27
I have been around both types of shooters alot, not to mention the hunters who feel that our AR's-AK's ect put the media focus on gun control. They have done a good job in driving a wedge into the hunting/shooting community. As gun owners we need to start working that wedge back out. Remington and S&W have both brought AR's into the prime time again. Colt is happy to sit back and see their Govt contracts keep them solvent and could give a damn less about the American hunters or citizens in general. I guess if you are a true American that wants to keep their shooting rights we should only support those companies that put their money where their mouth is. If you are serious about keeping the clubs pro Firearm, not just rifle and shotgun, Volunteer to help Upgrade firing ranges and maintain them. Nothing will sour a gun club to the AR's faster than coming out to zero their deer rifles and finding the back stop and target frames shot to hell and 7.62x39 brass every where, 5.56 has become so pricy that we dont find much of that laying around anymore except Wolf of course.We have to contribute and not just expect that because we pay our dues that the responsibility stops there. Get involved, change our image, let other shooters know that we are just as involved as everyone else.