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Jay Cunningham
11-17-07, 11:47
N.J. SWAT Team Axed After Racy Hooters Pictures Surface (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,312028,00.html)


11-17-07, 12:08
I don't see what the big deal was with those photos? They aren't in my opinion, racy at all and if anything those boys deserved to blow of a little steam after what they did to help.

Also, the girls certainly looked to be enjoying themselves so no harm, no foul.

11-17-07, 12:35
New Jersey has got to be one of the most contradictory states in the US. Liberal in any way that hurts gunowners, but conservative in any way that relates to attractive women. . .

What will happen if New Jersey finds out that there are cops that actually engage in sexual congress with women!?

Can we vote NJ out of the US?

Kurt Reifert
11-17-07, 12:55
Not a single finger on the trigger in any of those photos!
Hooters trains their employees well.

11-17-07, 12:59
I find it unprofessional and inappropriate. They are grab-assing in agency gear and garb, which ties their agency, coworkers, and profession to their activities. Were they in civies having some team-time, that'd be different. There are also several other policy violations there likely, as well.

The response may be a little heavy-handed. Collecting a pound of behind, documenting a warning, and resuming normal may have been more appropriate.

Maybe not, however. Rarely are such things an isolated incident. I wonder if this might not be the proverbial straw.

Rightly or wrongly, the old adage that "what goes TDY, stays TDY" no longer applies, and folks should behave accordingly. And keep better control of your A/V souveniers.

Not a popular opinion, I'm sure.

11-17-07, 15:41
It is Hoboken, what did they expect? :D

This guy looks stoned

11-17-07, 15:48
I agree with what skin has to say. But to drop the team. That seams to be a little steep and dumb. Now b/c there is no swat team it will put uniformed officers at more of a risk. Besides I have plenty of pictures that I have taken with some good looking women who just love cops (although I never let them handle my firearms that just plain reckless)

11-17-07, 15:54

Not a popular opinion, I'm sure.

I do agree with you. While it might have been inappropriate and unprofessional I don't think it was serious enough to can the whole team. But you might be right in that this might have just been the last straw.

And like DM just stated it puts other officers and the citizens at a greater risk. Sounds to me like some accountant needed to make budget cuts and found an excuse.

Oh and I have a weakness for Hooters waitresses :D

11-17-07, 16:52
I would like to see what happen if John Doe and buddies were coming back from the range, stopped by Hooters and were playing with their ARs out in the parking lot with the girls. It would be all over the news and the charges would be numerous.

11-17-07, 17:20
Oh and I have a weakness for Hooters waitresses :D

Who doesn't:D

11-17-07, 17:23
Who doesn't:D

She Who Must Be Obeyed.;)

11-17-07, 18:00
She Who Must Be Obeyed.;)

That is why I am thankful I am single. The ex would have killed me over what I did today. Went in for cleaning patches for my pistol came out with a pistol caliber carbine (Baretta CX4 Storm).

11-17-07, 18:13
I don't see what the big deal was with those photos? They aren't in my opinion, racy at all and if anything those boys deserved to blow of a little steam after what they did to help.

Also, the girls certainly looked to be enjoying themselves so no harm, no foul.

While I tend to agree in general....

I would also point out that if any of us were in New Jersey showing off our blasters with the Hooters girls we'd be in handcuffs in no time flat....

Canning the whole team seems excessive to me. There are some pretty serious allegations about the Lt in charge of the team, but this lapse in judgment shouldn't be enough to can the rest of the team.

11-17-07, 18:13
I would like to see what happen if John Doe and buddies were coming back from the range, stopped by Hooters and were playing with their ARs out in the parking lot with the girls. It would be all over the news and the charges would be numerous.

ESPECIALLY in New Jersey.

11-17-07, 18:24
John_Wayne777;95752 I would also point out that if any of us were in New Jersey showing off our blasters with the Hooters girls we'd be in handcuffs in no time flat

The team is from Jersey. All of this went down in Alabama.

11-17-07, 18:31
What do you expect from a PD that had a Tranny on the force? For a town that is only one mile square and is affluent I don't even know why they had a SWAT team to being with. I know it is all the rage to have one but in this case it is a waste of money.

11-17-07, 20:30
I don't see what the big deal was with those photos? They aren't in my opinion, racy at all and if anything those boys deserved to blow of a little steam after what they did to help.

Also, the girls certainly looked to be enjoying themselves so no harm, no foul.

Screwing around at a bar with a department issued vehicle and letting any unauthorized personal fondle issued weapons without authorization is a bit of a no no.

I have no problem with what happened to them as a result of this.

11-17-07, 20:34
I was expecting the pictures to actually be racy.

11-17-07, 20:36
I'm more concerned about SWAT using that Ace stock. :p

No, seriously, that does reflect poorly on their unit and their department. You can do it, but don't photograph it you dipshits. :(

11-17-07, 21:14
You can do it, but don't photograph it you dipshits. :(

Actually, I can refer you to some people I know who did it, and it wasnt photographed, but there were witnesses, LOTS of them who didnt this this was appropriate public behavior for public servants.

Im all about the off duty fun, but theres a limit on what you should consider good to go in public these days.

11-17-07, 21:30
...LOTS of them who didnt think this was appropriate public behavior for public servants.

You're probably right, especially where weapons are concerned.

Yeah, just don't do it.

11-18-07, 14:09
Unsafe? Not really. Unprofessional? Definitely. Deserving of being axed. I don't think so.

What we have to look at is that we don't know THEIR rules and THEIR policies. The officers chose to break those rules consciously. It may well have been more on the principal that they would chose to disreguard a lot of policy/rules than what they actually did.

11-18-07, 14:21
Unsafe? Not really.

Playing with guns with a bunch of strangers after a night of drinking. Sounds pretty safe to me.:rolleyes:

11-18-07, 14:54
The guys are still Police Officers, nothing really happened to them. Where was the concern for other officers and the public when they sent the "whole" team down to N.O. to help out? I imagine the Sheriffs Dept. or another local Police Dept. picked up the slack just like what is probably happening now. If you're going to through out common sense and your departments regulations make sure you don't do both on film.

11-18-07, 18:07
The guys are still Police Officers, nothing really happened to them. Where was the concern for other officers and the public when they sent the "whole" team down to N.O. to help out? I imagine the Sheriffs Dept. or another local Police Dept. picked up the slack just like what is probably happening now. If you're going to through out common sense and your departments regulations make sure you don't do both on film.

That goes back to my original post in this thread. Hoboken is a small town. It literally is only 1 square mile and most of the people who live there work in NYC. While Hoboken used to be a working town it no longer is. In the past 15 years it has become quite affluent with million dollar apartments are common place. There is no gang or major drug problems in Hoboken.

There really is no need for them to have a SWAT team in the first place. If there was ever a real need it could easily be handled by the Hudson County SWAT team. I have to believe that the powers that be realized that fact and were looking for a reason to get rid of the SWAT team and these pictures gave them the cover they needed to do so.

Don G.
11-18-07, 18:18
Content deleted.

11-19-07, 07:39
The team is from Jersey. All of this went down in Alabama.

I know.

The point I was making is that if you or I did this the very officers pictured would have arrested us and filed charges had we done the same thing in their district...and likely we would be facing serious jail time thanks to NJ's commie gun laws. In reality this wouldn't happen because I wouldn't be pulling my AR-15 in the parking lot of Hooters after a bunch of drinking in an attempt to impress the girls.

"Hey, baby, wanna fondle my chrome plated Beretta?" just doesn't work for me as a pickup line.

11-19-07, 08:21
From my understanding, they all kept their badges, and only the Lt. has been removed from patrol duties.

Frankly, they are all lucky to have kept their jobs. They probably should not have been fired, but they certainly failed to display the type of judgment typically expected from someone who is on an "elite" unit.

Actually, I take that back.

They let unknown persons (that's what the Hooter's girls are) handle firearms outside of a department sanctioned activity.

They should be fired.

Joe Mamma
11-19-07, 15:46
[double post, sorry]

Joe Mamma

Joe Mamma
11-19-07, 15:46
I'm more concerned about SWAT using that Ace stock. :p

Now that's f'n funny!

Joe Mamma

11-19-07, 16:15
...these days.

Ah, the hypersensitive and politically correct times we live in. I mean, in Australia recently they were asking Santas not to say "Ho-ho-ho," lest they find themselves standing in line with Don Imus. :rolleyes:

It's not about impropriety, it's about the perception of impropriety. Like it or not, it's the way it is.