View Full Version : Heirloom Precision...

Jason Burton
11-17-07, 22:17
As most of you already know over the last month or so some changes took place at the Yo-Bo shop resulting in the “new” venture, Heirloom Precision, LLC., between Ted Yost, Steve Bailey, and myself. Well not really “new” as we three have been working together for some time now, but “new” from the standpoint of having a revived focus in the work we do and passion we do it with.

The shop location, business plan, and everyday happenings really aren’t any different for us, but with a new company being born the three of us thought it was probably time for a bit of renovation to the shop and our general work area. As Ted likes to say, we’ve spent the last few year so busy chopping wood that we never stopped to sharpen our axe.

So with some rearranging in the shop area and a reclamation of a good bit of square footage the three of us set forth to put the shop in order and create our own little fortress of solitude. And what better way to set it off than to post some pictures of the renovated area. Those of you who have been to the shop will doubtless see a huge change and those who have yet to see the shop in person will hopefully enjoy the pictures as a window into our madness... enjoy! :)

New and roomier benches...




... the dirty room...


... good machines make life easier...



... and we thought a brand-spankin’ new mill was in order... so we got a BIG one... :D



... etching, stippling... and occasionally we makes some bullets so I can get the guns dirty...





... and of course every gunshop needs a shop dog...


11-17-07, 22:48
Thanks for the insight into the workshop that turns out the great pistols you guys are building....:D

11-17-07, 23:11
I really envy the job you three have. Cool, thanks for sharing.

11-17-07, 23:29
Need an apprentice/janitor? Jason, my resume in enroute. I can sweep with the best of 'em. ;)

11-17-07, 23:32
I can mop better, the Navy taught me!:p

Don Robison
11-18-07, 00:11
Great looking shop.

Oh yea,
I do windows.

11-18-07, 00:55
Good luck with the new venture.

11-19-07, 09:55
Wow! Jason I thought that you guys did it all with a nail file and come paper clips!!!:D


11-19-07, 10:41
Where's the Dremels???

Who's bench is it with the red vise?

I've worked in a machine shop during college, I can fit a trigger and checker feed ramps :). When can I send in my application?

Nice place Jason, Ted and Steve.

Jason Burton
11-20-07, 00:05
Thanks for the comments guys... and Damian, I’m expecting that application. :)

Wow! Jason I thought that you guys did it all with a nail file and come paper clips!!!:D

Nah... besides it’s widely known all over the internet that all you really need to work on 1911s is a hack-saw, grinder, and a kitchen table.

Where's the Dremels???

Who's bench is it with the red vise?

I've worked in a machine shop during college, I can fit a trigger and checker feed ramps :). When can I send in my application?

Nice place Jason, Ted and Steve.

Dremels... we don’t need no stinkin’ Dremels... we got Foredoms! Stop by some time and we’ll show ya’ how we stipple feed-ramps. :eek:

The red vise... that’s Bailey’s bench, Ted’s behind that, and as someone else pointed out mine is the one in the back with the booster-seat. :p

11-20-07, 02:09
... and Damian, I’m expecting that application. :)

Jason, since I don't have your form, I'll just forward my letter of interest and resume. Expect an e-mail, Bro.

11-20-07, 07:01
I forgot to mention the nice calender and track lightings, that's fancy.

Jason Burton
11-20-07, 22:51
I forgot to mention the nice calender and track lightings, that's fancy.

We where gonna' go with lava-lamps but we figured track lighting was a bit more our speed. :p