View Full Version : ????? re optics

10-20-11, 09:13
First let me state I'm an old fart , eye sight is going, that said long time AR shooter with ??? re more modern optics than I'm used to.

I have an AR with aimpoint M2, while it's fast I think it isn't as accurate as irons let alone X powered sights.
I have 2 AR's to equip, looking for something better.

Thinking of an aimpoint TA01 I can't shoot with both eyes open ( xeyed dom, rt handed, so close down left eye to shoot), so Bindon concept is gone..... so I'm thinkg TA01 is a good bet. I like the reticle pattern on this model.

However something like a TA31 with magnification AND a red dot ( albeit a donut or chevron) might be a good bet also. BUT is it more expensive than a TA01. Not trying to be cheap just trying to be cost effective.

Just want something bullet proof and simple....looking for any knowledgeable input.
My thanks in advance.

10-20-11, 09:27
This will probably get moved to the optics forum, you might get more activity there.

I think I understnd what you're stating. Some abbreviations are hard to understand. Being cross eye dominant is a hurdle but many have done it. If you're going to shoot right handed but left eyed you will have trouble with eye relief consistency. An optice with a wider field of view will help. If you're wanting more precision you might look at the various 1-4 offerings. If you're set on an ACOG the TA01 lends itself to more precision because of the reticle design but is of limited value up close in my opinion. Have you considered trying to relearn by either forcing yourself to use your right eye of trying to shoot left handed? Those are both options since you state you cannot shoot with both eyes open.

What exactly do you want to be able to accomplish accuracy wise? That's really the question you need to answer and then make an appropriate choice based of your conclusion.

As you are setting up 2 pea shooters why not stay with the Aimpoint on one and set the other up for longer range? Another option might be a 3X magnifier for the aimpoint. You just need to define what you want and go from there. I don't want to sound redundant but you have to answer that first before we can give you hard and fast opinions.

10-21-11, 01:25
Do you have problems with the Aimpoint dot?
How far do you want to shoot?
What sized targets?

10-21-11, 02:17
I think for the money it would be worth it to pick up an Aimpoint 3x to drop in behind the M2's. See how that works before dropping more money on an ACOG.