View Full Version : Differences between DD Omega X FSP/ RIS II FSP/ Lite FSP

10-22-11, 16:09
Ok I know these threads have been done before. I did a search and suprisingly came up with little. Looked at daniel defence website and left just as lost as I am now. So looking at the omega x 12.5 fsp RIS 2 12.5 fsp whats the difference? I know the ris, you can remove the bottom rail for a m203. For me it would be nice for cleaning. I also read the bottom rail on the ris is not as wide. After that I am lost. Their attatchments appear to be the same matterials appear to be the same, use appears to be the same. So whats the difference?

I'm not 100% new to AR's but I am new to adding things to them. I have always used guns 100% stock for awhile before I decide if it needs anything. I have found consistently, on my colt 6920 I want to put my hand right under the FSP or close to it. So I am looking for a hand guard that will allow this. I dont want to get rid of the front sight and really like the idea of mounting a light at the 12 oclock position right where my thumb will be. So a rail in such a set up is right ur my alley. I have also read this technique aids with target to target transition. I have found in my own use this to be true. Less wobble when getting back on target.

10-23-11, 08:49
Lite and RIS-II have the same excellent bolt-up attachment. The Lite is more of an oval shape and the RIS-II is more round. I would go with the Lite Rail only because I prefer one piece handguards, especially in 12" length.

10-23-11, 11:10
The bolt up system is superior to the Omega X's mounting. The RIS II has a removable bottom section, but unlike the KAC URX II which has a removable bottom as well, the RIS II has a one piece section at the very front which makes it much more solid that other two piece options. I hope that made sense.

I prefer the profile of the RIS II over most other rails I've owned or handled, plus living a half a block from the oceanI like having access to the barrel by removing the bottom rail. But the differences are small and I'd be perfectly happy with either.