View Full Version : Got hit in the left arm while shooting my M4 today...

10-25-11, 21:45
I have a newer BCM m4 w/ factory pinned PWS's FSC556. I'm right handed, and was bench shooting today. On one of the shots today something: residue, powder, idk what it was, hit my left arm. It broke the skin and I was immediately bleeding (burned too). After further inspection it was on the same angle as the angle that the fsc is cut. There is PLENTY of clearance for the bullet to pass through, and everything is lined up. What could this have been? Has anyone ever experienced anything like this or even heard of this? I was a lil gun shy after that happened, but still shot 46 more rounds and it didnt happen again.

I was shooting PMC 62gr X-Tac. Gun was shooting good groups...
Any insight would be appreciated!

10-25-11, 22:04
what sort of grip/ firing technique? where on your arm? pictures of the injury site? roughly how many rounds in? cleanliness of the rifle (specifically re: dirt)?

im interested in what happened and why as well.

10-25-11, 22:04
Brakes redirect gas. Sometimes they create blowback. Maybe a small rock or piece of debris got caught up in the escaping gas and blew back toward you. Inspect the brake for bullet strikes just to be sure, though. Just wear eye-pro to prevent a real injury from happening.

10-25-11, 22:08
As you were shooting from a bench I am assuming you were recording your hits. As in, the "suspect" one - where did it hit? This would be the only clue. Anything else would be simply guessing and not very factual.

10-25-11, 22:12
Most likely a piece of debris was redirected by the brake.
Be glad it wasn't a .50. Those really hurt.

10-25-11, 22:13
I think that is what the OP seems to be thinking as well - it is the easiest answer (which is usually right) but I would still like to know a little more about what happened.

10-25-11, 22:27
If there are no bullet/jacket strikes on the brake, then it had to be a piece of debris off the table, bench, or whatever.

I would thoroughly check the brake for nicks or scuffs that look out of the ordinary just to rule that out. Likelihood of that being the case is probably very, very low.

10-25-11, 22:51
Hey all, I just inspected the brake again, and see nothing out of the ordinary. I'm guessing it was possibly a pc of residue or debris that was maybe stuck in the rifling or something...
I had my left hand on top of the foregrip (holding it down on the bag). the burn/cut was about 2mm only. The shot when this happened still hit in the same group.