View Full Version : Anyone heard anything from Dana Pickles lately?

11-15-11, 12:57
Been pending since Aug 18th, sent forms in at end of July.... how much longer:suicide2:

11-15-11, 13:22
Wow! I'm glad I got my SBRs out of the way a few years ago.

I'd SBR another of my ARs if the gov wasn't so incompetent. Can you believe their stupidity is so bad that I don't want to send them money??:rolleyes:

11-15-11, 13:40
Get to the back of the line...Mid August pending?

My forms went pending a month before you even sent yours. :suicide2:

11-15-11, 13:51
The wait honestly makes me never want to go through this process again.

The fact im giving them 200 dollars to process an application and them take half a year to punch my name into a computer is absolutely ridiculous.

I did a form 1 for a sbr back in 08 and the wait wasn't near as bad as this one. Just ridiculous.

11-15-11, 13:56
They are busy arming the cartels, don't forget! :mad:

11-15-11, 14:01
The wait honestly makes me never want to go through this process again.

The fact im giving them 200 dollars to process an application and them take half a year to punch my name into a computer is absolutely ridiculous.

I did a form 1 for a sbr back in 08 and the wait wasn't near as bad as this one. Just ridiculous.

I know what you mean. I was very patient, as its not like I was really missing out on anything. I just completely forgot about them and it worked out well. But when my Form 1 got approved, I assembled my SBR and realized it needed the suppressor (which was sent in the same day as the Form 1) but it was still pending. Now I've got all these ARs with AAC muzzle devices and threaded barrels on my 10/22 and P22 but no freaking cans because of the ATFs incompetence. (The higher ups, not the examiners.)

I have to force myself not to call once a week now. I just don't get it. I sent a Form 1 and two Form 4s at the same time. The Form 1 is approved but a MONTH LATER the Form 4s are still pending? Totally ridiculous.


11-15-11, 14:50
Why don't you simply call the NFA Branch and ask them what's happening? It's been long enough now that making a call isn't unreasonable.

The wait honestly makes me never want to go through this process again.

The fact im giving them 200 dollars to process an application and them take half a year to punch my name into a computer is absolutely ridiculous.

I did a form 1 for a sbr back in 08 and the wait wasn't near as bad as this one. Just ridiculous.

11-15-11, 15:33
I called last week, still pending. Ill call next week. Really would love some good news

Like an earlier person posted. I didnt mind waiting for my form 1, I guess because I could still use my gun, just was longer than I wanted. Waiting for this form 4 for a can is just killing me

11-15-11, 15:57
According to the lady I spoke with yesterday at the ATF, Form 1s and Form 4s are currently taking 5 months to approve from pending status. The good news is that F1s and F4s are going "pending" much faster than they use to. From what I can tell, now they are considered pending as soon as the check is cashed. It was explained to me that the recently extended approval periods are due to the newly adopted process that includes assigning examiners by state rtaher than by last name. Note that some examiners are assigned to multiple states.


11-15-11, 16:00
Id rather it take longer to go pending and get back to me sooner than for it to go pending and then Im in limbo for months....

I thought this newly adopted process was suppose to make it more efficent. Not looking so good on that end...

11-15-11, 16:06
I have two F1's out right now and hopefully the checks will be cashed by the end of the month. I'm going to forget about them until at least April to keep myself sane. As much as I hate sending the govt money, I guess I have to. I might get a third F1 out to them. Why? To save time in the future. Sure I can swap uppers but I personally would rather have a dedicated rifle for whatever length that tickles my fancy right now. I'm a grab and go kinda guy. No telling how long the wait will be next year. :rolleyes:

11-15-11, 17:34
Ha I said the same thing when I bought this suppressor, I never have forgotten about it.

Im not blaming the examiners, more just the ATF in general. They need to get their shit squared away

11-15-11, 17:40
yep told me 5 months from pending today when I called, it is ridiculous.

11-15-11, 18:48
yep told me 5 months from pending today when I called, it is ridiculous.

I wonder what they would tell me if I told them its been pending for five months already...:rolleyes:

11-15-11, 19:08
A friend received his SBR about a month ago. Total time from mailing in the paperwork was 5 months.

11-15-11, 19:52
Been pending since Aug 18th, sent forms in at end of July.... how much longer:suicide2:


My Form 4 suppressor went pending June 7th.. Approved Oct. 31st... Dana Pickles.

Which really it would have been around the first week of Oct but there was a problem with my forms so it set me back a few weeks.

either way you got a looooong wait ahead.

11-15-11, 21:56
My shop is getting forms back from June-July time frame.

11-16-11, 11:09
I just knew that when they changed the examiners around it wouldn't be good. Just another attempt at the government to "help us". Just think of waiting like this for your health care. Every other branch of the Federal government has hired workers left and right, but no new examiners...

11-16-11, 11:35
I also heard through my SOT that many examiners were still processing their respective aplhabetical Forms and not yet started on the Forms assigned per the new state process.


11-16-11, 11:48
This post probably belongs in the NFA times thread, but here is okay too I guess.
I sent my paper work as the builder for a SBR and a SBS at the same time in March this year. I had my local chief of police sign the approvals, but he appointed an officer to sign in his absence. In May I got responses saying I needed the qualification of that officer or something and to please fix both forms and resend. I had a month to do so. But I was not home in May to receive these responses. It wasn't until June 1st when I got home to open them. So, a month had nearly already passed. So I called and spoke with Dana Pickles himself. He said no sweat about the month timeline. He's just happy to get a response. Told me to fix them and send them back and he'd "be happy to stamp my weapons". He was really really cool about it. Even with his deep stern voice, I could tell he was all about helping me. I re-sent the forms on June 3rd and got my stamps back on June 25, 2011. Maybe some people just get lucky. I would definitely do the process again. Wanting a suppressor now.:cool:

11-16-11, 11:56
doubled up. apologies

11-16-11, 13:14
I've been pending for 5 months and a few days, still nothing.

11-16-11, 14:53
You could check on Snipers Hide they have a pretty good time frame listing from everyone in the suppressors section. Its titles Form 4 wait times or something to that extent.

11-16-11, 15:50
Been pending since Aug 18th, sent forms in at end of July.... how much longer:suicide2:

I have one pending since August 11 but not with Pickels. I sent it mid July.

11-16-11, 18:18
First NFA item here.

M42K for my BCM BFH 16.

Bought 5/23.

Mailed 6/17.

Pending 7/8.

Approved 11/15.

Had a slight mis-understanding w/ the trust; however, David Goldman sent him an email an hour after I reached out to him and Dana Pickles responded to ME an hour later stating approved being mailed tomorrow (today). Should have can in hand on Friday.


11-16-11, 20:37
First NFA item here.

M42K for my BCM BFH 16.

Bought 5/23.

Mailed 6/17.

Pending 7/8.

Approved 11/15.

Had a slight mis-understanding w/ the trust; however, David Goldman sent him an email an hour after I reached out to him and Dana Pickles responded to ME an hour later stating approved being mailed tomorrow (today). Should have can in hand on Friday.


Good for you, bad for me. By this logic I have over a month left :mad:

11-16-11, 21:39
I had two ATF 5320.20 forms approved by Dana back on October 12th. I need to call to see if he's working on my Form 4 submitted in September.

11-17-11, 01:02
This thread made me go and hug my SBR.


12-06-11, 13:16
Does anyone have Dana's email address? We keep playing phone tag.

12-06-11, 13:40
I do not have Dana but I called NFA today.

I have a Form 1 that went pending Augest 9th.
I have 2 Form 4s that went pending September 23rd.

I was told 5 months. She said expect them in mid January!

12-07-11, 10:32
I just got a Form 5 back from him. Very quick turnaround.

12-07-11, 11:16
I just got a Form 5 back from him. Very quick turnaround.

What's a very quick turn around?

12-07-11, 16:35
I currently have an SBR owned by my trust and I'm contemplating purchasing a suppressor. If you already own one NFA item does it speed things up? If you're using the same trust does it matter or is it all just the same old waiting game?

I'm pretty sure the answer is same old shit but ya never know...

12-07-11, 18:34
No, it does not speed up the time. The wait time right now is somewheres between 5-6 months in most cases. They made a switch up of who does what a couple of months back and I think they have fewer examiners right now also. Plus, the holidays and such are here. I have 2 items that were pending in early Nov. I do not expect to see them until sometime around March or April.

12-08-11, 13:01
My last form 1 (received 2 months ago) was 4 months.
My last can (8 months ago) was also 4 months.

Until that day,