View Full Version : Plot to attack Ft. Huachuca, AZ

11-26-07, 20:31

Terrorists target Army base — in Arizona
By Sara A. Carter
November 26, 2007
Fort Huachuca, the nation's largest intelligence-training center, changed security measures in May after being warned that Islamist terrorists, with the aid of Mexican drug cartels, were planning an attack on the facility.

Fort officials changed security measures after sources warned that possibly 60 Afghan and Iraqi terrorists were to be smuggled into the U.S. through underground tunnels with high-powered weapons to attack the Arizona Army base, according to multiple confidential law enforcement documents obtained by The Washington Times.

"A portion of the operatives were in the United States, with the remainder not yet in the United States," according to one of the documents, an FBI advisory that was distributed to the Defense Intelligence Agency, the CIA, Customs and Border Protection and the Justice Department, among several other law enforcement agencies throughout the nation. "The Afghanis and Iraqis shaved their beards so as not to appear to be Middle Easterners."

According to the FBI advisory, each Middle Easterner paid Mexican drug lords $20,000 "or the equivalent in weapons" for the cartel's assistance in smuggling them and their weapons through tunnels along the border into the U.S. The weapons would be sent through tunnels that supposedly ended in Arizona and New Mexico, but the Islamist terrorists would be smuggled through Laredo, Texas, and reclaim the weapons later.

A number of the Afghans and Iraqis are already in a safe house in Texas, the FBI advisory said.

Fort Huachuca, which lies about 20 miles from the Mexican border, has members of all four service branches training in intelligence and secret operations. About 12,000 persons work at the fort and many have their families on base.

Lt. Col. Matthew Garner, spokesman for Fort Huachuca, said details about the current phase of the investigation or security changes on the post "will not be disclosed."

"We are always taking precautions to ensure that soldiers, family members and civilians that work and live on Fort Huachuca are safe," Col. Garner said. "With this specific threat, we did change some aspects of our security that we did have in place."

According to the FBI report, some of the weapons associated with the plot have been smuggled through a tunnel from Mexico to the U.S.

The FBI report is based on Drug Enforcement Administration sources, including Mexican nationals with access to "sub-sources" in the drug cartels. The report's assessment is that the DEA's Mexican contacts have proven reliable in the past but the "sub-source" is of uncertain reliability.

According to the source who spoke with DEA intelligence agents, the weapons included two Milan anti-tank missiles, Soviet-made surface-to-air missiles, grenade launchers, long guns and handguns.

"FBI Comment: The surface-to-air missiles may in fact be RPGs," the advisory stated, adding that the weapons stash in Mexico could include two or three more Milan missiles.

The Milan, a French-German portable anti-tank weapon, was developed in the 1970s and widely sold to militaries around the world, including Saddam Hussein's Iraq. Insurgents in Iraq reportedly have used a Milan missile in an attack on a British tank. Iraqi guerrillas also have shot down U.S. helicopters using RPGs, or rocket-propelled grenades.

FBI spokesman Paul Bresson would not elaborate on the current investigation regarding the threat, but said that many times the initial reports are based on "raw, uncorroborated information that has not been completely vetted." He added that this report shows the extent to which all law enforcement and intelligence agencies cooperate in terror investigations.

"If nothing else, it provides a good look at the inner working of the law-enforcement and intelligence community and how they work together on a daily basis to share and deal with threat information," Mr. Bresson said. "It also demonstrates the cross-pollination that frequently exists between criminal and terrorist groups."

The connections between criminal enterprises, such as powerful drug cartels, and terrorist organizations have become a serious concern for intelligence agencies monitoring the U.S.-Mexico border.

"Based upon the information provided by the DEA handling agent, the DEA has classified the source as credible," stated a Department of Homeland Security document, regarding the possibility of an attack on Fort Huachuca. "The identity of the sub-source has been established; however, none of the information provided by the sub-source in the past has been corroborated."

The FBI advisory stated the "sub-source" for the information "is a member of the Zetas," the military arm of one of Mexico's most dangerous drug-trafficking organizations, the Gulf Cartel. The Gulf Cartel controls the movement of narcotics from Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, into the U.S. along the Laredo corridor.

However, the sub-source "for this information is of unknown reliability," the FBI advisory stated.

According to the DEA, the sub-source identified Mexico's Sinaloa cartel as the drug lords who would assist the terrorists in their plot.

This led the DEA to caution the FBI that its information may be a Gulf Cartel plant to bring the U.S. military in against its main rival. The Sinaloa and Gulf cartels have fought bloody battles along the border for control of shipping routes into the U.S.

"It doesn't mean that there isn't truth to some of what this source delivered to U.S. agents," said one law-enforcement intelligence agent, on the condition of anonymity. "The cartels have no loyalty to any nation or person. It isn't surprising that for the right price they would assist terrorists, knowingly or unknowingly."

11-26-07, 22:24

Whats great about stories like this is that they always make it a little easier to explain to the wife just why I need a new M4..:p

11-26-07, 22:46
Is FH one of the bases where they allow persons on base to possess weapons in housing or are they relying upon MP's?

On second thought, don't answer that.

11-26-07, 23:00
Is FH one of the bases where they allow persons on base to possess weapons in housing or are they relying upon MP's?

On second thought, don't answer that.

I could give a lot of first hand answers to some basic questions that would come to mind about how things are on Ft. H, but I dont think that should be done on a public forum either.

11-27-07, 00:58
Unfortunately without at least a botched attempt, it is going to be hard to get the mainstream media to pick up on this and create the concern this really deserves. The border problem and its relationship to "homeland security" should be the primary topic of every presidential debate.

11-27-07, 06:12
Maybe a silly question, but why didn't they just keep this to themselves and lie and wait for the BG's to come and "get it"?

11-27-07, 08:15
In going back and re-reading some stuff, this plan follows hezbollah's SOP very closely.

11-27-07, 10:19
Maybe a silly question, but why didn't they just keep this to themselves and lie and wait for the BG's to come and "get it"?

The story sounds like government BS to me. I'm sure we'll be hearing about all kinds of terrorist attempts on american citizens pretty soon. It seems if the government wants to justify some unconstitutional law all they have to do is make up some story about terrorists tunnelling their way into america, freak everyone out, then slap some new crazy laws unto us.

I'm not saying this is a false story, but it seems quite suspect to me.

11-27-07, 10:30
The story sounds like government BS to me. I'm sure we'll be hearing about all kinds of terrorist attempts on american citizens pretty soon. It seems if the government wants to justify some unconstitutional law all they have to do is make up some story about terrorists tunnelling their way into america, freak everyone out, then slap some new crazy laws unto us.

I'm not saying this is a false story, but it seems quite suspect to me.


It's not like this sort of thing hasn't been planned before. Does the term Ft Dix Six sound familiar?

11-27-07, 10:36
The media (reflecting the general public) have grown weary of "elephant repellent" stories.

There are, of course, sound reasons why "details about the current phase of the investigation or security changes on the post 'will not be disclosed.'" And absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence, as the saying goes, but it doesn't make good copy.

The media -- with the possible exception of Lou Dobbs, considering the US-Mexico border-security angle -- probably will move on.

Beat Trash
11-27-07, 11:29
As of about two years ago, there were Intel reports of MS13 being paid to smuggle in as many as 12 sleeper groups from Hammas. As of the last report I read, these groups are still at large.

I just can not comprehend how a secure border could be anything but helpful to the security of our nation. But then I was never able to comprehend many of the more liberal ideas.

I understand how security issues can not and should not be discussed on open forums, but I hope this incident makes all bases within CONUS re-evaluate their security.

11-27-07, 11:32

11-28-07, 00:20

Because we need the labor for all the jobs americans don't want to work :rolleyes:

11-28-07, 01:43
Because we need the labor for all the jobs americans don't want to work :rolleyes:

Isn't it weird that Americans do these "jobs that Americans don't want to do" all the time?

Seal our damn borders!!!!!!!!!!!

11-28-07, 10:44
The story sounds like government BS to me. I'm sure we'll be hearing about all kinds of terrorist attempts on american citizens pretty soon. It seems if the government wants to justify some unconstitutional law all they have to do is make up some story about terrorists tunnelling their way into america, freak everyone out, then slap some new crazy laws unto us.

Oh boy, here we go. :rolleyes:

11-28-07, 19:42
what cracks me up about the article is this... they never once mention how securing our boarders would be a remedi for this.. or at least a set back to their plans....

why cant our guberment get it thru their head that we need to secure our boarders.. and along with tha all people that are found out to be illegals get deported.. we have laws on our books now that deal with illegals.. we dont need an immigration reform all we need is for the rule on the books to be applied....

this way they dont just coem here and reproduce like flippin rabbits like they do...

it cracks me how people protested that family being deported after their child was found in school with drugs....

"we want schools to be safe for illegals so they can not fear being deported while getting an education"


lets just make it easy for haji to send his little some to our schools to do some recon to help daddy blueprint the school to pull off a mass exceution....


11-28-07, 23:03
what cracks me up about the article is this... they never once mention how securing our boarders would be a remedi for this.. or at least a set back to their plans....

why cant our guberment get it thru their head that we need to secure our boarders.. and along with tha all people that are found out to be illegals get deported.. we have laws on our books now that deal with illegals.. we dont need an immigration reform all we need is for the rule on the books to be applied....

this way they dont just coem here and reproduce like flippin rabbits like they do...

it cracks me how people protested that family being deported after their child was found in school with drugs....

"we want schools to be safe for illegals so they can not fear being deported while getting an education"


lets just make it easy for haji to send his little some to our schools to do some recon to help daddy blueprint the school to pull off a mass exceution....


U can thank the ACLU

11-29-07, 22:26
U can thank the ACLU

And the GOP.......

11-30-07, 02:48
live fire training

Dave L.
11-30-07, 03:10
I could give a lot of first hand answers to some basic questions that would come to mind about how things are on Ft. H, but I dont think that should be done on a public forum either.

Hasn't Ft. H been "A great place to Reenlist since 1895" or something like that:D

12-03-07, 17:26
I thought the lefties said that the wars are only about oil? Do you mean they actually want to attack us?

12-06-07, 21:36
Until they put our military on the border, locked and loaded, with Border Patrol advisors and the authority to do what is necessary and appropriate, they're not serious. Who needs tunnels? Whatever you want to smuggle, hide it in your dope. I'm not giving away any secrets here guys, with all the money and all the toys, we are still pissing in the wind.
Giving $1.4billion, or whatever the amount is, to a corrupt narco state, with no real strings attached, during a so-called war on terror, after everything that has happened, here and there, shows that our elected representatives clearly view us normal people in an unfavorable light.
Is there a serious homeland security policy? There appears to be a policy to make as many people feel as good as is possible while making as much money for blood-sucking campaign donors as possible. The DHS appears to me to be a mechanism for spending tax dollars so they can ask for more next FY.
The only things saving us, for now, are some committed agents and officers doing the what they can with what they have, and luck.
It is sad that Lou Dobbs is the only credible prime time voice for what we know to be true here, six years on from 9/11.
God help this country, we need it.
Reading this over it sounds like a rant, and it is. I care about my country and hope we can find and elect some real leaders who will help us find ourselves again as a nation.

12-09-07, 10:48
Brainfart time---------- What's "CONUS" stand for. Thanks for fixing my retardo moment. Tracy

Alpha Sierra
12-09-07, 11:11
Brainfart time---------- What's "CONUS" stand for. Thanks for fixing my retardo moment. Tracy
CONtinental United States. The lower 48.

12-11-07, 11:32
The story sounds like government BS to me. I'm sure we'll be hearing about all kinds of terrorist attempts on american citizens pretty soon. It seems if the government wants to justify some unconstitutional law all they have to do is make up some story about terrorists tunnelling their way into america, freak everyone out, then slap some new crazy laws unto us.

I'm not saying this is a false story, but it seems quite suspect to me.

+1, good call. Most won't think that though. It offends everything we've been conditioned to believe since kindergarden.

12-11-07, 12:11
+1, good call. Most won't think that though. It offends everything we've been conditioned to believe since kindergarden.

Someone called in to one of the talk radio stations. A relative of theirs is at Ft Huachuca and when this first came to light with the intelligence agencies, a bunch of heightened security memos supposedly came out. Sounds like it was based on something real as the military got all concerned at the time (way before it hit the news)

12-11-07, 13:43
+1, good call. Most won't think that though. It offends everything we've been conditioned to believe since kindergarden.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: