View Full Version : Jewelry Made From AK-47s

11-18-11, 12:55
Not sure if this has been posted here...


11-18-11, 13:17
$35,000..... might be awhile before I pick some up.

11-18-11, 14:17
... and I thought I paid a lot for my Krink!

Actually, pretty cool looking. For the girl that has everything else.

11-18-11, 14:35
its good to see a socially motivated cause that the general populous can play an active part in.....or not.

11-18-11, 14:55
wow that price is out there:eek: But for a Good cause even though I think it is not really a drop in the Bucket with the number of AKs there already

11-18-11, 17:45
Typical liberal stupidity. $35,000 to destroy 100 AKs. The problem is not the AK it is the people of the Congo. Blame the hammer not the carpenter logic.

11-18-11, 18:16
Typical liberal stupidity.

BINGO!!!! ****ing retarded idiots to the core.

11-18-11, 18:32
is there any jewelry i can buy that will actually provide more AK's for the congo? :sarcastic: just kidding guys! i've been there, that place is never going to change. better make some machette earings after the AKs are all gone..

11-18-11, 18:45
BINGO!!!! ****ing retarded idiots to the core.

Agreed. Their problem isn't that everyone has a gun. Rather the problem is that they all want to kill each other. African violence didn't suddenly happen with the advent of firearms- it just got a bit more efficient.

11-18-11, 19:01
Gives me the warm & fuzzies!:rolleyes:

Heavy Metal
11-18-11, 19:07
It apparently costs more to de-mil them than it cost to make them!

Somebody is ripping some deserving idiots off!

11-18-11, 19:12
Let's see there is one AK in the world for every 60 people on earth. This is not going to do anything.

11-18-11, 19:32
For that much I could arm a hole village in Africa with Aks and ammo with a RPG to boot.

11-18-11, 20:02
I think I would Rather just have the guns instead of the jewelry. Especially if they were Russian AK's and not Made In China toy's.That way I wouldn't have to worry if one broke. I could just grab a new one out of the pile. Cleaning would be easier that is for sure.

11-18-11, 21:18
Agreed. Their problem isn't that everyone has a gun. Rather the problem is that they all want to kill each other. African violence didn't suddenly happen with the advent of firearms- it just got a bit more efficient.The Rwandan Genocide was done with a million machetes. Quicker to make and hand out machetes than try and get AKs or other firearms. And when you're hacking unarmed civilians, it's not like you need the range of a firearm...

Personally, I'm bummed about all the rifles being destroyed. It's a fuzzy feel-good thing for the same type of people who want laser-engraved diamonds to ensure they're not blood diamonds. Doesn't actually solve anything, just makes people feel better about it. *shrug*

11-19-11, 00:57
Amazing how they talk about the need to stem the flow of illegal AKs into Africa without once mentioning how the majority were shipped in wholesale by the USSR & China to destabilize the African nations

...In case you’re wondering, the issue of how and why assault rifles are so prevalent in Africa is a complicated one, but the simple reality is that Africa’s borders are weak, weapons are cheap and armed conflict is rampant...

Following that paragraph is a UN report published in 2008 http://www.oxfam.org/sites/www.oxfam.org/files/africas%20missing%20bils.pdf

11-19-11, 13:13
Typical liberal stupidity. $35,000 to destroy 100 AKs. The problem is not the AK it is the people of the Congo. Blame the hammer not the carpenter logic.

Yep, they kill each other just as effectively with machetes and AIDS rape.

11-22-11, 02:15
A Rhodesian/South African fellow I know once answered a question posed by a college girl on what was "wrong" with Africa by saying, "Africans."

They were slaving, violent savages before Europeans ever arrived and the only reprieve occurred under European occupation/colonization. If we really wanted to improve living conditions for Africans we'd encourage the Euros to reestablish their empires there.

VIP3R 237
11-22-11, 03:25
How about just send me the 100 ak's and the $35k? yes no maybe so? sounds good to me.

11-22-11, 14:48
Soo, 35K to disarm people so other people can chop em up with machetes. Awesome...


11-22-11, 17:54
I think we just solved our debt crisis...

11-22-11, 18:09
I've got the answer to this.....

I'm a jeweler & can make / get similar product. Pay me 35k & I'll get you some sweet rings & cuff links & deliver new weapons to the people that need them there.

11-22-11, 18:24
How about just send me the 100 ak's and the $35k? yes no maybe so? sounds good to me.

If they would simply strike the "sporter clause" from the 68 GCA and permit the importation and registration for private ownership of foreign machine guns, US gun collectors could effectively disarm Africa of all small arms within a year.

Hell if they'd simply allow them to come in as parts kits we could make a huge dent.

11-23-11, 18:42
Another example of the recent trendieness of the Kalashnakov as well. I see teenagers with AK t-shirts and skateboards and shit now.

Now libtards can feel warm and fuzzy and trendy at the same time.

Social entrapeneurs huh ??

11-28-11, 04:41
I will sell this company my Arsenal for 25,000 USD. Good deal considering how much stuff they can make from one.

11-28-11, 05:28
The ONLY thing that I can see that is "good" about this...if someone were to purchase a piece of this jewelry, their dumb liberal ass may feel better about buying jewelry with "blood diamonds" in it...or whatever the **** they call them.

This is pure ****ing nonsense. Send me the 100 Ak47s. I will make damn sure they NEVER kill another African....innocent African.

11-29-11, 17:21
I find it to be rather sad actually. . . :cray:

Those AKs could have gone to good homes. ****ing idiots. :rolleyes:

11-29-11, 18:25
I sense just another scam here. Hell, I should have thought of that! Where's the proof of anything here? Just a video of some "Advertising". Which I have come to view as a whole lot of lies/bent truth.

11-30-11, 14:08
So he (or his company) is buying up weapons in the Congo from whoever has them at about 350 a pop... Then he removes a part or two from the weapon, and pays someone to craft it into a piece that is then plated with silver or gold and sells that piece of the weapon for an incredible markup. I'm not sure what parts he is using but for something like cufflinks he would need two identical items. So two AK's get turned into a pair of gold/silver plated cufflinks.


You really have to admire the thought that went into this. He turns a roughly $1000 investment into a net profit of $34k. I want in!

12-01-11, 07:52
Give your money to a group like executive outcomes and see real change in Africa.