View Full Version : Took My DPMS out to the Range today

11-28-07, 17:48
Ordered both the upper and lower from Coleman Tyler(I highly recommend them), Both are DPMS. I threw 26, 26.5 and 27.0 gr of Varget and a 55gr Nosler, into 5 rounds each last night. Woke up this morning intending to head to the range, but two things kept me, 25mph winds and something wrong with my neck[%|] I can't turn my head,[:I] must have slept funny. So I waited a few hours took some Advil and went out anyway.

Here is the Rifle


The wind was still blowing pretty good, so I wasn't expecting too much. 26gr varget grouped @ 1.5 inches. I cleaned and shot 5 rounds with 26.5. Much better, I did pull one shot but still not a bad group considering I could barely bend my neck far enough to get a cheek on the stock[:I] (what a wuss) and the wind was visibly blowing my box.

here is a pic

then 27.0 gr varget was pretty good too, good enough to try again when conditions are better.

Here is a pic


I think I'm gonna like it once it's broke in.


11-28-07, 18:30
You must be a registered user to view images! :mad:

11-29-07, 09:28
Just a suggestion, but I find Photobucket to be a good alternative for posting pics.
I doesn't require registration for viewing.

11-29-07, 09:47



Here, I fixed 'em but I don't know why they're so tiny.