View Full Version : Reticle diagram for TA11H-308? Piss poor CS

12-01-11, 16:20
Does anyone have an actual reticle diagram and data for the TA11H-308 reticle that actually shows what the ACTUAL drop the reticle is calibrated for? And that shows exactly what the subtensions are for the horizontal lead lines?

Apparently this is some top ****ing secret shit that Trijicon won't give me, even though I own the thing. Makes it rather difficult to use it properly.

What I don't get is if Nightforce can produce something like THIS, (http://www.nightforceoptics.com/LIBRARY/Nightforce_Reticle_Manual.pdf)Why is a ****in' ACOG reticle diagram suddenly Burn Before Reading?

12-01-11, 16:55
I have wondered the same thing. Knowing that the cross stantion is 19" at whatever distance is represents doesn't really give a whole lot of information except for the ammo and barrel length it is good for. FWIW, I wouldn't worry too muich about it since most engagements happen within 25-300 meters outside anyways.

12-01-11, 17:58
I personal feel this is a major draw back. Trijicon should provide the sibstensions. I have been saying for some time they neeed a balistics app on their website. This war isnt going to last for ever and at the end of the day its going to be the sports man who decides weather or not they survive after the mil contracts are up.