View Full Version : Who has the lightest LMT .308?

12-18-11, 18:47
I had an LMT .308 and sold it for various reasons but now I am reconsidering another one or a Larue 16" predatAR. Purpose is hunting and punching paper.

Larue weighs in just under 8lbs while the lmt is right at 10.

Has anyone gotten the lmt to the 8lbs range? If so how was accuracy afterwords?

I have never handled the larue but I owned the lmt and was happy with it just wanted to focus some money on gun classes so it had to go.

I really don't want to turn this into a pissing match about who is better, just want to know how light the lmt can get after a barrel reprofile. If I can get them within in a lb a may go back to lmt for the chameleon capabilities. When I bought the lmt the larue wasn't out which is why this is a more difficult decision this time around.

12-18-11, 19:08
I would imagine you would need to chop the rail as well as reprofile the barrel to cut 2 pounds off an LMT.

12-18-11, 19:39
That's what I assumed. If I can get a pound off the barrel and still maintain accuracy it's gets very tempting. I think I can live with an extra pound.

Suwannee Tim
12-19-11, 04:25
I shot a Larue last Friday and was thrilled. No surprise there. Why don't you save yourself a lot of trouble and just buy the lighter gun?

12-19-11, 06:45
I had an LMT .308 and sold it for various reasons but now I am reconsidering another one or a Larue 16" predatAR. Purpose is hunting and punching paper.

Larue weighs in just under 8lbs while the lmt is right at 10.

Has anyone gotten the lmt to the 8lbs range? If so how was accuracy afterwords?

I have never handled the larue but I owned the lmt and was happy with it just wanted to focus some money on gun classes so it had to go.

I really don't want to turn this into a pissing match about who is better, just want to know how light the lmt can get after a barrel reprofile. If I can get them within in a lb a may go back to lmt for the chameleon capabilities. When I bought the lmt the larue wasn't out which is why this is a more difficult decision this time around.

If you want a run and gun 7.62 then the Pred would be a better fit. You will sacrifice some accuracy but will have a much lighter rifle that might fit your needs better.

The weight on the MWS doesn't bother me at all based on how I run it. For me it is a static precision rifle so weight doesn't come into play. Personally I wouldn't fool with it trying to make it something that it is not. Great rifle but it is what it is.

Buy the Pred and save some cash if you are looking for a run and gun 7.62 and weight is your priority.

12-20-11, 13:22
You will never be able to get the LMT as light as the Predatar, even with choping off the rail and reprofile of the barrel. Main reason its heavy is the massive amounts of material at the barrel extension. If you ever taken the barrel out and just hold the upper you'd be amazed at how light the thing is.

12-20-11, 20:58
If I wanted light to run and gun you'd be hard pressed to beat the SCAR 17 (if you could get enough mags). Slightly more expensive but very soft-shooting...


12-21-11, 10:09
If I wanted light to run and gun you'd be hard pressed to beat the SCAR 17 (if you could get enough mags). Slightly more expensive but very soft-shooting...


I'd really like a MWS or SR25. I sold my REPR last year and held onto the SCAR H. We hike for hours and hours through all kinds of thick terrain and I really appreciate the weight of the SCAR. It may be a little less accurate than the MWS with a CL barrel, but for moving on foot, it's hard to beat.

The Predatar will be similar in weight and very accurate, but from what I understand, it'll open up relatively quickly once it heats up. This may not matter to people just looking for a first round hit with a possible follow up or two, but for fast, multiple hits, I'd look at the MWS or SR25.

I really like the idea of running a 13.5" barrel in the MWS then switching to a 16" or 18" SS precision barrel. My REPR was 16" and heavy compared to the SCAR. It was a noticeable difference and I'm a bit quicker with the SCAR, so for me, if I end up with the SR25 or MWS, most of its time will be supported. I almost never shoot from a bench, but I do shoot off of vehicles or trees, or go prone for longer shot. This is actually what I do with the SCAR as well, but my main concern is carrying it for a few days.

I think if all you're looking for is something out to 200 meters or so that you will be firing rapidly and just trying to makes hits on man sized targets, the SCAR H or Predatar will be a serious advantage if your doing this for extended periods of time. If you're running and gunning with it for a couple minutes then putting it down while you wait your next turn, I don't think that etra 2 pounds will really fatigue you and how much it slows you down is very dependent on each shooter. So, buying something like the MWS for precision which will also fill the battle rifle role for short periods of time wouldn't be counterproductive.

As for lightening the LMT, I just don't see it working out well. Fluting or reprofiling will only really save you about 5 or 6 ounces. I believe a lot of the weight comes from the mounting system. So, even if you completely removed 5 or 6 inches of the rail, which I'd never recommend, you'd probably only be removing about 8 ounces or so and end up with a carbine length hand guard.

12-21-11, 16:58
Thanks for the replies. I have decided for my needs to stick with the Larue PredatAR.

12-21-11, 18:07
Thanks for the replies. I have decided for my needs to stick with the Larue PredatAR.

I'm sure it will be a great rifle. Good luck with it.

12-23-11, 18:34
I sold my MWS and got a predatar, no regrets.

12-27-11, 13:17
I'm thinking hard on selling my MWS for a EMC.

12-27-11, 14:56
I'm thinking hard on selling my MWS for a EMC.

Sell your MWS and you might be half way to an EMC.

What is it you want from an EMC that the MWS isn't doing?