View Full Version : "Merry Christmas!" making a comeback?

12-23-11, 18:18
So, the last few years it seems everyone around my area was saying "Happy Holidays". It seemed people were afraid of offending others. I used to respond with a "Merry Christmas" and get a confused look in response :rolleyes: Anyway, this year, I've noticed a lot more people saying "Merry Christmas". Anyone else notice this? Is America coming back?

12-23-11, 18:58
I used to get worked up about this but then I had something happen to me out of the blue. I had my scouts, at our gift wrapping fund raisers, telling everyone "Merry Christmas". Then I realized how screwed up it was to expect my two Jewish scouts to wish someone a Merry Christmas. So now they have the option to wish others a Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays. No harm, no foul. Now if the church had insisted on wishing everyone a Happy Holiday, then I'd have a beef.

12-23-11, 19:14
You know, I can easily remember people saying "Happy Holidays" about as much as they did "Merry Christmas" when I was growing up in the 70's and 80's. In fact a lot of times it was even a joined wishing with "Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays".

So I've never really noticed any significant difference or separation with the two phrases. They've just always been mutually the same to me. It seems to me that it just became topical or "newsworthy" in the last few years to make an issue of it.

12-23-11, 19:32

I always make a point to say Merry Christmas.

This year I didn't really hear many people giving out any greetings, so I made an extra effort to be sure to say it.
Felt like there were "grinches" everywhere... and there's just so much my "Merry Christmas" is going to do...but oh well I said it anyway!


Merry Christmas!


12-23-11, 19:36
I grew up in the 80's with a Dad in the Army. I remember everyone saying "Merry Christmas!" Maybe it was the media these past few years, but It seemed "Merry Christmas!" went away. All I know is, its nice to hear it again around my town:)

12-23-11, 19:59
HES- I get where you are coming from. When people wish me a "Merry Christmas," I will quickly say "It's Chanukkah for me, but with all the people against religion I wish you a Merry Christmas and hope somebody doesn't like it!" It always gets a smile and many times an agreement. I also hopefully just made a good impression on someone that may have just met their first Jewish person.

12-23-11, 20:28
I've both noticed an increase in saying Merry Christmas, as well as saying it myself. I'm quite glad about this. If someone were to wish me a Happy Chanukkah I'd probably wish them the same back since that is likely their religion.

12-23-11, 21:15
Unless I know somebody is Jewish or something along those lines I always say Merry Christmas. In those instances where I discover somebody is Jewish or similar, it is quite easy to adjust with a Happy Hannukah.

I don't know why some people are afraid of these things. Wouldn't be the first time somebody wished me a Happy Hannakuh down here in South Florida. I just accept the sentiment with a thank you and wish them one too. I can only assume most Jewish folks do the same.

12-23-11, 21:19
You know, I can easily remember people saying "Happy Holidays" about as much as they did "Merry Christmas" when I was growing up in the 70's and 80's. In fact a lot of times it was even a joined wishing with "Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays".

So I've never really noticed any significant difference or separation with the two phrases. They've just always been mutually the same to me. It seems to me that it just became topical or "newsworthy" in the last few years to make an issue of it.

That's been my experience as well. As a kid I didn't notice the distinction, as an adult I think we start looking for motives. Kids were always better at having fun around the holidays anyway.

12-24-11, 01:00
So if you don't like me saying, "Merry Christmas" to you, well what am I supposed to do, get ripped when some one says "Happy Chanukkah" to me, OR, just like I always do and smile back, with "We all know what we're saying". Like Ben Stein said, "I'm not offended at all". If anyone is offended by any of it, then they have bigger problems.

12-24-11, 01:15
I was thinking the same thing earlier today. A few years ago it seemed like "happy holidays" was what you heard 90% of the time. This year, it kind of took my by surprise the few times I heard "happy holidays". It's been mostly "merry Christmas" it seems. I don't know if people have just forgotten about the controversy that there was on this and have reverted to default, or if they are doing it as a "stick it to the man" move.

Not being particularly religious myself, I don't really care either way.... Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, happy holidays.... whatever, doesn't matter. However, I receive great satisfaction from pissing off those who take offense at completely inconsequential things. So, from me, you hear....