View Full Version : Personalizing my rifle with a rack number.

12-28-11, 00:20
I'm thinking of painting a rack number on my otherwise very plain M16A4 clone to make it a little more personalized, and add a "hmm, that's different" aspect to it.

My current idea for a number is "Co. B/092". This is derived from the first two letters of my first name, the first letter of my last name, and the year I was born.

I think I'd be very pleased with that. However, before I paint that on, I'd like to get input on a few things...

1- Anything else I should consider basing my rack number off of? To touch on the "duh" things, I am not married, no kids, and no military service.

2- Best way of painting on the rack numbers so they look good, without looking too perfect? I am well aware that rack numbers are often applied with a free-handed paint pen, adhesive labels, etc. I was considering spray paint and stencils, but doubt I could do it without over-spray issues. Would stencils and a sponged-on paint be "authentic", because I feel most confident with that method.

3- Suggestions on where to get stencils? I kind of like the stencils that are actually in true "stencil" font, but am having a hard time finding any locally.

I appreciate the help.

12-28-11, 00:44
I dont quite understand why you are doing this. My rifle's rack number corresponds with the rack in which it sits. Its not personalized, in fact nothing on my rifle is personalized. I have to take all my personal shit off of it everytime I turn it back in. I dont get this at all.

12-28-11, 00:58
..... Did you read the OP?

I'm thinking of painting a rack number on my otherwise very plain M16A4 clone to make it a little more personalized, and add a "hmm, that's different" aspect to it.

The fact that your rifle is not personalized is a personal preference. I want my rifle to be personalized... and I don't care to do that by adding a bunch of after-market goodies I don't really need or want because that would detract from the simplicity and functionality that I like.

We do understand I am talking about a personally-owned rifle, correct? This isn't an issued weapon.

12-28-11, 02:09
Holy shit. I'm not really reading this. In no way is the a technical thread in any way shape or form. Even in GD it's a stretch at best.