View Full Version : Immigration; an argument I received on Christmas

01-02-12, 14:54
So, while on public transportation during Christmas (I'm in the city for Christmas, it sucks and all the fun toys under the tree can't be put to good use) some punk got to raging about the border, real mental midget, and he smelled like he'd been smoking the ganj, so to speak. He was raging about how "the big white man took the land from the Indians and the Mexicans, man! They just want their lands back, man! Its, liberty, you know, man? These crazies on the border, these right-wing Nazis with guns, man (If only he could have seen the FN in my waistband)! They just kill these Mexicans over nothing! They stole all that land, its a damn inhuman act man! ****in' white man, thinks he's so cool. They had it made those Mexicans, who the hell needs all this tech the white man decides we need (His iPod buzzing away, bag clearly has a laptop, his cell-phone showing through his pocket)! Who needs the cattle land, man (MacDonald's in hand, I shit you not)?" He continues, saying how we're evil capitalists down there, us evil bad capitalists with those farms and growing that food. How evil. he says that sending back all these Mexicans is just wrong. That all the crops are just rotting with no one to pick them. So I say why can't the Mexican workers get their green cards, or their working papers, and cross the border legally!? He says "It's their land, man. Their crops! They plant 'em (not true, they're planted via machinery) and they water 'em (also not true) and it's their money (false, they don't finance the farms) and it was their land (many of the immigrants are from way south of mexico, Central America and such, not to mention it wasn't like we ran the Mexicans out of Texas, they stayed on in what became American territory, we took the land fair and square through warfare)" So I gave up, after that. It was just stupid.

Now, a few points:I don't condone discrimination against anyone, not even illegals: If you break the law, you get punished. Hopping the border is a crime in addition to whatever else you do, so I hate you for hopping the border (breaking the law) it's not racism. It's all fair.

Also, discrimination against minorities in the past was terrible and inhuman, I don't condone or support it.
Repeat: I hate Nazis with a fiery passion, in case I haven't sent the message. I'm a free-market libertarian christian constitutionalist conservative in no particular order, and I despise Nazis/communists/Marxists/socialists/anarchists/etc.

What is your take on this whole "their land" argument? Mine is in quotations above, I don't buy it frankly.

Also, I hate the fact we aren't an English-speaking country (in terms of, shit has directions/street signs/etc. in Spanish) People ought to learn MY damn language in my country.

On the cartels: I don't see why we don't just legalize and tax their product (marijuana) because the revenues would be massive, and the crime would slow down.

Thanks to the border agents protecting us from the cartels, your work is much appreciated, even as far north as NH.

01-02-12, 17:43
I lived in Honduras for a year
Travelled Guatemala for a month and knowing lots of Hondurans and some Guatemalans you should see how the Mexicans treat and think of those south of their border !!!!

Ask many of the people that moved to Central America a few hundred years ago what they think of how they were treated !!! And they came illegal and way before their was suposed to be massive racism but yet was alive back then

As far as American Indians ? Get over it crap happened but you were not the best people either ! They butchered innocent all and also butchered their own kind !

Ask the Irish what they think of the English and it would also not be the best story

Look at black on black crap still going on in Africa

I am sick of this it's the white man crap people spew

The Black Caribs I knew when I lived in the Carribbean laugh at the idiocy of many Americans
In there words many of them hate the Spanish with a passion as it was their ships that took them away and their own people that sold them out and as they say some of you Americans owned/bought us some treated us well some did not ? But somehow people think slavery was a US only thing and it wasn't

Our border is better than Mexicos southern border !

And the fact is my wife is from another country and we did all the correct legal work ! And many others I know with a spouse who had to do it legally or even others who came here agree being illegal is just that !

01-02-12, 17:54
I lived in Honduras for a year
Travelled Guatemala for a month and knowing lots of Hondurans and some Guatemalans you should see how the Mexicans treat and think of those south of their border !!!!

Ask many of the people that moved to Central America a few hundred years ago what they think of how they were treated !!! And they came illegal and way before their was suposed to be massive racism but yet was alive back then

As far as American Indians ? Get over it crap happened but you were not the best people either ! They butchered innocent all and also butchered their own kind !

Ask the Irish what they think of the English and it would also not be the best story

Look at black on black crap still going on in Africa

I am sick of this it's the white man crap people spew

The Black Caribs I knew when I lived in the Carribbean laugh at the idiocy of many Americans
In there words many of them hate the Spanish with a passion as it was their ships that took them away and their own people that sold them out and as they say some of you Americans owned/bought us some treated us well some did not ? But somehow people think slavery was a US only thing and it wasn't

Our border is better than Mexicos southern border !

And the fact is my wife is from another country and we did all the correct legal work ! And many others I know with a spouse who had to do it legally or even others who came here agree being illegal is just that !

I've read a few stories of the catholic churches giving female honduran and guatemalan immigrants the no-baby-pill due to wide spread fear of rape by the federales in mexico, ese. Also, my (honky)friend's wife is Honduran, her little brother told him that he would rather be dead than mexican. He hs told me that they see Mexico as one big cesspool.

01-02-12, 17:57
I work with a Checkslovakian woman who complains about our Austrian distributor as acting just like the Hapsburgs. Some people just never give it up.