View Full Version : George Lucas "retiring"....Thank God!

01-20-12, 00:06
Now I hope he sells Lucas Arts and Star Wars right to someone who won't make stupid ass CG filled boring childish movies.

Starwars 1-3 are terrible and should be renamed into something else. I can't stand CG movies and I especially cannot stand Star Wars CG movies with terrible plots, actors who can't act, and a script that is dry and painful to listen to.



01-20-12, 00:27
I read that, he is still holding out for a possible fifth Indiana Jones and making artsy fartsy independent "projects". I wished he would quit ****ing with his older films. Tarantino is right, after a point directors need to quit making films.

01-20-12, 00:57
Enough said:


01-20-12, 01:23
Enough said:



01-20-12, 01:26

Yeah those reviews are awesome. :D

01-20-12, 06:37
Lucas laying Stars Wars to rest?

Metinks iss gettin' embarrising, meesa say okeeday.

01-20-12, 07:12
*begin nerd rant

I can't stand CG movies

I hear this a lot from older people I know who just don't understand film. If it's done RIGHT by limiting the amount of CG used and doing a really good composite you can actually achieve much better effects especially with explosions and large epic scenes that just are not possible to shoot with live action. I agree though that ep. 1-3 have way too much green screen. He should have used a combination of physical models+CG to keep that gritty look of ep. 4-6.

Now I hope he sells Lucas Arts and Star Wars right to someone who won't make stupid ass CG filled boring childish movies.

I agree! Personally I wish he would give the rights to someone who is willing to make some extended universe films i.e. POST ROTJ. If you have read the hundreds of SW books you know that they have a typically dark, more adult storyline and generally are much more interesting. I would love them to do a trilogy of the youzann vong book series, which takes place 25 years after ROTJ.

Overall the universe Lucas has created is amazing and full of fantastic stories, however most of them are not written by him, and there are endless possibilities for future books/movies. I just wish they would stop going back in time.

*end nerd rant

01-20-12, 08:06
I still thought episode 3 was decent. I saw it way after it was released and was pleasantly surprised at the darker flavor of it.

01-20-12, 08:44
There's been a drive by nerding.


Joking. I actually like Star Wars. Although, I would have rather seen 3 new good ones made with 1980's technology than 3 shitty ones that looked good visually.

Back when movie makers couldn't rely on flashy visual effects to capture an audience, they were forced to come up with intriguing social dynamics, dialogue, and innovative / inventive ways to imply things without actually being able to show them. A discerning audience appreciates that kind of thing.

Now, you almost have to shut your brain off and go along for the ride until it's over. Which usually can't come fast enough.

Every once in a while though, some director just "gets it." Use modern technology to compliment the underlying greatness of a movie, not as its sole source.

Doc Safari
01-20-12, 08:55
Y'all are just haters. When I contemplate the genius of George Lucas putting Indiana Jones in a lead-lined refrigerator just before an atomic bomb goes off, I just get chills.

I mean, it was a lead-lined refrigerator. A regular refrigerator just wouldn't have protected Indy from the radiation.

And when I think about him placing the unexpected in the finale to the Star Wars movies, I'm just...in awe. I mean, who would have imagined the Empire being defeated with the help of Teddy Bear people?

Genius, pure genius.


01-20-12, 09:16
Y'all are just haters. When I contemplate the genius of George Lucas putting Indiana Jones in a lead-lined refrigerator just before an atomic bomb goes off, I just get chills.

I mean, it was a lead-lined refrigerator. A regular refrigerator just wouldn't have protected Indy from the radiation.

And when I think about him placing the unexpected in the finale to the Star Wars movies, I'm just...in awe. I mean, who would have imagined the Empire being defeated with the help of Teddy Bear people?

Genius, pure genius.


I find your use of sarcasm... disturbing.

Pork Chop
01-20-12, 09:29
Back when movie makers couldn't rely on flashy visual effects to capture an audience, they were forced to come up with intriguing social dynamics, dialogue, and innovative / inventive ways to imply things without actually being able to show them.

Yep, 20 years ago, directors like Micheal Bay would have been ****ed.

He'd have been working at Mcdonalds.

I hope Lucas retires as quickly as possible, before he has a chance to ruin any more of my childhood favorites.

01-20-12, 12:16
I hear this a lot from older people I know who just don't understand film. If it's done RIGHT by limiting the amount of CG used and doing a really good composite you can actually achieve much better effects especially with explosions and large epic scenes that just are not possible to shoot with live action. I agree though that ep. 1-3 have way too much green screen. He should have used a combination of physical models+CG to keep that gritty look of ep. 4-6.

I agree for example it worked in Jurassic Park. It was believable. But the same technology completely failed when Lucas ADDED CGI creatures to Star Wars (1977), they looked fake.

CGI also worked in The Matrix where the effects were showing the rules of the "new reality" within the matrix, but those same effects are ****ing stupid when done in Charlies Angels.

I think the problem is Lucas simply doesn't know how to effectively employ CGI and he basically bukakes it all over the screen thinking more is better.

01-20-12, 12:17
*begin nerd rant

I hear this a lot from older people I know who just don't understand film. If it's done RIGHT by limiting the amount of CG used and doing a really good composite you can actually achieve much better effects especially with explosions and large epic scenes that just are not possible to shoot with live action. I agree though that ep. 1-3 have way too much green screen. He should have used a combination of physical models+CG to keep that gritty look of ep. 4-6.

I agree! Personally I wish he would give the rights to someone who is willing to make some extended universe films i.e. POST ROTJ. If you have read the hundreds of SW books you know that they have a typically dark, more adult storyline and generally are much more interesting. I would love them to do a trilogy of the youzann vong book series, which takes place 25 years after ROTJ.

Overall the universe Lucas has created is amazing and full of fantastic stories, however most of them are not written by him, and there are endless possibilities for future books/movies. I just wish they would stop going back in time.

*end nerd rant

By CG movies I just mean where the entire thing is seemingly filmed on green screen and the entire movie just gives off that video game look and feel. Of course selective use of CG can make for a better movie but I tend to shut down when everything is CG.

4-6 made great use of natural scenery, sets, and props. Lucas actually had to be inventive and make stuff to go in the movies not rely on a computer program to do it, and thus look video game like.

The acting in 1-3 was terrible for the most part which doesn't help.

Ive read quite a few of the books and liked them a lot. Some of the pre-episode 4-6 Han Solo stuff is great as well as the X wing series which is post ROTJ. All great stories that would add to the Star Wars world if made into movies just as long as Lucas was not involved.

01-20-12, 12:18
he basically bukakes it all over the screen thinking more is better.

I've not seen any of Lucas's bukakes flicks! :p

01-20-12, 13:12
I'll forgive him for donating millions to Barbara Boxer long before I forgive him for f-ing up StarWars and Indiana Jones.

Now we get to see the 99th Pursuit Squadron attacking German Battleships. :rolleyes:

I look forward to his retirement.

01-20-12, 13:17
I think part of the problem is applying CGI to things that are naturally human. Avatar was a fantastic display of what you can do with good CGI if you ignore the human part of it. When you have the expectation of fantasy it's far easier to suspend your disbelief. All of the human CGI stuff in that movie looked like a bag of smashed assholes, even the aliens looked off, but the rendering of the environment and the other non-speaking characters actually looked pretty decent. The story line was shit though.

Check out the Uncanny Valley theory. It's a good descriptor why CGI causes problems.

01-20-12, 14:38
If it's done RIGHT by limiting the amount of CG used and doing a really good composite you can actually achieve much better effects especially with explosions and large epic scenes that just are not possible to shoot with live action.

WHAT! You mean Vigo WASN'T out there hacking limbs off Orcs for real!!!!!!!!!!.:angry::angry::angry::angry::angry: I feel soooo cheated!!


01-20-12, 15:18
I hear this a lot from older people I know who just don't understand film. If it's done RIGHT by limiting the amount of CG used and doing a really good composite you can actually achieve much better effects especially with explosions and large epic scenes that just are not possible to shoot with live action. I agree though that ep. 1-3 have way too much green screen. He should have used a combination of physical models+CG to keep that gritty look of ep. 4-6.

I'm in my 30's, watched the IJ movies and SW Episodes V & VI growing up. Episodes I, II, & III blew because they were nothing but CGI eye candy. Compare the dialogue from Episodes IV, V, & VI to I, II, & III and you see the epic failure.

My all-time favorite sci-fi movies were made in the 80's Dune and Blade Runner. That's not to mention Aliens, Terminator, and Predator.

Doc Safari
01-20-12, 15:44
The first Star Wars movie (now called Episode IV) was so good that it was one of those movies you wanted to get back in line and see it again as soon as it was over. That's no exaggeration because a lot of kids, including me at the time, did just that. Imagine every show sold out even when the movie has already been out three weeks, and you get the idea. Nothing could touch Star Wars for box office when it first came out. The special effects of that quality and just outright intensity had never, ever been seen before.

Lucas should have made that movie Episode I and maybe done a Darth Vader backstory in a subsequent sequel. All this going back to Episode I, stupid characters like Jar Jar Binks, stupid subplots like making Vader Luke's father and whatnot just ultimately smacked the pretty off the whole thing, IMHO. People swore off the series when Vader turned out to be Luke's dad. I remember it well. When Return of the Jedi came out I saw a preview with the Teddy Bear people and just almost didn't go see it. A couple friends and I saw it at the $1 movie on a Saturday afternoon right before it left town.

The original Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark may be the greatest action adventure movie of all time. And I don't think Temple of Doom was all that bad, either. But the last two Indy movies were mediocre at best.

George is great at coming up with a concept and fleshing out a universe, but not so great at continuing it through subsequent movies, and his writing just outright stinks.

01-20-12, 16:53
I'm in my 30's, watched the IJ movies and SW Episodes V & VI growing up. Episodes I, II, & III blew because they were nothing but CGI eye candy. Compare the dialogue from Episodes IV, V, & VI to I, II, & III and you see the epic failure.

My all-time favorite sci-fi movies were made in the 80's Dune and Blade Runner. That's not to mention Aliens, Terminator, and Predator.

Man, I thought Dune sucked...... Of course that's at least partly because I have a visceral hatred of David Lynch (even though as a film buff I'm "supposed" to like his shit), and mostly because some fundamental parts of the book (which I love) were missing.

Blade Runner is one of the best science-fiction movies of all time.

I thought all of the Star Wars movies were campy and stupid, the first three were carried by quality acting.

01-20-12, 19:31
I just came back from seeing Red Tails, needless to say I was disappointed. The only thing that kept me interested was the P51 porn. The Mustang and it's role in WW2 has been one of my favorite subjects for most of my life, which is maybe why I feel a bit let down. But come on, portray the war, make it more historically accurate. I felt it did not even do justice to the Tuskegee story line.

Along these lines, I'd like to see a movie abouth the 352 FG, the Blue Nosers, with the historical accuracy of Band of Brothers. I think you guys are right, it is time for Lucas to "retire".

Mauser KAR98K
01-20-12, 23:16
*begin nerd rant

I hear this a lot from older people I know who just don't understand film. If it's done RIGHT by limiting the amount of CG used and doing a really good composite you can actually achieve much better effects especially with explosions and large epic scenes that just are not possible to shoot with live action. I agree though that ep. 1-3 have way too much green screen. He should have used a combination of physical models+CG to keep that gritty look of ep. 4-6.

I agree! Personally I wish he would give the rights to someone who is willing to make some extended universe films i.e. POST ROTJ. If you have read the hundreds of SW books you know that they have a typically dark, more adult storyline and generally are much more interesting. I would love them to do a trilogy of the youzann vong book series, which takes place 25 years after ROTJ.

Overall the universe Lucas has created is amazing and full of fantastic stories, however most of them are not written by him, and there are endless possibilities for future books/movies. I just wish they would stop going back in time.

*end nerd rant

First one that comes to mind is Shadows of the Empire. It was, from what I know, the only BOOK that had a video game, toys, a comic book, and a full soundtrack too. Yet, Lucas never went a head and tried to make it.

Course now there is the cartoon series Clone Wars. But no Shadows of the Empire.

Hopefully someone does make a new, and better, Star Wars film.

I will say this. I like good story lines, and the for the most part, Star Wars had a good one, though it wasn't great, and it most of it was presented badly. But as many here have pointed out: it was childish, hence Lucas target audience, for it worked well for him back during the first three.

Does anyone remember the other two films he did centered around the Star Wars "universe." It featured those same Bear People on the moon of Endor.

01-20-12, 23:22

I will say this. I like good story lines, and the for the most part, Star Wars had a good one, though it wasn't great, and it most of it was presented badly. But as many here have pointed out: it was childish, hence Lucas target audience, for it worked well for him back during the first three.

Does anyone remember the other two films he did centered around the Star Wars "universe." It featured those same Bear People on the moon of Endor.

I wouldn't say 4-6 are childish. Obviously you need an imagination but most of the main themes were very adult like including the relationships between Luke, Leia, and Darth Vader.

Yes I remember the Ewok movies. Ewoks: The Battle of Endor and Caravan of Courage. I used to rent them on VHS when I was about 10. I liked them then...but obviously not on par with the original trilogy.

Mauser KAR98K
01-20-12, 23:47
I wouldn't say 4-6 are childish. Obviously you need an imagination but most of the main themes were very adult like including the relationships between Luke, Leia, and Darth Vader.

Yes I remember the Ewok movies. Ewoks: The Battle of Endor and Caravan of Courage. I used to rent them on VHS when I was about 10. I liked them then...but obviously not on par with the original trilogy.

I'm trying to remember The Battle of Endor film, because the ship that was used to get off the Bear infested world look very close to Dash Rendars ship in Shadows of the Empire.

Bland food for tasteless thought, I guess.

01-20-12, 23:59
I'm trying to remember The Battle of Endor film, because the ship that was used to get off the Bear infested world look very close to Dash Rendars ship in Shadows of the Empire.

Bland food for tasteless thought, I guess.

Wilford Brimley should ring a bell.

01-21-12, 00:08
I just came back from seeing Red Tails, needless to say I was disappointed. The only thing that kept me interested was the P51 porn. The Mustang and it's role in WW2 has been one of my favorite subjects for most of my life, which is maybe why I feel a bit let down. But come on, portray the war, make it more historically accurate. I felt it did not even do justice to the Tuskegee story line.

Along these lines, I'd like to see a movie abouth the 352 FG, the Blue Nosers, with the historical accuracy of Band of Brothers. I think you guys are right, it is time for Lucas to "retire".

Several of the original Red Tails came from Des Moines, Iowa, not far from my home. Their story is way too good to "Hollywoodize", but from the synopses and previews, it sounds like Titanic or Pearl Harbor, Part Two. Another Hollywood raped and ruined story.

01-21-12, 00:09
I just came back from seeing Red Tails, needless to say I was disappointed. The only thing that kept me interested was the P51 porn. The Mustang and it's role in WW2 has been one of my favorite subjects for most of my life, which is maybe why I feel a bit let down. But come on, portray the war, make it more historically accurate. I felt it did not even do justice to the Tuskegee story line.

Along these lines, I'd like to see a movie abouth the 352 FG, the Blue Nosers, with the historical accuracy of Band of Brothers. I think you guys are right, it is time for Lucas to "retire".

I agree 100%. The sad fact is that Lucas embellished the story of the 99th when it most certainly needed no embellishment. Showing them attacking a German Battleship frankly dishonored them. Plus, as you know, the CG renditions of P51s had them doing maneuvers they could not do. Heck, the X-wing fighters at Yavin moved more realistically than some of the P51s in Red Tails.

01-21-12, 03:11
I think Lucas's best work to date is American Graffiti.

A part from his films and the Star Wars universe people often do not realize that Lucas is also known for Skywalker Sound (http://www.skysound.com/) that gave the world Dolby THX and Industrial Light & Magic (http://www.ilm.com/) who has done the CGI and special effects for tons of blockbusters; Saving Private Ryan, Harry Potter franchise, Avatar, Transformer franchise, Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, et al.

Lucas is a billionaire for a reason.

01-21-12, 03:59
Isn't it past time for "hollywood" to re-make Star Wars??

put a younger cast and explain things that someone, somewhere thought wasn't cover enough in the original. (yet the original was HUGE money maker)

coming soon.......
The Crow
A Star is Born
The Warriors
Godzilla (only they got creative and going to name it "Godzilla 2012")
The Great Gatsby
Excalibur (if your like me you grew up on the 1981 movie)

many more.. but for me these are some classic films and do not need to be remade.

Or has Star Wars been spoofed so much that it can never be remade?

01-21-12, 06:33
Isn't it past time for "hollywood" to re-make Star Wars??

put a younger cast and explain things that someone, somewhere thought wasn't cover enough in the original. (yet the original was HUGE money maker)

coming soon.......
The Crow
A Star is Born
The Warriors
Godzilla (only they got creative and going to name it "Godzilla 2012")
The Great Gatsby
Excalibur (if your like me you grew up on the 1981 movie)

many more.. but for me these are some classic films and do not need to be remade.

Or has Star Wars been spoofed so much that it can never be remade?

The Star Wars universe continues to grow, and has a ton of content still being made.

Furthermore, would you rather see remakes of the old films, or new content like this; not written or directed by Lucas, , but well within the intention of Star Wars

Darth Malgus is all kinds of bad ass as well




01-21-12, 06:44
I just came back from seeing Red Tails, needless to say I was disappointed. The only thing that kept me interested was the P51 porn. The Mustang and it's role in WW2 has been one of my favorite subjects for most of my life, which is maybe why I feel a bit let down. But come on, portray the war, make it more historically accurate. I felt it did not even do justice to the Tuskegee story line.

Along these lines, I'd like to see a movie abouth the 352 FG, the Blue Nosers, with the historical accuracy of Band of Brothers. I think you guys are right, it is time for Lucas to "retire".

That is because it is only supposed to make money. All they do is remake/revision/screw over something that was popular and made a buck the 1st time around. From the trailers it looks like an NBA pre game warmup with planes.

01-21-12, 10:35
I agree 100%. The sad fact is that Lucas embellished the story of the 99th when it most certainly needed no embellishment. Showing them attacking a German Battleship frankly dishonored them. Plus, as you know, the CG renditions of P51s had them doing maneuvers they could not do. Heck, the X-wing fighters at Yavin moved more realistically than some of the P51s in Red Tails.

More importantly, HBO already did a perfectly good film in 1995 on the subject, "The Tuskegee Airmen." And this of course negates the ridiculous hoopla that Lucas had to go into his own pocket because Hollywood wasn't willing to finance a "black WWII movie."

The reality is that it had already been done and most people probably assumed Lucas couldn't make anything superior to what already existed.

01-21-12, 10:45
I think Lucas's best work to date is American Graffiti.

A part from his films and the Star Wars universe people often do not realize that Lucas is also known for Skywalker Sound (http://www.skysound.com/) that gave the world Dolby THX and Industrial Light & Magic (http://www.ilm.com/) who has done the CGI and special effects for tons of blockbusters; Saving Private Ryan, Harry Potter franchise, Avatar, Transformer franchise, Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, et al.

Lucas is a billionaire for a reason.

I think I agree that AG was Lucas's best film, but I think Star Wars was his most important film. It's also ironic that he would leave THX 1138 "as is" given it is a ground breaking idea that was poorly executed due to budget restraints. That is truly the film that "might have been." There were so many story lines to explore it isn't funny.

Had he left the original Star Wars trilogy "as is" or simply cleaned up the print, things wouldn't have been so terrible. People could have just accepted that the original trilogy (or at least the first two) was the real deal and the prequels ware CGI cartoons for children. It would be no different than recognizing the significant difference between Godfather I & II and Godfather III.

But Lucas had to go back and crap up the originals as well, changing story lines and adding crap that was originally cut for a reason. It was as bad as Speilberg digitally replacing the guns with radios in ET, but at least ET was hardly an important film so it really didn't matter.

01-21-12, 12:21
More importantly, HBO already did a perfectly good film in 1995 on the subject, "The Tuskegee Airmen." And this of course negates the ridiculous hoopla that Lucas had to go into his own pocket because Hollywood wasn't willing to finance a "black WWII movie."

The reality is that it had already been done and most people probably assumed Lucas couldn't make anything superior to what already existed.

I remember that movie as being pretty good as well. It is a sad reflection on Hollywood that the only production company that seems to be continually releasing quality "motion pictures" is HBO.

I find it pretty hard to believe a multi-billionair like Lucas had any problem bankrolling a film.:rolleyes:

01-21-12, 12:31
Several of the original Red Tails came from Des Moines, Iowa, not far from my home. Their story is way too good to "Hollywoodize", but from the synopses and previews, it sounds like Titanic or Pearl Harbor, Part Two. Another Hollywood raped and ruined story.

I agree, he totally ruined a good story. I remember another movie about the Tuskegee Airmen from the late 80s or 90s. I remember L. Fishburne in it and the fellow who played Cosby's son from the Cosby Show. I also remember it being a damn good movie, it has been years since I saw it but I feel it was way better than what Lucas has done this time around. This puff piece Lucas just released is damn near a disgrace.

01-21-12, 12:58
I agree 100%. The sad fact is that Lucas embellished the story of the 99th when it most certainly needed no embellishment. Showing them attacking a German Battleship frankly dishonored them. Plus, as you know, the CG renditions of P51s had them doing maneuvers they could not do. Heck, the X-wing fighters at Yavin moved more realistically than some of the P51s in Red Tails.


I'm no pilot, but only because my eyesight began to fade when I was 16. I have studied avaition my whole life with the P-51 being my all time favorite. I once went up in a trainer and when the instructer handed the controls over to me and told me to pull a couple of manovers I performed them as if I had done them for years, so much so he accused me of being a former pilot:D

I've studied the Mustang so much that I probably could strap in, fire it up and take off, fly it, manover it and land it again. So I may be a bit too critical, at least more so than the general population. But I still can't abide the in-accuracys I witnessed in his new movie.

When I mentioned ealier that I'd like to see an accurate movie based on the 352nd FG, this group went through so much and performed so well that a movie would not need to deiviate from the truth to draw the public in, much like Band of Brothers did. I mean the 352nd was home to America's two leading Mustang aces, George Preddy and JC Meyer. Preddy was shot down and killed on Christmas day 1944 by friendly ground fire. Meyer had the foresight to have his squadron sitting on the runway with engines turning even when he had been denied permission to take off on Jan 1 1945, that when the Germans attempted an ambush they were in turn ambushed by the 352nd. Sometimes truth is truly better than fiction. This group's history is so unbeliveable that nothing needs to be added nor taken away and other groups also have amazing histories behind them. I feel that this puff piece Lucas has made has probably ruined any chance of another WW2 squadron's history being told in movie form for several years, which sucks. I mean make a good movie, tell the truth and honor the men before they are all gone, again, much like Band of Brothers did. I feel completely let down.

So long Lucas, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out:dirol:

01-21-12, 13:10
I want the original trilogy on bluray, digital remastered from the originals, THE WAY I GREW UP WITH THEM....no added scenes with jabba the hut, no redoing yoda with CGI, han shooting first.....just remaster them and leave them....I could care less what happens with the new trilogy.....of course my 4 year old likes the new ones better...

01-22-12, 14:52
American Graffiti, great film. More American Graffiti......meh, no not so great. I grew up on SW 4,5,6 so I thought they were the shit. Maybe Lucas could do more Simpsons cameos or even an episode of Family guy? BTW, Blue Harvest was killer, LMAO.

01-23-12, 00:59
Red Tails was no Battle of Britain, but Battle of Britain wasn't playing in the theatres this weekend.


Like the Star Wars prequels, Red Tails was geared more towards juveniles than adults. Lucas basically made a "modern" WWII era propaganda movie. The pacing was pretty bad throughout, but I enjoyed Red Tails anyway. The actual acting was good, unfortunately the radio chatter was at times beyond comical. Dogfights are miles better in today's movies than in the past, but no where near perfect, or even marginal.

At least we now know what Fearless Leader did during the war, prior to taking over Pottsylvania.

01-23-12, 08:11
Another Hollywood raped and ruined story.

When I sit quietly for a moment, and try to get in the head of whomever it was that decided that a hip-hop dialogue was what they needed to add some "punch" to the story (as if it really needed "punch" to begin with...), it's as if I'm staring into the Abyss, and can feel the weight of its eyes on my soul as it stares back.

Agreed, that thing was a travesty that made Pearl Harbor look like Citizen Kane.

01-23-12, 11:05
Not happy to hear this about Red Tails...I've really been looking forward to seeing it. Maybe I'll just go buy Tuskegee Airmen on DVD instead, loved that movie.

01-23-12, 13:48
When I sit quietly for a moment, and try to get in the head of whomever it was that decided that a hip-hop dialogue was what they needed to add some "punch" to the story (as if it really needed "punch" to begin with...), it's as if I'm staring into the Abyss, and can feel the weight of its eyes on my soul as it stares back.

Agreed, that thing was a travesty that made Pearl Harbor look like Citizen Kane.

I think Lucas and Michael Bay should redo Roots.

01-23-12, 14:11
And, thus, do we come full circle, because I read that and felt a disturbance.

As if millions of voices cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced

01-23-12, 16:14
And, thus, do we come full circle, because I read that and felt a disturbance.

As if millions of voices cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced

I just think if we gave Alex Haley the Michael Bay/Lucas treatment everyone might stop and think about what they have done and maybe work to preventing such tragedies in the future.

I'm thinking maybe Kanya West as Kunta Kinte and Flava Flav as Fiddler. When Kunta tries to escape Fiddler can utter his catch phrase "I Can't Do Nuthin For Ya Man."

We can remake it into a powerful tale about how escaped slaves actually founded the country by defeating the British and winning the Revolutionary War thus shaming white people who kept them as slaves.

Oh and it will have lots and lots of explosions.

01-23-12, 16:47
*begin nerd rant

I hear this a lot from older people I know who just don't understand film. If it's done RIGHT by limiting the amount of CG used and doing a really good composite you can actually achieve much better effects especially with explosions and large epic scenes that just are not possible to shoot with live action...

And herein lies the issue. My standards are pretty low when it comes to movies. Heck, I am already planning on buying the latest Muppet Movie because I liked it so much. But if I can tell the effects are CG I end up hate the movie.

Some of the CG-intense movies that had great possibilities if the CG was done properly (and they actually had a decent plot, story line and actors - but that's beside the point) are Pearl Harbor, Titanic, Pirates of the Caribbean and Star Wars 1-3.

It's like digital recordings. I miss hearing the scratches that are part of vinyl records and those made by guitarists as they move between frets and strings. To me those add to the character of the piece just like scratches on a Krylon-painted AR. YMMV.