View Full Version : Recoil Magazine

01-22-12, 16:14
Has anyone heard of this new gun mag?

I ran to the grocery store today and after stopped in to see if I could grab a copy of American Sniper. While I was there I perused the magazine rack and saw a new magazine I was unfamiliar with. Recoil. I had never heard of it before and the cover looked interesting so I picked it up. I didn't buy a copy but skimmed it quickly. It looked like a cross between Surefire's mag and a Maxim (not that that is a bad thing) with the photos, layout, ads, etc. The provocative ads did prevent me from purchasing though as I don't like having things like that around my kids.

A quick google search revealed that it may have debuted at Shot and their website isn't set to launch for another month or so.

Anyone picked up a copy? How's the content? If the articles are worthy I may pick up a copy yet and remove or obscure the questionable ads. If not I'll pass.