View Full Version : GUN POLL

12-17-07, 19:46
Hit it in our favor:D

Do you think it's a good idea to allow college students to carry handguns on campus

12-18-07, 12:01
Never mind.........
I'm a day late and a marble short.:rolleyes:

12-18-07, 17:14
In this hyper-cautious society, I think we have a long way to go... :rolleyes:

December 15, 2007
Girl, 10, faces felony charge for steak knife used at lunch
Uncle thinks reaction to incident went too far
By Austin L. Miller, Star-Banner

OCALA - Marion County school officials Thursday said they seized a 4-1/2 inch steak knife from a 10-year-old student, who brought the knife to school. But unlike so many incidents in schools across the nation, she wasn't threatening anyone with the blade, students say.

She was cutting her steak.

Now, she is facing a felony charge of bringing a weapon to school.

School employees at Sunrise Elementary School told Marion County sheriff's deputies the girl was eating lunch and using the knife to cut her steak when she was spotted by two school officials. They took the knife away from her.

The student told deputies she brought the knife to school so she could use it for her lunch, according to the Sheriff's Office. She reportedly said she had brought a knife to school on more than one occasion.

Several students told the deputy the girl never tried to hurt or threatened anyone with the knife. The girl was arrested on the felony charge and transported to the Juvenile Assessment Center.

Kevin Christian, spokesman for Marion County Public Schools, said the district "has zero tolerance for weapons on school grounds."

He said the girl may have to go to an alternative school, but it is up to the School Board to make that decision.

The girl's uncle, Kenneth Thomas, who was contacted by the Sheriff's Office when they couldn't reach her parents, told the Star-Banner that the arrest and felony charge is over the top. He said the girl has been suspended for 10 days.

"I certainly understand the school's concern," he said "but, at some point, someone should've stopped and said she's a good girl and a good student, instead of throwing her into the system."

The child realizes she has made a mistake, he said, but now she has been traumatized.

"She's sensitive," he said.

Earlier in the month, a 6-year-old kindergarten student was suspended from East Marion Elementary School after claiming to put a bomb in a classmate's backpack.

12-18-07, 18:17
I guess the deputies on scene could not figure out the difference between school policy and common sense when deciding to charge a 10 year old with a Felony for cutting her EFFING steak with a prohibited utensil.