View Full Version : Preparing for G8/NATO summit

1st watch
02-01-12, 00:35
I work for the city that will be hosting the G8/NATO summit this May, so I am making sure I have the proper equipment to deal with the violence which will be directed towards us. Since I'm not in a specialized unit, I don't have the typical riot gear, just the basic patrol uniform and equipment. Do you guys have any recommendations for any gear I should buy, particularly gloves, to keep myself in one piece? Any suggestions from LEOs with first-hand experience from riots would be greatly appreciated.

Boy Scout
02-01-12, 05:48
Gloves are such a personal choice due to fit and style, but I might recommend something flame resistant. As far as other gear or concerns, definitely pack a go-bag of sorts with some food and water, a small dopp kit and maybe some fresh socks and undies. It's been my experience that even though you're only scheduled to work "X" hours, you'll end up working more if things get assed up. In addition, if you don't have one already and/or haven't been trained in how to use one - get an IFAK (or two.) Carry one on you and another in the bag. Other items to consider:

Extra flashlight and batteries
Respirator - N95 or similar particulate mask, gas mask if issued/allowed
Bottle of saline (for flushing eyes/skin)

Pending the weather and uniform regs, you may consider wearing a long sleeve shirt during your shift. It can be another layer of protection against sun, wind, thrown debris or irritants. Might be a moot point if your shirt will go up like match if too close to a fire (polyester) though...

Has your department had any Field Force Operations/riot control training? Have you been issued any equipment related to riot control, i.e. helmet, baton, protective gear?

02-01-12, 06:31
Good leather boots and shin guards. I'm sure you have a helmet? if not, get one and if you can afford it, ballistic capabilities and a quality face shield. Clear eye pro of quality also.
Tons of patience to flat out ignore those morons unless you need to address an issue. Maintain control, stay focused and function as a group with established protocols and all will be good.

I would certainly hope if your agency is lead or assist in that mess that training is being done--it best be.

just a scout
02-01-12, 19:00
Talk to Brian on the rifle team at the Academy. They're working on a bunchaton of stuff for protection since the Emperor and his appointees aren't acknowledging the danger.

PD Sgt.
02-02-12, 10:26
I can't believe a Department that size does not issue basic protective gear (helmets, chest/shin/arm guards, mask) for dealing with civil disturbance to all officers. That is a serious failing.

I will second Mark's recommendations, in addition to the other advice already given. Patience and work within protocols as a group.

If it doesn't interfere with any other issued gear, you may want to look at some kind of drop leg rig/pouch to hold some of the items. This way you can have it ready at hand, already packed and able to be thrown on at relatively short notice.

As far as gloves, I usually prefer a heavier leather and/or nomex, but that is up to you and your preference. I will say have two pair, in case yours get torn up or lost, or if a buddy needs a pair.

Good luck!

04-06-12, 01:23
1st Watch (if you happen to check this post again),

I'm guessing that you are not part of what they are calling the "1st tier". If you are, as you're name suggests, 1st watch, you will probably be staying in the district.

If you happen to fall into the second line, there are plenty of things we are buying and a couple we are being issued to supplement the gas mask, riot (motorcycle) helmet, and BDUs that you could use. I consider this info strategically and security sensitive though. PM me for more info or ask the tact and gang guys where you're at.

05-08-12, 20:57
Get something to protect your throat. A wrist rocket launching a ball bearing or a spark plug into your throat will be a bad day. Also get a small fire extinguisher for those pesky moltovs as well as some fire retardant under garments.

05-12-12, 15:26
Having worked many large TRU events in Phoenix over the years I've found gloves that have hardened plastic over the knuckles work well while in the line. Be sure to select some that still offer the dexterity you need to manipulate your weapons and radio, Oakley makes a good model. Some sort of helmet, ballistic preferred, and a face shield are a must, followed by knee or shin pads as well as long sleeves. Have a cooler stocked with food, water, Gatorade etc and camelpack in your patrol car, no telling how long your deployment or shift will be. if your a rifle or shotgun operator, have a deployment bag with food, water and lots of magazines and rounds for all weapons you may deploy. Lots of departments dictate your round count, but most of us can squirrel away extra authorized ammunition over time. Have extra batteries as well as lights, and a book or two for relief if your on a line and get a break. The most important thing is to not get sucked in by the crowd who will do everything possible to get a reaction over you. Once you step into no mans land you put your self and your fellow LE's into danger. Be professional at all times, and remember your getting paid, don't take it personal. Work in numbers and have lots and lots of Mark 9. Remember, hippies hate death metal to. Good luck!