View Full Version : BCM blem lower re-anodized

02-02-12, 12:58
This isn't a build up thread so I can't fit it in that forum. In early November I sent my blemed BCM lower and a brand new DSA upper to Victor at US Anodizing. I JUST got it back today. I also had him remove the flaws on the lower before the work. Anyway the set was re-anodized to match Daniel Defense's FDE. While not an exact match, it's fine by my standards.
I wish I would have measured the pin holes before.. I told Victor to build it up enough to keep it to spec whatever they are.

The kitchen lighting makes the handguard look funky.

With the flash

02-02-12, 13:16
Guess it gives an option to painting or other coatings. You could have sent the rail in to have it done if you wanted it to match up better.
Looks good!

02-02-12, 13:18
I didn't have the rail at the time I sent it off. It's fine though. Definitely not a show piece..

02-04-12, 07:15
Quite the amazing replies on that other site where you posted this thread. I didn't realize you bought a blem lower out from under a poor person and now they won't have a serviceable fighting rifle! I'd love to meet some of those people over there to see what they look like in person.

Anyway, not bad man. I'd like to see some pics when it's complete.

02-04-12, 08:38
What does an anodizing job like that cost?

02-04-12, 08:44
Quite the amazing replies on that other site where you posted this thread. I didn't realize you bought a blem lower out from under a poor person and now they won't have a serviceable fighting rifle! I'd love to meet some of those people over there to see what they look like in person.

Anyway, not bad man. I'd like to see some pics when it's complete.
:lol: Thanks. It's just something different I wanted to try. I have plenty of black rifles already.

$166. Included in the price is shipping and flaw removal.

02-04-12, 09:24
Wouldn't it have been smarter to spend that money on some extra ammunition or magazines? Maybe a decent light?

02-04-12, 09:48
Wouldn't it have been smarter to spend that money on some extra ammunition or magazines? Maybe a decent light?

What if he already has plenty of ammo and magazines or even a decent light?

02-04-12, 09:52
Wouldn't it have been smarter to spend that money on some extra ammunition or magazines? Maybe a decent light?

I think it would be too, but I also understand people do things just to do them sometimes.

Recently I was looking at a couple optics. Someone had commented to buy the cheaper one and use the rest on ammo. The thing is, regardless of what I buy, I still buy as much ammo and training. So sometimes, spending money on other stuff does not limit their ammo/training budget and purchases, if that makes sense.

Personally, I'd leave the blem unit alone or hit it with some Krylon instead of anodizing, but I'm all for others doing whatever they want to a degree as long as they still use it. It's like the M4a1 and Mk18 threads on TOS. Some guys buy PEQ-15's and PVS-14's and actually use them while some in those threads actually buy PEQ-15's for the purpose of building a clone, but have no access to night vision? WTF? So, anodize away, but then use it like you would any other.

For me it's not so much about thinking the anodizing is a waste, even though it's not my thing, I'd be more concerned about the tolerance changes as I've heard reanodizing can lead to other issues.

If he did it just to see how it looks but will use it just the same, I'm all for it. If he did it to take pics and post on the internet, that's a different story. I think the gun will be a user if I read it correctly.

02-04-12, 09:57
No such thing as too much ammo and mags. Buy marshmallows or use it for training.

What if he already has plenty of ammo and magazines or even a decent light?

02-04-12, 10:05
Wouldn't it have been smarter to spend that money on some extra ammunition or magazines? Maybe a decent light?

Unless its essential to your career or lifestyle guns are luxury items anyway, why not just do what you want with it.

Even if he throws it in his closet and never looks at it again hes still supporting good companies.

Thats like saying even if he Sprayed it... the $15 he spent on paint could of bought him a Pmag.

Even though there are better things to spend $166 on in regards to function of the rifle...
I admittedly am very interested in what it will look like completed.
Im a fan f the DD FDE

02-04-12, 10:08
Just offering my opinion.

Unless its essential to your career or lifestyle guns are luxury items anyway, why not just do what you want with it.

Even if he throws it in his closet and never looks at it again hes still supporting good companies.

Thats like saying even if he Sprayed it... the $15 he spent on paint could of bought him a Pmag.

Even though there are better things to spend $166 on in regards to function of the rifle...
I admittedly am very interested in what it will look like completed.
Im a fan f the DD FDE

02-04-12, 10:38
Just offering my opinion.

Had I understood from the beginning that you meant marshmallows, I would have been with you 100%. ;)

02-04-12, 11:02
Let me see. I'm a flashaholic. Have plenty of lights. Ammo? Enough to hold off a small army. I have enough mags for my ammo. Training? Check. I guess marshmallows aren't a bad idea.

02-04-12, 11:13
I told Victor to build it up enough to keep it to spec whatever they are.

That is physically impossible.

02-04-12, 11:22
That is physically impossible.

That would be my concern as well. Re-anodizing never seems to be the best idea.

02-04-12, 11:24
That's fine.

02-04-12, 13:34
That's fine.

I'm not saying you did anything wrong or your lower is now out of spec. I would just be concerned that it may happen, that's all.

02-04-12, 13:57
Sorry that came out wrong. Meant to say, I'm fine with it if it's slightly out of spec. I have plenty of go-to (work and personal) ARs. This set will be a "beater" build if you will so I'm not entirely concerned if the holes are slightly larger than the norm or if it scratches easily because of the type 2 anodizing.
It was something fun I wanted to try out. I know I'm treading on thin ice here by posting the modification but hey, you only live once.

02-04-12, 14:04
Sorry that came out wrong. Meant to say, I'm fine with it if it's slightly out of spec. I have plenty of go-to (work and personal) ARs. This set will be a "beater" build if you will so I'm not entirely concerned if the holes are slightly larger than the norm or if it scratches easily because of the type 2 anodizing.
It was something fun I wanted to try out. I know I'm treading on thin ice here by posting the modification but hey, you only live once.

It's all good man. Like I said earlier, if you have other rifles and do something like this to try it out, that's great. It's when people have one rifle and choose appearance as their priority over reliability that it's looked down upon. I think what you did, as a side project, is perfectly fine.

02-04-12, 15:26
Unless its essential to your career or lifestyle guns are luxury items anyway

It must be nice in your world.

02-04-12, 17:18
Quite the amazing replies on that other site where you posted this thread. I didn't realize you bought a blem lower out from under a poor person and now they won't have a serviceable fighting rifle! I'd love to meet some of those people over there to see what they look like in person.

Anyway, not bad man. I'd like to see some pics when it's complete.

HA ha.. I know.

again.....Fine job.

02-05-12, 11:13
Unless its essential to your career or lifestyle guns are luxury items anyway, why not just do what you want with it.

The founding fathers left us with lots of rights but only one duty.

Guns are not a luxury, you have a duty to have one.

Read the Declaration of Independence.

02-05-12, 12:25
It must be nice in your world.

What do you mean by that?

If you mean to imply that a gun is absolutely vital to life
I disagree. The average person does not NEED a gun.
That being Said, I believe everyone should have one given its a right as an American. But I won't feed into the the SHTF/2012 end of the world paranoia.

02-05-12, 13:49
The founding fathers left us with lots of rights but only one duty.

Guns are not a luxury, you have a duty to have one.

Read the Declaration of Independence.

OK, George Washington, does the DoI mention how many guns? are we allowed to tinker with them, use them for non-serious purposes???

I wouldn't want to be doing this wrong...

02-05-12, 14:34
What do you mean by that?

If you mean to imply that a gun is absolutely vital to life
I disagree. The average person does not NEED a gun.
That being Said, I believe everyone should have one given its a right as an American. But I won't feed into the the SHTF/2012 end of the world paranoia.

None of our liberties or freedoms are absolutely vital to life

02-05-12, 16:16
None of our liberties or freedoms are absolutely vital to life

They are when someone is trying to take it away from you. (your life, that is)

02-05-12, 18:23
They are when someone is trying to take it away from you. (your life, that is)

Ah comon man lets not split hairs here.

Think if it this way. A car is a luxury item correct?
Even though it is very much a vital part of modern lifestyle. You won't die with out one.

A gun is the same. Millions of Americans live very fullfiled lives without them. My point was just that.
It is an luxury item even if it is a self defense tool. In the city, gun ownership is unheard of. They're are other means to stay safe. Not my choice though :p

I don't like to buy into the "if I don't have a gun I'm not safe" mentality.

And as for it's my duty to own a gun "read the declaration of independence"... I don't even know where to begin.

02-05-12, 19:54
Sure seems to be a lot of butthurt in a thread about a surface coating. Not sure where that's coming from. :confused:

02-05-12, 20:13
Take it to PM, guys.

02-06-12, 08:05
The average person does not NEED a gun.

This is so classic!

02-06-12, 09:12
So this thread went from a guy re-anodizing his upper/lower to the Declaration of Independence?

Some of you people need to get laid a little more!


Nice job on your stuff. They did a good job on it.

02-06-12, 09:18
This thread went from the Declaration of Independence to getting laid??? :jester:

02-06-12, 09:20
Even the gun owners in New York have liberal views. That's rough. ;) I say that lightheartedly. This thread has gotten insane. It started with a simple reanodizing.

What's funny, is on TOS, some dude jumped the OP for buying a blem unit, that a poor person could have purchased, just to reanodizing it. I posted about it early on and pretty much implied the noticeable difference between the two sites. Then..... This happens.

02-06-12, 09:41
Funny how that works out...

This thread went from the Declaration of Independence to getting laid??? :jester:

02-06-12, 09:56
This is so classic!

uggh :suicide2: So classic what?

I dont know what your particular views are on that but obviously being around SOOOO many anti gun liberals up here I know from where they stem their arguments.

They are VERY fearful of the gun hoarder paranoia (Ruby Ridge type of thing) Hollywood shoot out BS and so on. Stupid I know.
You need to tread lightly over fear mongers becasue some day they may get OUR rights taken away.

Im all for gun ownership and collecting and Ill be the first to admit im deprived of living in a gun loving community. The Idea of CCW seems to scare everyone and their mother around here.
As a teenager I worked for a Nam vet who booby trapped his house nearly completely, Im sure we can all agree that was unnecessary. Liberal anti gun wet dream right?

Maybe becasue I've lived safely without guns in the past and know very many people who live well with out them I don't see why some people feel you absolutely need a gun. Im open to hearing your sides, no one has stated why...

I myself have fallen victim to my own forms of paranoia due to seeing the worst sides of humanity. And I do agree that a gun is one of the best self defense/survival tool.
Because I know I dont NEED a gun doesn't mean Ill ever be in a position where I wont have one...

My original post was a misinterpretation of what IG said to the OP. I thought he was telling him it was stupid to do anything but buy ammo and mags, I was having a "Someone farted in my cheerios" kind of morning. That being said I still stand behind my other statments.

In respect to the OP and how Ive partially contributed to this thread spinning out of control, if anyone has anything else to say or wants to tell me how wrong I am in your eyes. We can keep it to PMs.

02-06-12, 10:28
What does the Declaration of Independence, New York liberals or other shenanigans have to do with some guy re-anodizing something? Answer- Nothing.