View Full Version : Drones over you and me: it's coming

Doc Safari
02-08-12, 12:57

Drones over U.S. get OK by Congress

"Privacy advocates say the measure will lead to widespread use of drones for electronic surveillance by police agencies across the country and eventually by private companies as well."

"The agency projects that 30,000 drones could be in the nation’s skies by 2020."

But, they would never misuse it, right? :jester:

02-08-12, 13:00
Big brother getting even bigger....

02-08-12, 13:10
Not shocking. This government is ever increasingly more concerned with it's own citizens than it is about foreign enemies. It would never occur to them that perhaps THEY no longer serve We the People as they are supposed to, no it's that we're the ones that are "out of control"...

02-08-12, 13:10
All in the name of safety!!

Just google "dhs blimps"....lol the information is right there in the open and people dont care.

02-08-12, 13:20
Since the 537 BIGGEST criminals in America, all work in the Potomac swamps, MOST of the drones will be stationed there, right? :rolleyes:

02-08-12, 13:32
Read Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg. We aren't going to have a boot stomping on our face forever, we are going to be hugged and "protected" into slavery.

02-08-12, 13:33
Since the 537 BIGGEST criminals in America, all work in the Potomac swamps, MOST of the drones will be stationed there, right? :rolleyes:

Very true, by far the biggest threat to our survival as a free nation are the clowns and saboteurs in Washington... No criminal or foreign enemy could ever dream of being able to do the damage these crooks have done to our nation.

02-08-12, 13:53
Very true, by far the biggest threat to our survival as a free nation are the clowns and saboteurs in Washington... No criminal or foreign enemy could ever dream of being able to do the damage these crooks have done to our nation.

While I don't disagree with your statement, these "clowns and saboteurs" did their damage with our permission. The rate of reelection for incumbants in the House has been well over 90% for years and it's even higher in the Senate.

We put 'em there, we keep 'em there, we bear a good measure of the blame.

02-08-12, 14:26
While I don't disagree with your statement, these "clowns and saboteurs" did their damage with our permission. The rate of reelection for incumbants in the House has been well over 90% for years and it's even higher in the Senate.

We put 'em there, we keep 'em there, we bear a good measure of the blame.

Maybe you should do some research in voter fraud. Even in the primaries recently.

02-08-12, 14:47
While I don't disagree with your statement, these "clowns and saboteurs" did their damage with our permission. The rate of reelection for incumbants in the House has been well over 90% for years and it's even higher in the Senate.

We put 'em there, we keep 'em there, we bear a good measure of the blame.


Absolutely correct you are, it's a condemnation of the idiocy of the voting populace in this nation in recent generations - or perhaps self-serving corruption of these individuals. There really should be an IQ test administered before you can vote. I doubt many of them would pass, knowing nothing of history. The leaches and scabs in society vote themselves more and more welfare and government goodies. Less than half of the US population even pays any taxes, so you can see where this will all lead.

I say if you agree to accept government assistance or welfare that you sign away your voting rights during such time and for a 12 month period following it's end. That will prevent the leaches from voting for the commie libs who gain more and more ground with every election. You don't have to sign away your voting rights, but neither do you have a right to take welfare from society either. Take your choice...

The answer?

Who is John Galt?

02-08-12, 15:09
Who's wearing the tinfoil hat now? Patriot Act, NDAA, Patriots and Constitutionalists are terrorists... When will Skynet become self aware?

1984 Gents... Wake up, you are being manipulated.

02-08-12, 17:36
Given current satellite technology I think the cow is already out of the barn. Besides did anyone really believe we'd bring them back from Iraq and NOT use them for anything?

02-08-12, 17:44
Ah but the libertarians are still crazy; we've got to keep electing one of two parties who have shown us that they'll keep growing government "for national security" or "for the children".

We now return to your regularly scheduled state programming.

02-08-12, 17:48
Ah but the libertarians are still crazy; we've got to keep electing one of two parties who have shown us that they'll keep growing government "for national security" or "for the children".

We now return to your regularly scheduled state programming.

Drones, The Patriot Act and the War on Drugs are a small price to pay to keep crazy guys like Ron Paul out of the White House. Just vote for Romney and if you aren't a criminal you don't have to worry about drones.


02-08-12, 17:57
That crazy 2012 doomsday prediction is looking better and better...quick painful cataclysmic death > slow painful strangulation

02-08-12, 20:56
Oh you guys, it's for the greater good. I know I feel safer already.


02-08-12, 21:50
You guys realize how expensive it is to build a mountain cabin completely underground, don't you?

And did I mention I hate Morlocks?

Anybody got any leads on surplus camo netting?

02-08-12, 23:05
Do the drones augment the black helicopters from the U.N. or replace them?

02-09-12, 00:01
Do the drones augment the black helicopters from the U.N. or replace them?

Remember to never bite the hand that feeds you.

02-09-12, 01:30
So, instead of watching a LA police chase filmed by a TV or police helo it will come to my home theater via a drone - cool. Assuming that they are operated by local LE and monitoring public streets, I'm struggling to see the big deal. I don't get worried when my county increases the numbers of cops patrolling my neighborhood. Why should I worry about an unmanned drone performing the same function?

02-09-12, 02:27
I'm struggling to see the big deal.

Nobody thought you would. ;)

Blimps have been over South Texas for a long time patrolling the border. Great job they've done huh? These won't be effective at curbing crime, however I guarantee that they will serve to curb liberty and further numb the American people to an almighty government.

Even if you aren't concerned about the state of freedom in this country, it's blatantly apparent to me that Lockheed/Boeing/whomever has our legislators and bureaucrats absolutely in their pockets. Just like the scanners at the airport which the Israelis said were worthless and L3.

02-09-12, 07:55
Nobody thought you would. ;)

Blimps have been over South Texas for a long time patrolling the border. Great job they've done huh? These won't be effective at curbing crime, however I guarantee that they will serve to curb liberty and further numb the American people to an almighty government.

Even if you aren't concerned about the state of freedom in this country, it's blatantly apparent to me that Lockheed/Boeing/whomever has our legislators and bureaucrats absolutely in their pockets. Just like the scanners at the airport which the Israelis said were worthless and L3.

That is EXACTLY what this is about. Conditioning, 100% conditioning the american sheep to accept whatever the govt. says is for "safety" or "greater good".

Doc Safari
02-09-12, 08:51
So, instead of watching a LA police chase filmed by a TV or police helo it will come to my home theater via a drone - cool. Assuming that they are operated by local LE and monitoring public streets, I'm struggling to see the big deal. I don't get worried when my county increases the numbers of cops patrolling my neighborhood. Why should I worry about an unmanned drone performing the same function?

Because you don't know with absolute certainty that they won't be used to spy on and later destroy people just because they "disagree" with a certain administration (and I'm not singling this one out by any means).

"When the only tool you have is a hammer all of your problems begin to look like nails."

02-09-12, 22:23
Nobody thought you would. ;)

Blimps have been over South Texas for a long time patrolling the border. Great job they've done huh? These won't be effective at curbing crime, however I guarantee that they will serve to curb liberty and further numb the American people to an almighty government.

Even if you aren't concerned about the state of freedom in this country, it's blatantly apparent to me that Lockheed/Boeing/whomever has our legislators and bureaucrats absolutely in their pockets. Just like the scanners at the airport which the Israelis said were worthless and L3.

Those blimps, they're called aerostats. They have a very limited purpose and they have been incredible effective in that purpose, which has been to eliminate the use of light aircraft in cross border smuggling. They aren't there to look at illegal aliens or trucks on the border they weren't designed for that.

In case anyone is interested, Wiki has done a pretty good job describing the program.


02-10-12, 00:31
Those blimps, they're called aerostats. They have a very limited purpose and they have been incredible effective in that purpose, which has been to eliminate the use of light aircraft in cross border smuggling. They aren't there to look at illegal aliens or trucks on the border they weren't designed for that.

In case anyone is interested, Wiki has done a pretty good job describing the program.


Perhaps the fact that wikipedia is doing a better job of describing what the gov't is doing than the government itself is, is part of the problem.

For what it's worth, it would seem to a casual observer that stopping planes has been irrelevant in stopping drugs from Mexico. A multi-billion dollar industry being stopped by a few blimps, a few scattered checkpoints, and relatively few brave men? I don't think so....

Evil Colt 6920
02-10-12, 01:04
That is EXACTLY what this is about. Conditioning, 100% conditioning the american sheep to accept whatever the govt. says is for "safety" or "greater good".

EXACTLY. Its all part of a gradual extermination of freedom.

If you took a dog out in the yard and tied him to a 1 foot chain, he would immediately feel his freedom taken and fight against the short chain. If you put him on a long chain and remove one chain link a week until it was a 1 foot chain, he would not fight it because it was a gradual taking of his freedom. He didnt see it coming and now its too late.

02-10-12, 03:32
Because you don't know with absolute certainty that they won't be used to spy on and later destroy people just because they "disagree" with a certain administration (and I'm not singling this one out by any means).

"When the only tool you have is a hammer all of your problems begin to look like nails."

Just so I'm clear, are you objecting to the expansion of the police force or the notion that it is becoming more automated?

02-10-12, 03:43
Perhaps the fact that wikipedia is doing a better job of describing what the gov't is doing than the government itself is, is part of the problem.

Or, perhaps some people need to do better research on particular law enforcement tools before they jump to conclusions. Not every object put into the sky by the government has a camera looking up your ass.

02-10-12, 08:37
I can't wait to see Steven Seagal ram a drone into the house of another uberdangerous cockfighting ring. Worked great with an APC last time; thanks DHS! :rolleyes:

Doc Safari
02-10-12, 08:46
Just so I'm clear, are you objecting to the expansion of the police force or the notion that it is becoming more automated?

I am objecting to the expansion of the police state.

02-10-12, 11:04
Those blimps, they're called aerostats. They have a very limited purpose and they have been incredible effective in that purpose, which has been to eliminate the use of light aircraft in cross border smuggling. They aren't there to look at illegal aliens or trucks on the border they weren't designed for that.

In case anyone is interested, Wiki has done a pretty good job describing the program.


Obviously this capability isn't needed in the interior of the US. It doesn't take much to refit for more nefarious reasons. The blimp is just a platform. The sensor array and/or armament can be swapped out for nearly any purpose. Trust me, there are some pretty crafty engineers out there.

This can be a very slippery slope.

Doc Safari
02-10-12, 11:25
Pic taken from the Doomsday Preppers thread:



What I foresee is that someone eventually will use the unmanned aerial drones recently approved for US flyovers to target (and destroy?) people like this.

Imagine of there had been drones at Waco. Poof--no more compound. "It was just too dangerous for us to send anyone in to arrest them. WMD and all that stuff. Good thing we had those drones," they will say.

Iraq Ninja
02-10-12, 11:55
UAVs are already in limited use around Houston with law enforcement.

The company that makes em is http://vanguarddefense.com/productsservices/uavs/

02-10-12, 12:06
UAVs are already in limited use around Houston with law enforcement.

The company that makes em is http://vanguarddefense.com/productsservices/uavs/

I think it's one thing for HPD to buy some and keep them up, it's no doubt cheaper than keeping helicopters in the sky 24/7. But at the federal level? I just don't see a need other than to keep selling drones with the wars winding down.

02-10-12, 12:45
I wonder if it'll end up like this:

02-10-12, 12:58
I think it's one thing for HPD to buy some and keep them up, it's no doubt cheaper than keeping helicopters in the sky 24/7. But at the federal level? I just don't see a need other than to keep selling drones with the wars winding down.

Funny, that was the exact sentiment in my original post.

02-10-12, 13:26
Funny, that was the exact sentiment in my original post.

Right. But the article references DHS...and I truly cannot see the need for federales to be patrolling the skies in UAVs. Perhaps it's because I don't like Mr. Napolitano, and the fact that that his successors will no doubt be worse. At least we stand a much better chance of creating change at the local level. Once the federal government gets it's grubby mitts on something it doesn't let go.

We didn't like the red light cameras here in Houston, so out of fear of being voted out, the council turned them off. It's what is supposed to be the beauty of our system.

02-10-12, 13:36
Right. But the article references DHS...and I truly cannot see the need for federales to be patrolling the skies in UAVs. Perhaps it's because I don't like Mr. Napolitano, and the fact that that his successors will no doubt be worse. At least we stand a much better chance of creating change at the local level. Once the federal government gets it's grubby mitts on something it doesn't let go.

We didn't like the red light cameras here in Houston, so out of fear of being voted out, the council turned them off. It's what is supposed to be the beauty of our system.

I didn't know Napolitano had balls? Maybe she does... but I doubt it. :p

02-10-12, 13:49
I didn't know Napolitano had balls? Maybe she does... but I doubt it. :p

We need one of these UAV's to find out.

02-10-12, 23:20
We need one of these UAV's to find out.

Touché. I have no problem with DHS using UAV's to assist with their jobs enforcing border security, Coast Guard, etc. since these are within the Feds Constitutional powers.

Having the UAV's used by DOJ is another matter that I'd likely oppose except under very narrowly defined circumstances.

02-11-12, 00:12
Pic taken from the Doomsday Preppers thread:

What I foresee is that someone eventually will use the unmanned aerial drones recently approved for US flyovers to target (and destroy?) people like this.

Imagine of there had been drones at Waco. Poof--no more compound. "It was just too dangerous for us to send anyone in to arrest them. WMD and all that stuff. Good thing we had those drones," they will say.

The poster children for building codes and HOA's. Their neighbors must love what that eyesore does for property values.

02-11-12, 00:40
The poster children for building codes and HOA's. Their neighbors must love what that eyesore does for property values.

Maybe these libertarians have a point. Just seeing that picture made me want to drop a bomb on it.

02-11-12, 06:47
Maybe these libertarians have a point. Just seeing that picture made me want to drop a bomb on it.

This closely mirrors my response to that photo. If my neighbors deposited a pile of crap like that where I had to look at it, I'd be tempted to call in an airstrike myself. :shout:

02-11-12, 15:57
This closely mirrors my response to that photo. If my neighbors deposited a pile of crap like that where I had to look at it, I'd be tempted to call in an airstrike myself. :shout:

At first, I thought it was the area target for this Dillon Minigun video that has been floating around YouTube:


02-11-12, 23:36
It's America. People should be free to live in trash on their own property if it makes them happy.

02-12-12, 00:03
It's America. People should be free to live in trash on their own property if it makes them happy.

Unfortunately rats, flies, and other vermin don't respect property lines so the crap you breed on your property, ends up on mine. You have the right to do whatever you want, until it impacts someone else; freedom cannot be absolute. This is why we have rules, codes, laws, HOAs, etc., because people can't seem to do the right thing sometimes without someone else making them do it.

02-12-12, 00:14
Unfortunately rats, flies, and other vermin don't respect property lines so the crap you breed on your property, ends up on mine. You have the right to do whatever you want, until it impacts someone else; freedom cannot be absolute. This is why we have rules, codes, laws, HOAs, etc., because people can't seem to do the right thing sometimes without someone else making them do it.

I was referring to the pic and it does not seem to me that they live in a HOA. But I do agree with your post.

02-12-12, 00:17
I was referring to the pic and it does not seem to me that they live in a HOA. But I do agree with your post.

I hear you. It is all fine and good, the whole do what you want on your property thing, until one of these ass-hats moves in next door.

02-12-12, 00:23
Let's add to the hysteria over drone use; the Forest Service is flying attack helicopters!!! Oh, the humanity!


02-12-12, 00:50
Let's add to the hysteria over drone use; the Forest Service is flying attack helicopters!!! Oh, the humanity!

I'm not saying that they don't have a use for it...but what is the use for it that say, a less expensive helicopter couldn't accomplish?

02-12-12, 00:56
I'm not saying that they don't have a use for it...but what is the use for it that say, a less expensive helicopter couldn't accomplish?

For one, the Cobras, and the OV-10 Broncos they fly were free. All the spares were, uhm, free. Added to the fact that low canyon flying requires putting a lot of torque on a gearbox and these particular helicopters were designed for that kind of flying, a commercial equal would be very expensive. Did I mention that they were free? Some guys would probably have an aneurysm if they knew some of the ships that Customs (now DHS) used to fly.

02-12-12, 01:01
For one, the Cobras, and the OV-10 Broncos they fly were free. All the spares were, uhm, free. Added to the fact that low canyon flying requires putting a lot of torque on a gearbox and these particular helicopters were designed for that kind of flying, a commercial equal would be very expensive.

Repurposed Army leftovers? That's fine by me. Better than giving them to other countries or letting them rot in some graveyard.

ETA: Honestly though...I'd find it quite suitable to defund the Forest Service totally and leave it to the states.

02-12-12, 01:04
Repurposed Army leftovers? That's fine by me. Better than giving them to other countries or letting them rot in some graveyard.

Okay, they had been previously paid for by DOD and given to another agency at no cost. Better?

02-12-12, 01:10
I have no problem with local PDs using Cobras as long as they can be quickly re-armed to deal with large scale Occupy Wall Street Protests.

I'm sure those of you who grew-up in the 80's can relate to this:


02-12-12, 01:22
Okay, they had been previously paid for by DOD and given to another agency at no cost. Better?

Sure...I wasn't trying to be a dick though. Just clarifying to myself I suppose.

02-12-12, 01:39
Sure...I wasn't trying to be a dick though. Just clarifying to myself I suppose.

No worries, it's all good!

02-12-12, 02:04
Unfortunately rats, flies, and other vermin don't respect property lines so the crap you breed on your property, ends up on mine. You have the right to do whatever you want, until it impacts someone else; freedom cannot be absolute. This is why we have rules, codes, laws, HOAs, etc., because people can't seem to do the right thing sometimes without someone else making them do it.

I equate this to going to out to a resturant. You pay for "your" table but you also are crammed into a relatively small building with a bunch of other people. You can't expect to get crammed into a small room with 50 other people and have everything your way.

Specifically about the picture...I doubt they live anywhere that is publicly accessed, and if you want all the "vermin" off your land its up to you to keep them off. You can't go around telling your neighbors what to do so it improves your own personal property. Your property rights don't extend into other people's domains and give you the ability to tell them how to live to make your situation better or put you in a better financial situation.

And that is what HOA's are for if you choose to live in a neighborhood with them. Otherwise your rights end at your property line. A HOA would give you the ability to micromanage other people's property. People who want that should live in planned communities with the old bored HOA nazi is a golf cart eyeballing everyone's property twice a a day and sending them nasty letters because the color of their flowers is wrong or someone parked a vehicle in front of their house overnight.

Otherwise its up to YOU to retain the value on your property, and having poor neighbors is a risk you take in owning land. Simply owning land doesn't give you the sudden authority to become the neighborhood lifestyle police.

02-12-12, 03:30
Let me see if I understand you correctly. . .

Just seeing that picture made me
want to drop a bomb on it.

So you want to bomb a private US residence?

I have no problem with local PDs using Cobras as long as they can be quickly re-armed to deal with large scale Occupy Wall Street Protests.

And here you advocate the use of gunships on un-armed US civilian protestors?

Yet you took issue with my comments in the SEAL hostage rescue thread about my wishes for the USN turning Somalia into a missile test range???

02-12-12, 20:11
Let me see if I understand you correctly. . .

So you want to bomb a private US residence?

And here you advocate the use of gunships on un-armed US civilian protestors?

Yet you took issue with my comments in the SEAL hostage rescue thread about my wishes for the USN turning Somalia into a missile test range???

I thought it fairly clear that I was joking (hence, the YouTube clip from the 80's show Bluethunder). Sorry if you misunderstood.

Let me know if you've changed your mind or were joking about Somalia. You were serious last time I corresponded with you about that topic.

02-12-12, 20:57
I thought CTU was using drones all over already that's how Chloe is always feeding info to Jack Bauer :)

OH wait that is a TV show ?

02-12-12, 21:14
I equate this to going to out to a resturant. You pay for "your" table but you also are crammed into a relatively small building with a bunch of other people. You can't expect to get crammed into a small room with 50 other people and have everything your way.

Specifically about the picture...I doubt they live anywhere that is publicly accessed, and if you want all the "vermin" off your land its up to you to keep them off. You can't go around telling your neighbors what to do so it improves your own personal property. Your property rights don't extend into other people's domains and give you the ability to tell them how to live to make your situation better or put you in a better financial situation.

And that is what HOA's are for if you choose to live in a neighborhood with them. Otherwise your rights end at your property line. A HOA would give you the ability to micromanage other people's property. People who want that should live in planned communities with the old bored HOA nazi is a golf cart eyeballing everyone's property twice a a day and sending them nasty letters because the color of their flowers is wrong or someone parked a vehicle in front of their house overnight.

Otherwise its up to YOU to retain the value on your property, and having poor neighbors is a risk you take in owning land. Simply owning land doesn't give you the sudden authority to become the neighborhood lifestyle police.

Add to this that proper property rights would mean that your neighbor "owned" the vermin, and you would be entitled to a civil suit should his property damage yours. You then continue to receive compensation for their vermin damaging your property, or they stop it from happening. This is the same concept that negates the need for an EPA.

Doc Safari
02-12-12, 23:40
You guys are depressing. This thread rapidly turned into a perfect illustration of how people are demonized so that no one says a word when they are hauled off to prison and their home and property are reduced to ashes.

I'm not saying I'd want to live next to the cargo container couple either, but drop a bomb on them?


02-13-12, 00:07
You guys are depressing. This thread rapidly turned into a perfect illustration of how people are demonized so that no one says a word when they are hauled off to prison and their home and property are reduced to ashes.

I'm not saying I'd want to live next to the cargo container couple either, but drop a bomb on them?


Assuming that you are serious, you must have missed my earlier post from a few hours ago. No one is seriously advocating the bombing of anyone. Those comments were made in jest in an attempt to lighten the mood (dumb it down a little as my wife says). I'm sorry if you missed my sarcasm.

Also, do you know someone who was hauld off to prison and had their property reduced to ashes?

Doc Safari
02-13-12, 09:11
Assuming that you are serious, you must have missed my earlier post from a few hours ago. No one is seriously advocating the bombing of anyone. Those comments were made in jest in an attempt to lighten the mood (dumb it down a little as my wife says). I'm sorry if you missed my sarcasm.

Yes I guess I did miss the sarcasm. I was tired last night while reading the posts.

Also, do you know someone who was hauld off to prison and had their property reduced to ashes?

The surviving Branch Davidians from Waco. Nutcases or not they were exercising their freedom of religion, but they were demonized to the point that some people were cheering their demise because they thought they were abusing children.

I can see the progression from Randy Weaver to Waco to aerial drones.

02-13-12, 23:10
The surviving Branch Davidians from Waco. Nutcases or not they were exercising their freedom of religion, but they were demonized to the point that some people were cheering their demise because they thought they were abusing children.

I can see the progression from Randy Weaver to Waco to aerial drones.

I'd say there is very little debate that the Branch Davidians were nutcases or that David Korech had a taste for underage girls. In addition, there is fairly strong evidence that the Davidians either set the fires or used accelerant to spread the fires that destroyed the compound. Moreover, I've never heard anyone applaud or cheer the Waco outcome. This last point includes people like me who feel that many Davidians share the responsibility for what happened.

Finally, the progression of your slippery slope theory seems a little backwards. Usually these situations start with servalence (drones), progress to isolated killings (Ruby Ridge), and culminate in mass government-sponsored conflagration (Waco).

Doc Safari
02-14-12, 09:17
Finally, the progression of your slippery slope theory seems a little backwards. Usually these situations start with servalence (drones), progress to isolated killings (Ruby Ridge), and culminate in mass government-sponsored conflagration (Waco).

Except that drone technology is the new kid on the block and didn't exist in its current form for the two examples.

These days you have the air power do your dirty work so you don't have to have "boots on the ground." No-knock raids were all the rage in the 1990's. Never-know-they-were-there raids will become the wave of the future.

02-14-12, 10:25
I'd say there is very little debate that the Branch Davidians were nutcases or that David Korech had a taste for underage girls.

WAY off topic...but the local Sheriff didn't/doesn't think so. It's the problem with raids like that in the first place...people leave their homes. Snatch them then rather than rolling up heavy.

They were beyond weird and more than a little crazy. Nonetheless, what happened was completely and totally criminal. I'm reminded of that quote about not saying anything when they came for the communists because I wasn't a communist.

02-14-12, 10:34
Let's reign in the black helicopter-ish "the US Govt is going to launch drone strikes during LE operations" talk

02-14-12, 17:15
I thought it fairly clear that I was joking (hence, the YouTube clip from the 80's show Bluethunder). Sorry if you misunderstood.

Let me know if you've changed your mind or were joking about Somalia. You were serious last time I corresponded with you about that topic.

Ahh, I see. No need to apologize as I don't take offense to things people say on public Internet forums.

As for Somalia; when they can stop committing human rights violations, starving hundreds of thousands of people, taking other nation state vessels hostage, kidnapping and murdering sailors and foreign aid workers then my view may change but until then. . .