View Full Version : Why We Need Constitution 2.0...

02-08-12, 17:52
‘We the People’ Loses Appeal With People Around the World (http://warincontext.org/2012/02/07/%E2%80%98we-the-people%E2%80%99-loses-appeal-with-people-around-the-world/)

The commitment of some members of the Supreme Court to interpreting the Constitution according to its original meaning in the 18th century may send the signal that it is of little current use to, say, a new African nation. And the Constitution’s waning influence may be part of a general decline in American power and prestige.

In an interview, Professor Law identified a central reason for the trend: the availability of newer, sexier and more powerful operating systems in the constitutional marketplace. “Nobody wants to copy Windows 3.1,” he said.

Seems our rights and limitations on government are like old and out of date and tin pot socialist crapholes in Africa no longer want to model themselves after us.

The real sad part is the average dipshit American is going to completely buy into this crap.

02-08-12, 18:05
Yeah, and this will be a recurring theme to get the masses used to the idea that subversion of Constitutional law is entirely acceptable.

It will only get worse, as they have willing accomplices in law enforcement who will "do their job" because it's the law...even when the law being enforced is unconstitutional. There is growing unrest among citizens who see this happening, and I would not want to be in law enforcement these days. It'll be a very tough road for them.

An Undocumented Worker
02-08-12, 18:22
Oh Hell NO!

I can't even begin to imagine the monumental task it was for our founding fathers to draft the constitution in a manner that was designed to empower the individual.

Coupled with the absolutely rare coincidence of the concepts of personal property being popularized at the same time the colonists had the opportunity to break free of their oppressors. To have a populace willing to seize control of their own destiny and try to afford their decendants the same ability. To be willing to say that no dogma should be allowed to control their lives should they not want it.

To think we would be able to draft a contract wouldn't enslave the people to some higher power at this time is absolutely inconcievable. For the interests of the people are only being entertained. If anything this is the perfect time for a government to shut the door on freedom and throw away the key. Any discussion surrounding the replacement of our constitution should be met with fierce outrage.

Unfortunately we have failed in our duty to protect the constitutional republic our fathers gave us. Can this failing be fixed by the ballot, I would like to think so. But ineracting with my coworkers and associates doesn't give me much hope.

02-08-12, 20:32
Obama interview on Chicago’s public station WBEZ-FM in 2001:

02-08-12, 21:05
Obama interview on Chicago’s public station WBEZ-FM in 2001:

Care to provide an executive summary? I'm not sure I can stand to listen. :bad:

02-08-12, 21:28
Care to provide an executive summary? I'm not sure I can stand to listen. :bad:

the Constitution in his view is a charter of negative liberties and while it outlines what the government can not do to you, it doesn't state what the government can do on your behalf. Additionally, as radical as the Warren Court was perceived to be, it did not break from its Constitutional bounds in terms of social and economic justice. Since, the litigation aspect sought to do that, the court didn't have the power to do it.

I've heard his whacked out theory so many times, I have it memorized...

02-08-12, 21:46
And we care what the rest of the world thinks about OUR Constitution, why? It is called the United States Constitution for a reason.

And obama can sit on a lit stick of dynamite for all I care. He's not exactly a scholar. The worth of a person's opinion is in direct proportion to the person's worth. In his case it's almost as much as whale shit. JM2CW.

02-08-12, 22:17
And we care what the rest of the world thinks about OUR Constitution, why? It is called the United States Constitution for a reason.

Because we CARE about being a good and fair citizen of the GLOBAL COMMUNITY. It's important we worry about what they think and to let their opinion dictate, or at least heavily influence, our policies.

Otherwise life just isn't fair.

It's like when YOUR house is way nicer than your neighbors. You know it isn't fair and so it isn't right. So you make your house a little crappier so it's more fair.

02-08-12, 22:53
the Constitution in his view is a charter of negative liberties and while it outlines what the government can not do to you, it doesn't state what the government can do on your behalf. Additionally, as radical as the Warren Court was perceived to be, it did not break from its Constitutional bounds in terms of social and economic justice. Since, the litigation aspect sought to do that, the court didn't have the power to do it.

I've heard his whacked out theory so many times, I have it memorized...

You too???

It's actually not "his" whacked out theory, it's a theory that came out of the 1930s when there was actually a LOT of resistance to the unconstitutional make-work agencies and monies being spent by FDR. So, the Left got the great idea of taking over the court (a concept FDR assuredly pleasured himself dreaming about) and using it to rewrite precedent in their favor.

And the Left's concept of global legal relativism isn't new either.

02-08-12, 22:56
You too???

It's actually not "his" whacked out theory, it's a theory that came out of the 1930s when there was actually a LOT of resistance to the unconstitutional make-work agencies and monies being spent by FDR. So, the Left got the great idea of taking over the court (a concept FDR assuredly pleasured himself dreaming about) and using it to rewrite precedent in their favor.

And the Left's concept of global legal relativism isn't new either.

Wilkow Majority listener?

02-08-12, 23:03
Wilkow Majority listener?

No, I've just made it a point to learn the ideological history of the Left since leftists would much rather nobody know exactly where their ideas came from, and just how outside American though they really are. Also, since the overwhelming majority of lefties have no damned clue why they believe what they believe, or who, why, and when what they believe came about. When I was still in college there was no surer way of ending a "debate" with a campus lefty than dragging them through the history of their ideas back to their very ideological soil.

(There is also no surer way of shocking a feminist manhater than actually quoting Margaret Sanger, since most of them have never read or heard ANYTHING from the woman.......)

02-08-12, 23:16
No, I've just made it a point to learn the ideological history of the Left since leftists would much rather nobody know exactly where their ideas came from, and just how outside American though they really are. Also, since the overwhelming majority of lefties have no damned clue why they believe what they believe, or who, why, and when what they believe came about. When I was still in college there was no surer way of ending a "debate" with a campus lefty than dragging them through the history of their ideas back to their very ideological soil.

(There is also no surer way of shocking a feminist manhater than actually quoting Margaret Sanger, since most of them have never read or heard ANYTHING from the woman.......)

whenever I encounter a progressive, I like to remind them of one thing their little intellectual abortion created. Federal. Reserve.

02-08-12, 23:39
What is this, anti-America week or something?
Third thread in a row today here in GD all of which sound like plots out of a book. I never in a million years would have thought I'd be alive to see this country go the way it seems to be headed (and I'm not old yet....)
What the nine hells is going on here?:fie:

02-08-12, 23:45
What is this, anti-America week or something?
Third thread in a row today here in GD all of which sound like plots out of a book. I never in a million years would have thought I'd be alive to see this country go the way it seems to be headed (and I'm not old yet....)
What the nine hells is going on here?:fie:

its "reelect the progressive" season!

02-09-12, 00:15
What is this, anti-America week or something?
Third thread in a row today here in GD all of which sound like plots out of a book. I never in a million years would have thought I'd be alive to see this country go the way it seems to be headed (and I'm not old yet....)
What the nine hells is going on here?:fie:

It's only the tip of the iceberg. With out going into a lot of detail there are a myriad of issues and problems presently occuring here in these United States that we can not discuss here on M4C. Don't mention them otherwise you're a conspiracy theorist, a tinfoil hat wearing lunatic and a subscriber to the vast right wing conspiracy.

02-09-12, 01:45
Care to provide an executive summary? I'm not sure I can stand to listen. :bad:

“It’s an imperfect document and I think that it is a document that reflects some deep flaws in American cultural, the colonial culture nascent at that time. . .” - Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama II

It's actually not "his" whacked out theory, it's a theory that came out of the 1930s when there was actually a LOT of resistance to the unconstitutional make-work agencies and monies being spent by FDR. So, the Left got the great idea of taking over the court (a concept FDR assuredly pleasured himself dreaming about) and using it to rewrite precedent in their favor.

And the Left's concept of global legal relativism isn't new either.

"There is nothing new under the sun". . .

FDR, like Barry, like all other presidents just dance to the tune of their handlers. This shit has been going since we won our Independence in one form or another.

02-09-12, 05:26
The idea of a 2nd Constitution isn't new. In one of FDR's speeches he laid out a 'second bill of rights', and had a war with the supreme court because they kept blocking his social programs.

02-09-12, 07:16
Hussein should be able to CHANGE the constitution. It's out of date anyway. :blink:

02-09-12, 09:24
What is this, anti-America week or something?
Third thread in a row today here in GD all of which sound like plots out of a book. I never in a million years would have thought I'd be alive to see this country go the way it seems to be headed (and I'm not old yet....)
What the nine hells is going on here?:fie:

Globalism. Thank the U.N.

02-09-12, 12:31
The real sad part is the average dipshit American is going to completely buy into this crap.

Yes I've been following this issue as well. At the risk of sounding contemptuous toward a large group of fellow Americans, I must (sadly) agree with that assessment.

We are now getting the government that the large herd of Americans seems to want, and certainly that they DESERVE. I think one of our Founders said something about that.

02-09-12, 13:42
What is this, anti-America week or something?
Third thread in a row today here in GD all of which sound like plots out of a book. I never in a million years would have thought I'd be alive to see this country go the way it seems to be headed (and I'm not old yet....)
What the nine hells is going on here?:fie:

November 4, 2008. :mad:

02-09-12, 18:08
Looking at the current crop of mental midgets drafting legislation and those with equally unimpressive intellect interpreting it in the courts, I have no reason to believe that the wisdom and forethought of the founding fathers needs to be second guessed.