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02-08-12, 22:30
My first AR is on its way.... Colt 6920. What should I lube it with? I have some Hoppes #9 and Slide Glide.

Should I use something different?

02-08-12, 22:34
Welcome to M4C!

Great start with the 6920. As for your question on what lube to use, good luck. Try the search function because this topic has been discussed to death. You will find opinions all across the spectrum. I won't even attempt to try and give you my opinion. Good luck.


02-08-12, 22:34
The orange search button will be able to help you in your quest. But many use clp, moble 1, I personally use wilsons universal lube. works great on ARs and pistols

Nice first purchase(colt) and welcome to the forum there is a wealth of knowledge here.

02-08-12, 23:53
I use Mobil 1 on my Colt and BCM.

02-09-12, 01:18
I personally use Slip-2000 EWL30. I personally prefer the thicker qualities of it and the fact that it doesn't burn off or migrate as quickly (if at all) as compared to products like CLP, Mobil 1, ATF, or Militec. I've used all of those products before and didn't have problems with them; however, EWL30 lubricates without burning off under extreme conditions and also prevents rust to a degree, something that AFAIK Mobil 1 and Militec are shy to do. CLP is great as a rust preventative but as compared to the EWL line is not a good lubricant.

Froglube is another that is quickly gaining steam but I haven't used any myself. There's a whole thread on it here that has some good information about its properties.

02-09-12, 01:29
My first AR is on its way.... Colt 6920. What should I lube it with? I have some Hoppes #9 and Slide Glide.
Should I use something different?

Try doing a search for "cleaning lubrication" and you will get many threads to read. :D

Suwannee Tim
02-09-12, 05:14
Hoppe's Number Nine is not a lubricant. It is a dual purpose material, bore cleaner and cologne.

02-09-12, 06:50
Spritz the Bolt and carrier with FrogLube.

02-09-12, 09:29
Hoppe's Number Nine is not a lubricant. It is a dual purpose material, bore cleaner and cologne.

Yep I agree it how I got my wife, a dab on each side. An irresistable musk yep!

02-09-12, 09:35
Hoppe's Number Nine is not a lubricant. It is a dual purpose material, bore cleaner and cologne.

You sir, win the internets for today!

02-09-12, 09:38
If it were me (and I may have even made a sticky about it) I would disassemble the weapon first, inspect it and make sure that everything is as it should be.

Then I would probably clean any crap off it, punch the barrel a few times and then apply some good lubrication. (See umpteen threads about lube).

02-09-12, 09:52
Just about any lube will get you by, but there is better stuff out there. When I'm done with my big bottle of CLP, I'm going to try FrogLube.

02-09-12, 09:58
Good job on the gat.

Don't get wrapped around the axle on lube.
It's one of the biggest minutia arguments out there.
Just about anything will do, some just make cleaning up later a bit easier or stick around for a bit longer.
Personally, I like non-toxic options the best.

02-09-12, 10:03
Try a bunch of the different lubes, then pick the one you like best.

02-09-12, 10:24
I would disassemble the weapon first, inspect it and make sure that everything is as it should be.

Then I would probably clean any crap off it, punch the barrel a few times and then apply some good lubrication. (See umpteen threads about lube).

Agreed. If the weapon is still in the plastic bag, it will be covered with a dark, tacky preservative. I like a good dowsing in WD40 to wash this stuff off, then hit the BCG, lower and upper receiver with non-chlorinated brake or carb cleaner, followed by a good lube. I like SLIP 2000 EWL, but CLP works too.

02-09-12, 10:29
Ballistol has worked well for me for a long time.

02-09-12, 10:37
I personally use Slip-2000 EWL30. I personally prefer the thicker qualities of it and the fact that it doesn't burn off or migrate as quickly (if at all) as compared to products like CLP, Mobil 1, ATF, or Militec. I've used all of those products before and didn't have problems with them; however, EWL30 lubricates without burning off under extreme conditions and also prevents rust to a degree, something that AFAIK Mobil 1 and Militec are shy to do. CLP is great as a rust preventative but as compared to the EWL line is not a good lubricant.

Froglube is another that is quickly gaining steam but I haven't used any myself. There's a whole thread on it here that has some good information about its properties.

My experience has, I think, been just the oppisite of yours. I ordered the Slip EWL awhile back after reading so much about it, especially based on Pat Rogers recommendations. I found it was much thinner than I expected, I'm so glad I didn't order the standard weight Slip 2000. I do feel it is a decent lube, just too thin for my tastes.

I've also used Militec 1 for several years, and while I've never had any complaints about it as a lube I've tended to shy away from it after learning it could be a carcinogen.

At first I tried a standard 20 or 30 weight Mobil 1 and was really impressed. Later I went with the 50 weight Mobil 1 and have been hooked ever since. Like any good lube, clean up is fast and easy when kept wet. No scrubbing or brushing, just a good wipe down and re-lube.


Not being conflictive (is that a word?:eek:) at all, just relaying my personal experience with lubes over the past few years. I don't think the brand of lube is nearly as important as choosing a decent lube and applying in properly. ie. keep it wet.

02-09-12, 11:35
I've never tried Froglube, but Slip EWL has been great on all of my rifles and handguns.

02-09-12, 11:42
Slip 2000 EWL, or ewl 30 wt.

Froglube is pretty cool also.

02-09-12, 11:43
I've never tried Froglube

Then you haven't lived. :p No... it really works though.

02-09-12, 11:57
My first AR is on its way.... Colt 6920. What should I lube it with? I have some Hoppes #9 and Slide Glide.

Should I use something different?

DETAIL clean it. Every nook and cranny... make sure you even get those nooks inside the crannies.

Then lube it with whatever, frog lube(havnt tried it yet) motor oil, etc.

Then shoot it and clean again. Then come back here and read all the stickies. You can spend daaays learning a ton of stuff relatively quick. There are people with years of professional experience here. They know what they are talking about. Especially the blue, red and yellow names. 2x for the yellow ones.;). Have fun, be safe, and congrats on the nice purchase.

02-09-12, 17:36
My experience has, I think, been just the oppisite of yours. I ordered the Slip EWL awhile back after reading so much about it, especially based on Pat Rogers recommendations. I found it was much thinner than I expected, I'm so glad I didn't order the standard weight Slip 2000. I do feel it is a decent lube, just too thin for my tastes.

I've also used Militec 1 for several years, and while I've never had any complaints about it as a lube I've tended to shy away from it after learning it could be a carcinogen.

At first I tried a standard 20 or 30 weight Mobil 1 and was really impressed. Later I went with the 50 weight Mobil 1 and have been hooked ever since. Like any good lube, clean up is fast and easy when kept wet. No scrubbing or brushing, just a good wipe down and re-lube.


Not being conflictive (is that a word?:eek:) at all, just relaying my personal experience with lubes over the past few years. I don't think the brand of lube is nearly as important as choosing a decent lube and applying in properly. ie. keep it wet.

Don't worry about it; nothing about that came off as conflictive to me. I actually agree with what you're saying about the regular EWL. EWL30 is a heavier lube that's closer to grease than regular lube. I'll get around to taking a picture of the guts of my rifle later.

02-09-12, 18:05
I use Slip EWL.Congrats on the Colt,i have one coming next week as well:D

02-09-12, 18:15
Good job on the gat.

Don't get wrapped around the axle on lube.
It's one of the biggest minutia arguments out there.
Just about anything will do, some just make cleaning up later a bit easier or stick around for a bit longer.
Personally, I like non-toxic options the best.

You beat me to the punch on this one...I was also going to suggest non-toxic. I don't see any reason why we shouldn't be using non-toxic products when they're available and affordable.

02-09-12, 18:20
+1 for Mobil 1. It has been good to me.

02-09-12, 18:33
Great carbine.. I vote for a good solvent and a good gun oil.. Works for me.. Cheers.. Ron

Suwannee Tim
02-12-12, 06:57
Good job on the gat.

Don't get wrapped around the axle on lube.
It's one of the biggest minutia arguments out there.
Just about anything will do, some just make cleaning up later a bit easier or stick around for a bit longer.
Personally, I like non-toxic options the best.

I agree with this. I have been using whatever for a long time, never a problem I could blame on lube. I'm now using automatic transmission fluid for oil and wheel bearing grease for grease, nothing fancy. Never have used anything fancy. There are stronger bore cleaners than Hoppe's Number Nine but 5.56/223 is not a bad cartridge for fouling barrels.

The toxicity of petroleum lube oils and greases is pretty low unless huge quantities are involved. I have helped out with birds on a couple of oil spills and the birds die from hypothermia, shock and starvation not from oil toxicity. Side note: Gasoline is a different matter. Gasoline is toxic for real.

02-12-12, 07:06
My experience has, I think, been just the oppisite of yours. I ordered the Slip EWL awhile back after reading so much about it, especially based on Pat Rogers recommendations. I found it was much thinner than I expected, I'm so glad I didn't order the standard weight Slip 2000. I do feel it is a decent lube, just too thin for my tastes.

I use the 30 wt for bench/assembly/post-cleaning and the standard weight for applications on the range/line. I find that works pretty well most of the time. I found the pre-EWL to be unsat in my environment but since the EWL came out and changing to the above guidelines it's worked well for me.

But, ultimately it matters not. There's always some new wunder-lube that we're supposed to get worked up over, often with some weird "heat it up" application instruction, etc. The good news is that while they try to ramp up and get noticed they tend to hand out samples like condoms at the free clinic, so I quite often use whatever free shit was in my range bag.

02-12-12, 08:00
I use Mobil 1 on my Colt and BCM.

Same here.

02-12-12, 08:01
For the barrel I use Hoppes 9 solvent first with patch and let it sit for 30min to 1 hr
Then I run a brush 5 to 10 times from breach to muzzle
dry patch the barrel 2 or 3 times
Kroil at this point (Optional)
CLP oil or Hoppes oil...I keep it wet if stored

For the bolt I wipe it down after taking it appart then light oil

Most people over clean their barrels.

02-12-12, 15:06
Yep, Froglube works great. I'm a new convert, been using it for 6 months or so and have adopted it for everything.