View Full Version : Behind the scene pictures of Super Bowl security...

02-08-12, 22:35
Friend of mine sent these to me...he said they're publicly available and good to share although I haven't seen them elsewhere. Supposedly this is Indianapolis PD. I wonder how well versed their marksmen are in inclination / declination shooting? Hate to underestimate these guys, but I don't think I'd want to be sitting in the seat above or below the target. Just thinking out loud...the main goal here is to just share the pictures.


02-08-12, 22:56
That would totally make me feel safe......

02-09-12, 02:58
The concept has been in practice for some time. Normally due to OPSEC no one knows about it.

Charlton Heston made a movie back in 1976 on the subject matter.


Suwannee Tim
02-09-12, 05:20
Can you imagine the pandemonium and trampling deaths from shots fired in the Super Bowl? BTW, the movie "Two Minute Warning" was one of the last movies I ever watched. The stupidity of the plot amazes me to this day. That and "Under Siege".

02-09-12, 07:42
Friend of mine sent these to me...he said they're publicly available and good to share although I haven't seen them elsewhere. Supposedly this is Indianapolis PD. I wonder how well versed their marksmen are in inclination / declination shooting? Hate to underestimate these guys, but I don't think I'd want to be sitting in the seat above or below the target. Just thinking out loud...the main goal here is to just share the pictures.


Yup, that was here. And that's all I have to say about that. :rolleyes:

02-09-12, 08:33
.......and the purpose of all that is???

Was there someone important there?

02-09-12, 09:14
The three things that jumped into my mind upon seeing that are:

1. The sniper would have missed all the commercials.
2. Even though I'm not a huge football fan, I think I would have still been distracted by the game.
3. I wonder what a cheerleader looks like from 6 stories up through a scope....

02-09-12, 16:52
"3. I wonder what a cheerleader looks like from 6 stories up through a scope.... "

...and you joke like it didn't happen...;p

02-09-12, 20:05
I know some of the IPD snipers and they are very well trained.

A few of them have been through one of the best Scout/Snipers schools in the US.

Ned Christiansen
02-09-12, 20:53
"3. I wonder what a cheerleader looks like from 6 stories up through a scope.... "

...and you joke like it didn't happen...;p

Ya know, every time I feel myself starting to rationalize doing something I know is not right but seems harmless, I just ask myself, "how would it look in the headlines". I think I coulda kept the scope away from where it didn't belong.

02-09-12, 20:55
I think it is absolutely ridiculous to be quite honest.

02-09-12, 21:35
Ya know, every time I feel myself starting to rationalize doing something I know is not right but seems harmless, I just ask myself, "how would it look in the headlines". I think I coulda kept the scope away from where it didn't belong.

If all the LEO's in America had the common sense you or I might have we wouldn't see them disparaged in the news ever.

I think you mayhap mistook my comment and it's phraseology for an endorsement of said action being performed in a frivolous manner. ;p

Please don't misinterpret my initial comment in this post as any type of LEO bashing since I have many friends in said position with the utmost respect for them and all others until proven otherwise, not to mention, the career itself.

02-09-12, 21:42
IMPD SWAT and Snipers are DAMN good at what they do.

02-09-12, 22:02
XLR chassis and US Optics glass. Didn't even notice all that football stuff in the background

02-09-12, 22:43
IMPD SWAT and Snipers are DAMN good at what they do.

Well that's good. If there are going to be shooters with hands on their rifles aimed into a crowd and actively scanning through the rifle's optic, it makes me somewhat more at ease that they're competent.

The word Sniper is thrown around fairly liberally in the LE world. Some groups or organizations that would identify themselves as such fall miserably short of honoring that title, and that's where my trepidation stemmed from...especially in light of this particular task.

But if you say they're good to go, then that's obviously a good thing.

02-10-12, 20:55