View Full Version : Web Arms WA15LE rifles -- Opinions?

02-13-12, 17:46
I've been offered what looks like a sweet deal on a law enforcement rifle by them. ($765.00)


Does anyone have an opinion on this outfit and their rifles?

02-13-12, 17:50
Unless they are giving you the gun, I would say pass.


02-13-12, 18:09
Unless they are giving you the gun, I would say pass.


But, it comes with a "carry strap!"

02-13-12, 18:14
Ok. I take it I have two thumbs down. Is it safe to say that every rifle or build from non top notch manufacturers would be frowned upon?

02-13-12, 18:22
Ok. I take it I have two thumbs down. Is it safe to say that every rifle or build from non top notch manufacturers would be frowned upon?

I saw no specs on a web page that could have been put together by a 5 year old.

If you want it buy it, just save us the purchase justification thread where the attributes of 4140, 1/9 twist and no testing are expounded upon.

02-13-12, 18:26
I wouldn't even let them give it to me, not even if it came with a free pair of TruckNutz.

02-13-12, 19:08
Are you soliciting opinions and then getting offended by the opinions you receive?

I too would say pass.

There are plenty of rifles out there with good pedigree's for similar or not much more money.

There are ZERO specs listed on this other than the price and barrel length.

02-13-12, 19:16
Nope, I would not buy that rifle. Note the lack of specs and cheap aftermarket parts. Both of which should be a clue…

Why do people continue to consider these types of rifles when we have a host of solid rifles available to us that do NOT cost an arm and a leg??

02-13-12, 19:35
On further consideration, I'm considering their 6.8 rifle. Stag upper/barrel with full auto bolt carrier. (I understand that Stag's 6.8 barrels are 1-11" twist and 4150 with chrome lined barrel and chamber.) They manufacture their own lowers. The rifle has a Hogue pistol grip and Ergo Grapper and RRA Dominator 2 rear sight with a standard A2 front sight.

$765.00 law enforcement only deal. Seems like a nice rifle. Not top of the line but a nice rifle for the price.

02-13-12, 19:39
Ok. I take it I have two thumbs down. Is it safe to say that every rifle or build from non top notch manufacturers would be frowned upon?


You'd think people would have figured that out by now...


02-13-12, 19:57
On further consideration, I'm considering their 6.8 rifle. Stag upper/barrel with full auto bolt carrier. (I understand that Stag's 6.8 barrels are 1-11" twist and 4150 with chrome lined barrel and chamber.) They manufacture their own lowers. The rifle has a Hogue pistol grip and Ergo Grapper and RRA Dominator 2 rear sight with a standard A2 front sight.

$765.00 law enforcement only deal. Seems like a nice rifle. Not top of the line but a nice rifle for the price.

I don't think you are getting the hint.

02-13-12, 20:01
I don't think you are getting the hint.

I am sick of wasting bandwidth on these people that:

(a) Can't do some research on their own,


(b) When they are handed solid information still refuse to listen.

Look, if you weren't going to listen the advice that you should have known you were going to get, why did you even bother to start this thread? Really, don't waste our time if you aren't going to listen to the advice that you get.

02-13-12, 20:04
I don't think you are getting the hint.

If I pull the trigger on this purchase, I'll do a range report. I have no problem eating crow and admitting my mistake if it turns out to be an unreliable and/or poor quality rifle.

Still thinking on it.

DeltaSierra, what "solid information"are you referring to? I've heard about pedigree, lack of specs and cheap aftermarket parts (a mere conclusory statement with nothing specified). I provided some specs in post 14 by the way.

This is just going to be a plinker but I do want something really reliable. I have a couple 6920's should I need trust my life reliability.

02-13-12, 20:09
If I pull the trigger on this purchase, I'll do a range report. I have no problem eating crow and admitting my mistake if it turns out to be an unreliable and/or poor quality rifle.

Still thinking on it.

Don't waste your time. If you understood what made a weapon high quality or not, you could smell this one a mile away, but....

Seriously, don't ask a question, and then promptly announce that you are going to do whatever you want anyway.

02-13-12, 20:24
I'd not go for it personally since I kinda am leery of possibly low quality parts in a gun that can be made so well. It's also not so bad to just save a couple hundred- as they say- since at that point you know exactly what you're paying for (including a warranty by default). If you want to be the first to review it then go for it and tell us how it shoots after a few thousand rounds. For now, most people don't really know so they can't advise you on this one.

02-13-12, 20:53
$765.00 law enforcement only deal. Seems like a nice rifle. Not top of the line but a nice rifle for the price.

I'm curious as to what specifically makes it a "nice rifle"? If you can discern that it's a "nice rifle" but not "top of the line", it presumes you know the differences between what makes a top notch rifle and what makes a mediocre rifle. Most of the recommended rifles here come with a full laundry list of specifications on individual components. For brands outside of Colt, they strive to meet the gold standards created by Colt, and those standards aren't arbitrary, but very specific.

While not everyone needs a Colt, this forum concentrates on providing information and suggestions towards proven rifle platforms for folks that depend on their rifles to keep them alive. As such, while other brands might be perfectly suitable as a range rifle, the focus here isn't that end of the spectrum. There are plenty of other forums that deal with those. Assuming you're getting LE pricing, it means you're going to depend on the rifle. Is $200 savings really worth it?

02-13-12, 21:03
I've heard about pedigree, lack of specs and cheap aftermarket parts (a mere conclusory statement with nothing specified). I provided some specs in post 14 by the way.

This is just going to be a plinker but I do want something really reliable. I have a couple 6920's should I need trust my life reliability.

No worries, I will point them out to you. The CAA/MAKO stock is junk and the YHM is the same. While these are not on the rifle you linked they do offer these parts on other rifles. The choice of parts drives home the point that they care more about the cost of the rifle rather than the quality of it.

Since you already have 6920's just buy more ammo...

02-13-12, 21:08
Ok. I take it I have two thumbs down. Is it safe to say that every rifle or build from non top notch manufacturers would be frowned upon?

Probably (especially if you are going to bet your life on).

If you are just going to shirt dirt with it, then drive on!


02-13-12, 21:13
If I pull the trigger on this purchase, I'll do a range report. I have no problem eating crow and admitting my mistake if it turns out to be an unreliable and/or poor quality rifle.

Still thinking on it.

DeltaSierra, what "solid information"are you referring to? I've heard about pedigree, lack of specs and cheap aftermarket parts (a mere conclusory statement with nothing specified). I provided some specs in post 14 by the way.

This is just going to be a plinker but I do want something really reliable. I have a couple 6920's should I need trust my life reliability.

Since you have quality guns, spend the money for this gun on training, ammo and mags then.


02-13-12, 21:17
Cesiumsponge, I said it "seems" like a nice rifle. (I don't have a commanding knowledge of AR's which is why I purposely qualified with "seems.") Stag upper and barrel is the bulk of what "seems" nice to me. I have heard nice things about Stag and their customer service. Their 6.8 barrels are supposedly 4150 and chrome lined. I have heard that they are accurate.

And no, just because one is LE and can take advantage of an LE discount does not mean they will be relying on the gun in life /death situations. One can purchase recreational guns with the discount.

13MPG, I really do get the hint and if it were a SHTF or duty weapon, I would only entrust my life to a more expensive gun with a specified list of quality components. Just looking for a reliable plinker and for $765.00, it "seems" like a nice rifle.

Thanks to all for your advice.

02-13-12, 21:25
I'm as dumb as a rock, or you aren't making any sense...

If you have a couple of Colts, why do you think you need a "plinker"?

As far as the Stag components, that is one more reason to run away from that rifle. Stag, while not bottom-of-the-barrel-junk, is certainly not high quality.

If you are already dead set on buying a rifle that you don't need, against the advice of people that know what they are talking about (Grant, in particular) go for it....

02-13-12, 21:30
One thing I don't get. I hear all the time that guys want to save money on a "plinker" cuz their life won't depend on it.

I have plenty of hobbies that my life won't depend on. But I don't buy crap just to save a few bucks. In terms of rifles, +/- 200 is not near enough money to take a chance on crap. If I'm just out plinking with a .22 for fun, it still has to work. It's not fun if it don't work.

02-13-12, 21:30
Who says I "need" anything? I wasn't aware that firearms purchases require need. I WANT a plinker in 6.8. How bout them apples?

I didn't realize Stag was thought of so poorly.

Again, thanks for the advice.

02-13-12, 21:34
Pira, what +$200 ($965.00) 6.8 rifle did you have in mind?


02-13-12, 21:35
Pira, what +$200 ($965.00) 6.8 rifle did you have in mind?


02-13-12, 21:45
I missed the 6.8 part. Is this for any hunting? I put a 6.8 together and it had a Stag brl. Sold it. Not because of the barrel, but I ended up not wanting to use 6.8 for hunting and it was too pricey (ammo) for just plinking. For me anyway.

The point here remains. You asked about a rifle you want to buy, then seem defensive when we don't like the choice.

You posted here for a reason. You either wanted real advice and were open to it, or you wanted validation for what you thought was a good deal.

Buy it or don't. I don't care. But the advice you asked for was given. Remember that IF you end up regretting your choice.

02-13-12, 21:52
It's not so much that I'm defensive. Just don't care for being talked down to and treated like an idiot.

02-13-12, 21:57
I don't think it started that way. Anyway, start over with this. This is a great site.

Maybe re-ask the question, after searching for the answer, to be more direct. As in asking for help in putting together a good quality 6.8 that primary use is plinking, and your budget is "xxx". Might be a better way to find what you're looking for.

No hard feelings.

02-13-12, 22:28
Ok. Fair enough. I realize this is not the forum for 6.8 but since it flows from this discussion, does anyone have any ideas for a quality 6.8 build that can be done for under $1K?


02-13-12, 22:35
Not as a complete rifle or upper as far as my knowledge currently goes, but if you're planning to build you can get the barrel plugged into an upper ect...

If you're just going to plink I'd look into 5.45 uppers since they're a little more affordable to run depending on where you are.

+ I for sure would try searching with the search option or asking at a 6.8 site since it's not an easy answer, I think.

02-13-12, 23:02
$765 spent on this gun is money that could have been spent on something else worthwhile: training, ammo, optics, or even saved up for the purchase of a quality, reliable firearms, which will hold its value should you ever have to part with it.