View Full Version : SouthNarc 4-Hour In-Extremis Knife Class - Oct 12, 2012 - North Versailles, PA

02-16-12, 17:02
SouthNarc 4-Hour In-Extremis Knife - Oct 12, 2012 - North Versailles, PA

**This class is being held in conjunction with SouthNarc’s ECQC Oct 12-14 class. This class starts at 1PM and ends at 4PM. The follow on 2.5 day ECQC will start at 6PM that same day. Students can choose to attend only the 4-Hour In-Extremis Knife Class or sign-up for both to have a complete three day SouthNarc class. **



“SouthNarc” is the on-line pseudonym for the assistant commander of a multi-agency drug unit located in the southern United States. SouthNarc is also the commander of his agency’s SWAT team. SouthNarc has been a full-time police officer since 1990 and has held line assignments in corrections, patrol, narcotics, investigations, and for the past seven years has been a narcotics group supervisor. He was also the primary defensive tactics instructor at the Southern Regional Public Safety Institute from 1992-1999 and has personally trained over five thousand police officers at the academy level. SouthNarc has extensive operational experience in an undercover capacity which is reflected heavily in the Extreme Close Quarter Concepts coursework. SouthNarc has a thirty year background in Phillipine, Indonesian, Brazillian and Japanese martial arts and is a veteran of the U.S. Army. He has been conducting training in the private sector in the U.S. and abroad for the past 5 years.


Grey Group Training:

SouthNarc 4-Hour In-Extremis Knife - Oct 12, 2012 - North Versailles, PA

The ShivWorks In-Extremis Knife course is a 4 hour block of instruction which focuses on a non-stylized method that will work with any edged weapon or any improvised weapon as well. The course places the knife or improvised implement within the usage context of realistic criminal assault and provides a simple decision making process for access and application. A heavy emphasis is placed upon disparate confrontations where the defender lacks proportional armament and equal initiative. Pre-fight and In-fight tactics to dissuade, break and recover from violent, criminal assault are practically bridged into tool access and the specifics of edged weapon application.

Instructor: "SouthNarc"

Class dates: Oct 12, 2012

Cost: $100

Location: North Versailles, PA

Weapon & Gear Class Requirements:
- Comfortable clothes
- Wrap-around eye protection
- Mouthpiece and cup.
- Students should also bring their carry knives and any training drones that replicate their live blades. Soft (Nok) training knives are also recommended but not required.

If you are interested in attending this class please use this link to the Grey Group Training sign-up page:

If you have any additional questions please feel free to contact me;

03-21-12, 17:28
Amped that this was made availbale as an add on to ECQC.


05-21-12, 15:47
owners at the MMA gym I go to where cool with me putting up a flyer for this and ECQC
