View Full Version : sbr advice

02-18-12, 13:45
so i have been thinking of a sbr now for some time. a guy who runs a local gun store was going over the options that i had and he said i could convert a rife i currently own to a sbr and it would be faster then having to wait for the paperwork. i was thinking about converting a rra elite operator II that i have to a sbr. i just orderd a ddm4 v7 so the rra is now something i can play around with. would it be worth my time or just bight the bullet and go for the dd mk18. any thoughts or comments would be awesome thanks

02-18-12, 13:55
Your local dealer doesn't sound too smart. Converting your current weapon into an SBR also requires paperwork and from what I have seen the wait times for a Form 1 and Form 4 are about the same.

so i have been thinking of a sbr now for some time. a guy who runs a local gun store was going over the options that i had and he said i could convert a rife i currently own to a sbr and it would be faster then having to wait for the paperwork. i was thinking about converting a rra elite operator II that i have to a sbr. i just orderd a ddm4 v7 so the rra is now something i can play around with. would it be worth my time or just bight the bullet and go for the dd mk18. any thoughts or comments would be awesome thanks

02-18-12, 14:07
yea from what he told me and what i have read on here there are some contradictions. i lean more to the collective know how of you guys. it sounded like a equally drawn out proccess, and i dont ruin the abuility to sell the rra later in the future. thank you for your input

02-18-12, 14:10
Just make sure the lower is something you may never want to sell. Once you engrave it, there are very few people who may want a lower with "curt33" on it.

NFA items are a disease. And they have a tendency to multiply. Consider this a warning.

02-18-12, 14:18
indeed it is. my cusin in law does all the class 2 and three stuff and he builds supressors and one year elk hunting he brought up a m4 that was select fire and supressed. i was in love. but i figured i would start small with a sbr and work my way up from there. i really want his suppressed belt fed mg42. but that will never happen. he is currently out of state and i havent been able to consult with him so here i sit curios and uninformed lol

02-18-12, 14:24
If your dealer already has the DD mk18 in stock the wait time should be about the same between form 1 and 4. Any additional wait would come from having the gun transfered to your dealer, but even that wait should be minimal. If there is a factory sbr out there that you like I'd go that route. If you are going to end up changing everything to your desired configuration, registering a lower you already have may be the way to go. You can get the paperwork started and use your wait time to acquire the parts to assemble what you want.

02-18-12, 14:25
There is no need to sell an SBR'd lower. All you need to do is add a regulation length upper to it and it becomes a standard AR again.

02-18-12, 14:33
thats a good point you bring up. i didnt have any plans on changing to many thigns around. i love the way dd mk18 is set up. as well as the noveski. both appeal to me alot. so sounds like id be better of just picking up a complete sbr. and the three shops i deal with currently do not have any in stock. so i would have to wait on the dealer transfer as well :(. ill be honest i thought about just picking up a complete sbr upper and sneaking it up in the woods tell a lower for it became avalible then i snapped back to reality. i dont want to be that tool who gets cought and ruins it for everyone because i was inpatient

02-18-12, 14:35
maybe i can cancel my v7, order the mark18 and then just pick up the v7 upper and swap them around when i felt the need

02-18-12, 14:59
You know that DD is coming out with a MK18 factory registered SBR right?? ;)


02-18-12, 15:07
yea i have been reading up on that :). it really has peeked my interest