My group is in the same spot as a lot of you guy's groups are in. Each adult has a long gun of some form and a semi-auto handgun. Most of the long guns are AR15's. However, I am the only one who has load bearing gear and a stock pile of magazines. I am the only one who has medical gear. Several of us have camping gear, but I have wilderness survival gear as well. Several of us have vehicle recovery gear (tow gear) and automobile tools, but I am the only one with wood working hand tools. My youngest brother and I have our personally owned fire fighter radios, but no body else in our group has comms yet.

I am pushing for folks in my group to stock pile ammo and magazines. Find load bearing gear that fits and is serviceable. Find and learn to use camping gear and a good utility/bush/combat knife. I can teach them basic wilderness survival stuff like primitive fire and what not. As a group we need a lot more food and water... but I have plans for that.

It is a slow and some times difficult process to get them motivated. I can't do it on my own, and if something happens I can't turn them away when they get to my door. We will need each other.