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Thread: Survival vs survival...what's the difference?

  1. #41
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by soulezoo View Post
    I chose the S1 and love it.

    I also have a Fallkniven Volcano... a lot of wow factor there.
    a Volcano? wow, that's a nice knife. I don't think I could bring myself to get that dirty or scratched. just saying...

    and yeah, my S1 is my lightweight one-knife choice as well. I use it more than I use either the A1 or the F1, simply because it splits the difference. big enough to do real work with the saber grind of the A1, yet small enough to be handy...

    for me, the other larger and smaller knives are part of a system. I often carry the A1 on my belt with the F1 in my pack or on a lanyard as a "necker" knife. its full convex grind is excellent for light tasks like food and game prep, etc.

    the A1 is a brute knife. it's thick and heavy enough that it can baton small logs into kindling ridiculously easily. it's also long enough that I use it like a mini-machete for clearing briars and vines and lopping off branches on the trail, etc.

    now I'm not the guy who would willingly chop a 3" or bigger stick with a knife. that's a YouTube stunt and a tremendous waste of energy. generally something that size can be broken between trees or over a rock pretty easily. when I carry the A1/F1 combo, I usually take a 21" bow saw for the bigger stuff. and if I'm using the S1 as my sole knife, I might carry a 19"-20" axe for fire wood but I'm not felling trees with that and it all depends on the type of outing...
    Last edited by ra2bach; 07-16-15 at 18:06.
    never push a wrench...

  2. #42
    Join Date
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    For all of your survival training watch: Nekid and Afeared - it'll learn ya.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
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    Dang good discussion. I've spent my life outdoors. Never have had a job inside, I'm lucky. Dad always taught me that two things to have are a knife and matches. Now that I'm older I've realized I hate matches, they burn out or won't light. I always care a fire steel in my pocket and two knives with me. Used to carry a pill container shoved full of cotton balls covered in petroleum jelly. Keep an esse 5 in the pickup at all times along with a rifle and pistol. If the end comes tomorrow will I survive, hell if I know. If not in town and at my residence, yes for a very long time. 500 cows provide a lot of food for a very long time. If you drop me off in the middle of the Amazon, well I'd give it a go.

    To me the most important thing is be realistic with yourself in what you can and can not do.

    Attended the patriot tour in Bozeman last Sat with some friends, two of were ex military, both had been in the shit. For some reason I pulled out my steel ( nervous habit to fiddle with it). They were giving me a ration of grief of why I would carry that, was shocking that two men that had been deployed into battle would think it weird to carry a way to make fire.

    I read a report some years ago that said in a complete collapse of society that 50% of the USA population would be dead in three weeks 80% in 4 months.

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