Text of HB0104
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Firearms Freedom Act

My wife is an attorney and pretty much says this is similar to the recent rulings on cannabis in CO and WA. If the Feds wants, they can sue the state and force them to remove the laws from their books, because federal law trumps state law, and there is already case law precedent (Wickard vs Filburn) giving the federal government very broad powers under the commerce clause.

With the full legalization of recreational cannabis in WA and CO, and with something like 17 states having legal medical marijuana, I see a states taking steps to regain some of the power they've lost in the last 100 years or so. The states were set up to be laboratories of democracy (Louis Brandeis), and they can't accomplish this without being allowed to legislate locally as they see fit.

What do you guys think? Any legal minds here that think there actually is a chance states will be able to successfully challenge the federal government on this?

I think we need to let the supreme court have another look at the commerce clause and how the federal government uses it to expand its authority.