How can one tell the difference between a GEN I, GEN II, and now the GEN III followers in the mags?
I recently saw an ad somewhere on the net, which mentioned the soon debuting "GEN III Followers" for 5.56. They were pictured as being yellow in color.
What are the differences between the 3 generations?

Also, I have some PMAGS marked 11/07, and 12/07. The 11/07 have "5.56" stamped on the follower, and the 12/07 have NO text stamped on them.
Is there a reason for this? Which Generation is which?
Does this also mean there are different "Generations" of PMAGS, or do they only reference these by month/year stamp?
Just trying to get an idea of what's what.
Thanks for clearing things up.


I guess I have to also ask, if there is a knowledge base thread somehwhere on this forum, or anywhere online, which discusses the different versions/Generations of the Magpul PMAG in general?
I mean, I've just acquired a couple PMAGS, which are from back in 8/07, 9/07, 11/07, and finally 12/07, and I would just like to know what is what, as far as any differences between these differently dated mags, etc?
Anyone know of some good online info that can educate one about PMAG history?
Thanks guys!