Sorry if this is the wrong place, or even the wrong message board entirely. I got into tactical medicine from a discussion here a couple years back and have been following it while working on my degree.

Background: Developing a pilot program at a University. Our goal is low-cost mitigation for active shooter or similar situations. We will be training a handful of our student rescue members in Tourniquet application, wound packing and occlusive dressings. The idea is if something happens, we have some means to buy time for more advanced medical care to arrive. Some are EMTs but we want the program to be easily accessible to personnel that only have basic first aid training. After training, we will issue each person a small kit similar to a bare-bones ifak that can be kept in their book bag and hopefully never has to be utilized.

I'd like some input on what tourniquets are the easiest to train with and become proficient with out there. I'm familiar with CATs and like them well enough, but I'm concerned the various applications between legs and arms could cause confusion for our trainees under stress. I do not have as much familiarity with the SOF-T tourniquets but I think those could be another option?

Given the choices available today, what would you recommend as the best option to give a layperson so the likelihood of effective application and hemorrhage control is maximized?

Thank you for any input and my apologies if this is not an appropriate topic of discussion in this section.