Ladies and Gents,
Wilson Combat is hosting an intermediate level "How to run a BERETTA handgun" class at Bill's Circle WC Ranch, in Texas....

Location: Circle WC Ranch, Cuthand, TX

Nearest airports: Texarkana, AR 1.25HR away, DFW 3.5HR away

When: May 17-18, class starts at 9am each day

Cost: $450. per student, $225. deposit required to book a slot, full payment due by May 1st, NO cancellation refunds after April 17th

Contact person to sign up: Tressa Bohannan 870-545-3618, ext 104

Class size: 16 students

Housing: Holiday Inn Express, Paris, TX 903-785-0088 (50min drive from the ranch)

Equipment requirements: Serviceable Beretta handgun, safe holster, magazine
pouch, shooting glasses, ear protection and 800 rounds of ammunition.

Basic info: Class is limited to shooters using Beretta 92/96, Cougar or PX4 pistols. This is an intermediate skill level class, don't sign up if you don't already have basic shooting and safe gun handling skills.

We will have PMC Bronze 9mm 115gr FMJ RN ammo available for sale at a cost of $13.00 per box of 50rds..

Two Beretta USA employees will be in attendance.

Best regards,