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Thread: Valerie Jarreett Behind Hillary Clinton E-mail Scandal Leak!

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Voodoo_Man View Post
    If experience and credentials on a resume were what got people in the white house, the current bozo wouldn't be qualified to sweep the floors at the gate.

    But for some reason someone who only has "community organizer" on his resume and zero experience other than living off the .gov tit is running the ship.

    Amazin, ain't it?
    The Peter principle at work?

  2. #42
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sensei View Post
    Romney destroyed Obama in the first debate. I remember the opinion makers on MSNBC being apoplectic after Romney finished mopping the floor with Obama. It was the best GOP performance since Reagan-Carter. Then, he decided to play it safe in the last two debates instead of going for the Mortal Kombat fatality. This decision probably cost him the election.

    Whoever gets the GOP nod had better learn the art of ripping out their opponent's spine while appearing to be affable. They also must learn from Romney's mistake that there is no room for playing it safe; keep swinging with everything you got until the bell rings.
    That's the problem exemplified in nominating a Moderate. they think they can "moderate" their way to a win. It doesn't work that way. They waffle all over the place in order to appease everyone, and wind up appeasing no one. If GOP voters don't grow a spine before going to the polls in the primaries, they can expect yet another stinging defeat.
    What if this whole crusade's a charade?
    And behind it all there's a price to be paid
    For the blood which we dine
    Justified in the name of the holy and the divine…

  3. #43
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    Well when we have two basically Democrat states pick our candidate in the crazy primary system we have...what the hell do you expect?

    We will always get a squishy moderate or someone that will get all riled up over abortion or homos marrying and be an easy punching bag for big media and the DNC.

    This appears to be the pattern. Until this is broken...don't expect any significant changes....ok?

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