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Thread: My Vacation

  1. #11
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    Next Trip

    Enchanted Rock State National Area

    Last week I had the pleasure of making a quick overnight trip to Enchanted Rock. The drive out was gorgeous both in scenery and weather. I was excited to be heading out after being cooped up by the seemingly endless month of thunderstorms. Apologies for no photo of the park entrance sign. I was caught up driving the spirited road in and I completely forgot...nevermind I about powerslid into the driveway...

    I checked in at the front station about 320pm then headed to my site to scope it out. After a satisfactory look, I grabbed my pack out of the truck and hit the trail right away. I started later than anticipated but the trails aren't long. I only needed to beat sundown in order to set up camp.

    I started on the Loop trail on the SW side of the park. It is a crushed granite trail and a little incline.

    I hit this scenic overlook just past 1mi. It was nice to get the pack off and get some cool air on my back. It was too beautiful out there. Here's where I finally got my mind settled that I was relaxing and I could slow into that slow mode. After admiring the land before me I picked up my pack and got moving again.

    Two tenths downt I came to the Walnut Springs Primitive camping area. I took a minute to pit stop in the facility from all the hydrating then continued on to the Echo Canyon Trail. It would be the trail I'd take to summit Enchanted Rock.

    There was a desentized-to-humans squirrel that hopped up the trail ahead of me. He refused to pull over and let me pass him up. And when he finally scampered up a downed tree I thought he was going to mug me for my trail mix. Wouldn't that be fitting? Finally get out for some fresh air and I get some kind squirrel flu from a random act of violence.

    Once I got past him I came up to Moss Lake I took a few minutes to sit in the shade. Along that trail is the Moss Lake Primitive camping area.

    I went up a little ways and sat on the rolling rock looking up at the west face of the Rock. I also grabbed some jerky and trail mix. I was hungry at this point. The Chik-Fil-A sandwich I had for lunch had worn off. I still had to summit, get down, set up camp before I'd be getting dinner. No need for hangry.

    Getting moving again I continued on Echo Canyon trail until it intersected with Turkey Pass trail. Turkey Pass is the trail that runs along the W/NW/N base of Enchanted Rock. It was here that "canyon trail" became more fitting of a name.

  2. #12
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    Enchanted Rock cont

    The terrain and tree cover was a welcome change. I was getting a little warm in the direct sun. It's very safe to say I'm no where near acclimated for summer.

    I very much enjoyed this section. There was a little bounding on rocks and boulders to scramble up out of the canyon. It gets the heart pumping a little bit. As I was going I was thinking back to Devil's Hall in GMNP, I thoroughly enjoyed that trail. I think it's the workout aspect. The physical challenge. Feels good.

    Getting through that section came a rock staircase of sorts. Here's were the trail scoots around to the left to hit Summit trail. I didn't take any photos until I got to the top. The view was expansive, just this big round dome of a rock in front of me. I saw it and trucked it. It was amazing. I felt so small. And felt my calves burning and balling up like crazy.

    These pics don't do justice what the eyes see


    What you see as you keep hiking up, and up and up...






  3. #13
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    Enchanted Rock cont - Part 3

    After taking in the view, socializing and getting photos, I made the short descent with a fellow hiker and got back to camp. I unloaded the truck, got set up, went and took one of the coldest showers I've had since camping Leaky in high school and then get dinner going. I splurged this time, took a cooler since it was a quickie over-nighter. The steak and veggies along with a refreshing beverage while along side a camp fire were a perfect close out to a pretty nice day.

    The night got a bit chilly but nothing the gear wasn't prepared for. I woke up 0630 and got right to it. Packed the single burner little propane stove, got coffee and breakfast. I wasn't certain if I was going to hike before heading out, but my body felt fine so I opted to go again. Closed down camp, packed the truck and grabbed the pack one more time.

    I headed out the same trail head, my plan was to do the entire Loop Trail. It's only 4mi so wouldn't take long at all, away I went. At the point where Echo Trail came in, I veered left to continue on the outer Loop Trail.

    This part of the trail was definitely less traveled, but it was great having it all to myself in the morning. It offered gorgeous 360* views, including nice shots of Enchanted Rock, Freshman Mountain, Buzzard's Roost and Turkey Peak. The trail also ran over and along the creek and past the Buzzard Roost group camp area. Along the way I found my first arrowhead in the wild.

    I looked down and there it was. My Dad is a soil's guy by profession and he's got an incredible collection after almost 40yrs. He seems to find them effortlessly, me on the other hand, barely finding my first one lol I was so thrilled I texted him right away. He said that looks like a Matamoros Point. Anyway, it's the little things in life, right?

    I wanted to take more photos as the terrain was great, but I was trying to make time. I'm sure I'll be out there again soon.

    All in all, great overnight trip. I thought the cost was a little steep ($18 for one night camp site + $7 day use fee). Where as my GMNP trip was $21 for two nights and no use fee since I was camping. Oh well. Anyone going ought to plan it well, the park does close when it gets full which is pretty much on the weekends since it is a popular spot. I'd recommend a weekday if you can swing it. Cell service is spotty in camp. You do get it up on the rock and in some areas of trails. Enchanted Rock is a pretty easy trip and hike, as always be prepared.

    End Enchanted Rock

  4. #14
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    Oh, Dah Nord Minnersoda.
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    That was my first thought as I made sure to jump back to page 1 of the thread and began reading.

    I was very enticed with your explanation and break down of your trip. From physical needs, to emotionally driven competition. The views of Guadalupe Mountains Park, I appreciate your hard effort to capture such awesome pictures.

    I read the responses, and got to page two, where I remember seeing some more pictures, and was awed once more.

    Thanks for sharing your trips and adventures, including some tips for people if they ever venture there themselves (I will avoid the green water pool if I ever go Indie that awesome staircase myself ).

    Excited to maybe see more in the future and where your travels take you.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by HeruMew View Post

    That was my first thought as I made sure to jump back to page 1 of the thread and began reading.

    I was very enticed with your explanation and break down of your trip. From physical needs, to emotionally driven competition. The views of Guadalupe Mountains Park, I appreciate your hard effort to capture such awesome pictures.

    I read the responses, and got to page two, where I remember seeing some more pictures, and was awed once more.

    Thanks for sharing your trips and adventures, including some tips for people if they ever venture there themselves (I will avoid the green water pool if I ever go Indie that awesome staircase myself ).

    Excited to maybe see more in the future and where your travels take you.
    Thank you very much. And you're welcome for the pictures. The intent is too inspire readers to go try a trip, whatever it is. Just get out there and play, enjoy and live. Also, to everybody reading, feel free to include your vacation trips in this thread. It is why it was created and stickied up here. It's not just for Shorts, but for all members to show and tell about great places they've gone. We need fun and enjoyment in this forum as well as solid information from good sources. Post those vacation trips up here

    Heru, you've made me think. Maybe I am needing a good physical and mental challenge to my trips? Perhaps I need that in my life, that I still got it. Even with all the life it feels I've been through; as many times as I hear the world "old" in the office as I sit along side my 20something year old peers (I'm only 30something but sometimes I can't help but feel more senior), I need reminding of who I am, what I do and how great it is to be me.

    I just reread both trips in sequence. It's very obvious I spent a lot more time with the details in the GMNP trip. I wonder if that illustrates the difference how the two trips impacted for me? Looking on my GMNP photos, it was definitely a special trip for me. ERSNA was fun too, but it wasn't as large of a trip - not to prep for, not to drive out to, and definitely not to hike. Was more of a quick play. Well, regardless of interpretation, I can't wait wait for the next one. Not certain where that will be yet. I got word from a hiker I met that Colorado Bend State Park was a good extended trip. I'm looking, we'll see.

    Heru, watch that pool! I hope you can make GMNP. It's a diverse land with a lot to offer.

  6. #16
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    Very neat, thanks very much for the photos!

    It's been over 30 years since I hiked there, it's great to see the place so well maintained.

    And there is just something awesome about grilling a steak at a campfire after a long hike. Then washing it down with an ice-cold beer, and sleeping like a log.

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    Oh, Dah Nord Minnersoda.
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    4 (100%)
    Quote Originally Posted by Shorts View Post
    Thank you very much. And you're welcome for the pictures. The intent is too inspire readers to go try a trip, whatever it is. Just get out there and play, enjoy and live. Also, to everybody reading, feel free to include your vacation trips in this thread. It is why it was created and stickied up here. It's not just for Shorts, but for all members to show and tell about great places they've gone. We need fun and enjoyment in this forum as well as solid information from good sources. Post those vacation trips up here

    Heru, you've made me think. Maybe I am needing a good physical and mental challenge to my trips? Perhaps I need that in my life, that I still got it. Even with all the life it feels I've been through; as many times as I hear the world "old" in the office as I sit along side my 20something year old peers (I'm only 30something but sometimes I can't help but feel more senior), I need reminding of who I am, what I do and how great it is to be me.

    I just reread both trips in sequence. It's very obvious I spent a lot more time with the details in the GMNP trip. I wonder if that illustrates the difference how the two trips impacted for me? Looking on my GMNP photos, it was definitely a special trip for me. ERSNA was fun too, but it wasn't as large of a trip - not to prep for, not to drive out to, and definitely not to hike. Was more of a quick play. Well, regardless of interpretation, I can't wait wait for the next one. Not certain where that will be yet. I got word from a hiker I met that Colorado Bend State Park was a good extended trip. I'm looking, we'll see.

    Heru, watch that pool! I hope you can make GMNP. It's a diverse land with a lot to offer.
    If i've inspired such thoughts I am flattered. Nothing wrong with self reflection.

    I will admit a bit of irony in your reply as I am one of those mid-twenties guys at the office.

    However, I have kudos reserved for the active outdoorsman. I'm not nearly as much as I would like, but get out at least once or twice a week onto our local trails, weather permitting.

    Nonetheless, when you go for that challenging trip, you'll have an audience to that adventure.

    Also, I have added GMNP to my list for one day. May take awhile to get out there, but that scenery seems to good to not experience in person.

  8. #18
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  9. #19
    Join Date
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    some awesome pictures here, looks like a nice place to visit. planning to visit Hawaii this year.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
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    Awesome photos and a riveting narrative!
    Thoroughly enjoyed it. 😃

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