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Thread: Is civilian OPSEC just a fantasy?

  1. #1
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    Is civilian OPSEC just a fantasy?

    Being "Off the grid" is usually discussed when talking about doomsday prepping and SHTF scenarios, but knowing that everything we do leaves a small footprint, is going off the grid even possible and could you do it without compromising your OPSEC?

    I ask this because you cant even own a piece of land in the US without the transaction being public record. Your IP, location and internet usage is recorded, cellular call log and location is recorded, car ownership, insurance, registration is recorded. Even your ATM cash withdraws are recorded. I'm starting to think our smart phones do more than we realize without our consent- in fact, there are several conspiracies that deal with NSA listening and tracking software installed in each smartphone- that is yet to be determined.

    There are stories of people "prepping" and trying to set up an "off the grid" safe house or bug out location only to compromise there OPSEC. A man paid cash for an old non-sea worthy sail boat in South Florida and kept it at a marina in the Keys that was owned by someone that lived out of country, yet within a month, the tax collector was sending registration forms to his home address? How does that happen? I was reading about a guy who got a ICOM HAM radio at a garage sale, used it a few times only listening to other people and the FCC had sent him demand letters to his home. He said it took 7 days from purchase to getting legal action threats and he was just listening. There are other stories like these that would make me believe that a persons OPSEC is just a fantasy.

    Not too long ago, I was pulled over at night in my truck, which the sticker had expired, the police explained to me that he knew I had already inspected my car and paid for my new registration but was pulling me over anyway- he let me go but he did bring up something disturbing, he asked me why I didn't take a certain highway home to Dallas- it could save me 10-15 minutes, I was in Gordonville, 95 miles north of Dallas, I asked how he knew what route I took or didn't take and he explained to me that I was pulled over 6 years ago and was given a warning in a certain town, and pulled over 2 years ago in another town and given a warning and they have a algorithm that can predict certain routes traveled by people. He told me that "they" could tell that I am usually on highway 377 between 8pm and 12am on Sundays.- Kind of scary. Especially considering that Gordonville was my bug out location.

    It just seems like in todays time, your OPSEC is compromised just because of technology, current laws, regulations and governing bodies.

    I am asking if any of you can change my mind or change my way of thinking. Is there a way to go off the grid completely without compromising your OPSEC. Or, is there a way to live your life with the smallest footprint possible without compromising your comfort level and average standard way of living?

  2. #2
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    Easy, go Daniel Boon it on BLM land, preferably in Alaska.

    LOL, just kidding, you’ll go to prison for poaching!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by elephant View Post
    Being "Off the grid" is usually discussed when talking about doomsday prepping and SHTF scenarios, but knowing that everything we do leaves a small footprint, is going off the grid even possible and could you do it without compromising your OPSEC?

    I ask this because you cant even own a piece of land in the US without the transaction being public record. Your IP, location and internet usage is recorded, cellular call log and location is recorded, car ownership, insurance, registration is recorded. Even your ATM cash withdraws are recorded. I'm starting to think our smart phones do more than we realize without our consent- in fact, there are several conspiracies that deal with NSA listening and tracking software installed in each smartphone- that is yet to be determined.

    There are stories of people "prepping" and trying to set up an "off the grid" safe house or bug out location only to compromise there OPSEC. A man paid cash for an old non-sea worthy sail boat in South Florida and kept it at a marina in the Keys that was owned by someone that lived out of country, yet within a month, the tax collector was sending registration forms to his home address? How does that happen? I was reading about a guy who got a ICOM HAM radio at a garage sale, used it a few times only listening to other people and the FCC had sent him demand letters to his home. He said it took 7 days from purchase to getting legal action threats and he was just listening. There are other stories like these that would make me believe that a persons OPSEC is just a fantasy.I will have to call BS on these two "events". The first one is most likely that the seller filed paperwork with the state. The second one is total BS. If he transmitted there would have to be a radio intercept unit close enough to pick it up. If he just turned it on and never transmitted then I will still call BS.

    Not too long ago, I was pulled over at night in my truck, which the sticker had expired, the police explained to me that he knew I had already inspected my car and paid for my new registration but was pulling me over anyway- he let me go but he did bring up something disturbing, he asked me why I didn't take a certain highway home to Dallas- it could save me 10-15 minutes, I was in Gordonville, 95 miles north of Dallas, I asked how he knew what route I took or didn't take and he explained to me that I was pulled over 6 years ago and was given a warning in a certain town, and pulled over 2 years ago in another town and given a warning and they have a algorithm that can predict certain routes traveled by people. He told me that "they" could tell that I am usually on highway 377 between 8pm and 12am on Sundays.- Kind of scary. Especially considering that Gordonville was my bug out location. Do not say were you WERE or ARE going. Easy fix, don't ever get pulled over. A record is a record.

    It just seems like in todays time, your OPSEC is compromised just because of technology, current laws, regulations and governing bodies.

    I am asking if any of you can change my mind or change my way of thinking. Is there a way to go off the grid completely without compromising your OPSEC. Or, is there a way to live your life with the smallest footprint possible without compromising your comfort level and average standard way of living?

    Your best bet is to live a normal life. OPSEC is easy if you are one in 325.7 Million people in the US. They can't look at everyone...... blend in and be one of the masses.
    In no way do I make any money from anyone related to the firearms industry.

    "I have never heard anyone say after a firefight that I wish that I had not taken so much ammo.", ME

    "Texas can make it without the United States, but the United States can't make it without Texas !", General Sam Houston

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by docsherm View Post
    Your best bet is to live a normal life. OPSEC is easy if you are one in 325.7 Million people in the US. They can't look at everyone...... blend in and be one of the masses.
    I agree. They don't have enough people to go after everyone. They also would want to make an example of people who are "vocal."

    I hate to use a movie analogy, but watch "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" with Donald Sutherland, Leonard Nimoy, et al. It really conveys what it's like to try to "blend in."

    Now, for the society collapsing into anarchy scenario, I plan to bug out to a location that I know has buildings, running water, electricity, and is in the middle of nowhere and poorly guarded. I will say no more.

  5. #5
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    Agree, it is impossible to live "off the grid" unless you are way the hell gone and don't come into town much. Can't own property. Can't have a legit (well paying) job. Can't be buying stuff online or with a card. Can't have a bank account. Can't be visiting any town over 10,000 pop. (traffic cams, sheriff's license plate scanners, etc). Can't vote or drive (at least where there are paved roads and cops). Can't have a phone or Internet. No smart big screen TV. No utilities. BTW, can Google car or satellite see you?

    We are all being tracked and they come up with more invasive ways every year. Now any picture you post can give the feds facial recognition data as well as fingerprints (if your fingers are in just one photo). DNA collection is making inroads. How many people are BUYING in-home listening devices such as Amazon Echo and others?!!! Any TV with a microphone is most likely collecting your conversations whether you are watching TV or not, as well as voice signatures, and correlated viewing patterns.

    Also agree about blending in. But make no mistake, the day will come in five years or fifty years or two hundred years when you comply or they come for you. Some will be sacrificed in the beginning via surprise until we realize IT is happening for realz. But after several of us are carted off in the night, other patriots will have do a gut check and determine if they plan to do anything to help protect each other from future "visits" or wait to get weeded out individually. We have no self-correcting wherewithal left in our society and we ARE on the road to serfdom. Best to prepare as best you can to be insulated from dependence on the govt, and pass on the knowledge and equipment so that when the time comes, there will be enough folks willing and able to resist. All while being watched, tabulated, and evaluated.
    It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! ... Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" - Patrick Henry in an address at St. John’s Church, Richmond, Virginia, on March 23, 1775.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by docsherm View Post
    Your best bet is to live a normal life. OPSEC is easy if you are one in 325.7 Million people in the US. They can't look at everyone...... blend in and be one of the masses.
    I think advances in computing power, predictive algorithms, licence plate readers, facial recognition, and just how much more digital footprint we leave everywhere we go, will in the near future make that theory obsolete.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by elephant View Post
    I was reading about a guy who got a ICOM HAM radio at a garage sale, used it a few times only listening to other people and the FCC had sent him demand letters to his home. He said it took 7 days from purchase to getting legal action threats and he was just listening.
    As a licensed Ham, I call B.S. on this.

    There are no restrictions on owning Ham gear. Listening in on Amateur communications is perfectly legal. In fact, it's so perfectly legal that Amateurs are prohibited from using encryption or codes to hide the content of communications. (Digital mode transmissions can be encoded, but the algorithms used are open-source and computer programs are available to decode and read these transmissions.) In fact, the openness of Amateur Radio is often a hindrance when providing emergency or disaster communications, because of privacy laws (especially HIPPA).

    Amateur Radio is self-policed. The FCC does not have the resources to constantly monitor all Ham frequencies all across the country all of the time. There are Hams who sign up to be "Official Observers", who can document misuse of the bands, but it takes weeks or months of monitoring and documenting abuses before they can file a case with the FCC. And then, the FCC may check things out, but always on their own timetable. And this is only if you're illegally transmitting...They can't find you when you're just listening.

    No one cares if you're listening. In fact, it's encouraged! If it sparks your interest enough that you decide to get licensed and join in the fun, so much the better for our hobby!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Todd.K View Post
    I think advances in computing power, predictive algorithms, licence plate readers, facial recognition, and just how much more digital footprint we leave everywhere we go, will in the near future make that theory obsolete.
    I agree with this 100%.

    There is no way you can live a normal, modern life without being tracked constantly. Your smart phone is listening, following, learning 24/7. Your social media accounts know your habits, recognize your face, your location, etc.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by 0uTkAsT View Post
    I agree with this 100%.

    There is no way you can live a normal, modern life without being tracked constantly. Your smart phone is listening, following, learning 24/7. Your social media accounts know your habits, recognize your face, your location, etc.
    And everyone, to include the government, always say, "he was so normal and quite". Just after a person kills a bunch of people and eats them....... BE a lemming...until it is time to be a honey badger.


    Or This:

    In no way do I make any money from anyone related to the firearms industry.

    "I have never heard anyone say after a firefight that I wish that I had not taken so much ammo.", ME

    "Texas can make it without the United States, but the United States can't make it without Texas !", General Sam Houston

  10. #10
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    Who doesn't have a smart phone in the developed world?

    I refer to them as personal locator beacons.

    Hell my TV remote (Amazon Fire Stick) data mines my ass.
    "In a nut shell, if it ever goes to Civil War, I'm afraid I'll be in the middle 70%, shooting at both sides" — 26 Inf

    "We have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right, and we have to start doing something about them." — CNN's Don Lemon 10/30/18

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