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Thread: Roundup residue found in foods

  1. #41
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    And some evidence of harm:

    Our studies show that glyphosate acts as a disruptor of mammalian cytochrome P450 aromatase activity from concentrations 100 times lower than the recommended use in agriculture; this is noticeable on human placental cells after only 18 hr, and it can also affect aromatase gene expression. It also partially disrupts the ubiquitous reductase activity but at higher concentrations. Its effects are allowed and amplified by at least 0.02% of the adjuvants present in Roundup, known to facilitate cell penetration, and this should be carefully taken into account in pesticide evaluation. The dilution of glyphosate in Roundup formulation may multiply its endocrine effect. Roundup may be thus considered as a potential endocrine disruptor. Moreover, at higher doses still below the classical agricultural dilutions, its toxicity on placental cells could induce some reproduction problems.

  2. #42
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    Pretty much every chemical can kill you, and you know what will kill you faster? Not having chemicals. With out modern ag chemicals like Roundup and GMOs, the Malthusians would have been right.

    If Round-up was that dangerous to the general population, we would be seeing it more clearly. That and if we let juries decide scientific cases like this? Are you F'ing nuts? The people too dumb to get out of a multi month trial are going to decide something this complex- that's a great idea.

    California literally says that everything will kill you. Prop 65 is a joke.
    The Second Amendment ACKNOWLEDGES our right to own and bear arms that are in common use that can be used for lawful purposes. The arms can be restricted ONLY if subject to historical analogue from the founding era or is dangerous (unsafe) AND unusual.

    It's that simple.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteyrAUG View Post
    Two things:

    These days I read what's in a Slim Jim and I wonder how I'm still alive and yet I know it's still more nutritious than what your average 12 year old had to survive on a mere 200 years ago. People on paleo diets crack me up, back then most people didn't live past 40 and they didn't eat nearly as well as people packing in daily McFoods. Of course nothing is better than people who won't eat seafood because they fear mercury content but smoke a pack a day.
    People died at 40 for different reasons than a Paleo-istic diet. The massive amounts of protein we eat now, and likely did as hunter-gatherers, was not common at all until the end of the 19th century for regular people. You died at 40 from any number of things that are nothing more than a nuisance to us or only present in 3rd-world conditions. The wealthy people of the last 1000 years, despite covering themselves in lead, arsenic, and other toxic substances, and ingesting others in various forms, still had a longer life expectancy than regular people. A key reason for that was they had access to a better diet and better quality food.

    Quote Originally Posted by 26 Inf View Post
    I'm not sure that I totally agree with that belief.

    The reason I hesitate to agree is because I live in Kansas and see the results of overproduction and inefficient marketing/transportation laying on the ground by filled to capacity grain elevators. At yet people starve......

    Seems to me that if we quit putting ethanol in fuel, we could probably produce less, sell most of it, and reduce the use of herbicides.

    But we'd **** it up like we always do because someone would get greedy.
    I'm kind of coming around to this, too, after being an organic-denier. We don't need roundup-ready crops doused in glyphosate to sustain 7 billion people. I still don't think GMOs on their own are harmful, since we've been doing that for thousands of years, but I can't fathom that pesticides and herbicides aren't. Too many people conflate the argument against GMOs with the pesticide/herbicide component that's key to huge-yielding GMO crops. We have produced yields that have multiplied many times since the 50's and yet billions of people are still food insecure. The problem isn't needing higher yields, it's the distribution/incentive system behind it. Farmers in France, the U.S., et al are paid to grow crops and livestock that there is no market for. Hundreds of millions of Indians and Chinese are still subsistence-level or small farmers. It's incredibly more inefficient for them to farm and yet we have huge surpluses of crops and prices in the tank - why don't they have access to our surpluses? It's for far too many reasons to address that have nothing to do with GMOs and pesticides/herbicides.

  4. #44
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    We get an average of 80 years of life.....blame death for killing you. I feel better already.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by kerplode View Post
    People have been dumping this shit with reckless abandon, on every blade of stray grass, since the 70's. It's EVERYWHERE.
    Yeah that is usually the catch on locally grown too.

    I do salt (sometimes plus vinegar if I want dead in a hurry) in lieu of commercial weed killer or string trimming and it seems to last about as long, plus it is edible.

    That actually teeters on bothering people. No telling how many people I know who have asked if I have tried Round Up, 2-4, D, or if I happen to know someone licensed to get the really potent stuff.

    Interestingly enough, many devotees of weed killer are Leary of Permethrin treated clothing or insect repellants on skin even though it seems safe as near as anyone can tell combined with the known possible issues resulting from tick and mosquito bites.

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