I have the smallest Liberty Revolution rifle "safe" in our closet with an AR and pistol in it because our bedroom is on the second floor and my big "safe" is on the first.

Like all the small cheap safes, the interior layout is pretty spartan and there are no logical spaces to put magazines, holsters, flashlight, etc. They sell door panels, but $100 for a panel to put in my $200 safe seems pretty high.

Enter the surplus molle "seat panel" - example here: https://armysurpluswarehouse.com/mil...l-acu-digital/

I plan to put a panel on the safe door with screws/washers, add a cheap molle holster, and some of the mag/utility pouches I have laying around collecting dust.

I would welcome your thoughts, better ideas, etc.

Please don't turn this into a debate about "gun safes". We all know they suck.

