Correction to the above:

That deer was taken at 598 yards, not 698. As I recall, I used my dope for 600 yards. He was one of two big bodied bucks that fell that morning to the Tikka. Both were feeding on the same ridgeline.

A good hunt. The pack out was on the harsh side, as my dad and I quartered them up and packed them out on our pack frames.

My dad told me later, as I was crawling out onto a ledge to get into a shooting position, (there was virtually no vegetation for cover, and I was skylined, so I was trying to get a little closer to a spot that would provide for a more stable shooting platform) that a rattlesnake slithered right in front of his boot. He did not inform me of this at the time, as he knows I HATE the things and I would have instantly called the whole thing off right there!