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Thread: Grand Solar Minimum and Electromagnetic Pole Shift

  1. #1
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    Grand Solar Minimum and Electromagnetic Pole Shift

    We are at an interesting time in human history. The earth is about to undergo some major changes simultaneously. We are about to begin the Grand Solar minimum sometime around 2020, this will essentially be a mini ice age that will last decades. Second, the Earth's electromagnetic fields are not only rapidly weakening but also shifting faster than they have ever been in recorded scientific history. The magnetic fields are necessary for protecting us against cosmic radiation along with damage from solar flares. So expect perhaps colder climates, lower crop yields with shorter growing seasons, and general massive changes to the weather. So don't just think short term disaster planning as this could be the beginning of an extended event.

    Video from a few years back about the magnetic poles weakening and rapidly shifting- the updated government scientific release of this data is due sometime this month.

    Video about the Grand Solar Minimum, set to begin around 2020 may last upwards of sixty years- the source spliced two videos together to help tie up some questions.

    Last edited by RetroRevolver77; 01-11-19 at 14:22.

  2. #2
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    I'd love to know definitively if this is all just tinfoil hat stuff or if the earth is really headed to another ice age and potential flipping of the poles.

    The scientific community has cried wolf so many times it's hard to say if I should laugh or be worried.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Safari View Post
    The scientific community has cried wolf so many times it's hard to say if I should laugh or be worried.
    This is the first I've heard of the OP topic, but I also missed all the other ones you mentioned called out as well. Just out of curiosity what other callouts did I miss (clearly we're here, but I never prepared for any of them either).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Safari View Post
    I'd love to know definitively if this is all just tinfoil hat stuff or if the earth is really headed to another ice age and potential flipping of the poles.

    The scientific community has cried wolf so many times it's hard to say if I should laugh or be worried.
    Notice the main stream media isn't reporting any of this. Supposedly the data for the pole shifts and general strength updates to the magnetic fields will be updated later this month. Basically the "true north" has moved twice as much over the last thirty years as it has over the last hundred years. Now to get even more fun. Super Flood caused by the weakened magnetic field creating "Star Water" explained in the video, however with the Grand Solar Minimum, it won't rain- it will snow, lots of it.

    How polar magnetic shifts create Super Floods.
    Last edited by RetroRevolver77; 01-11-19 at 15:32.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Safari View Post
    I'd love to know definitively if this is all just tinfoil hat stuff or if the earth is really headed to another ice age and potential flipping of the poles.

    The scientific community has cried wolf so many times it's hard to say if I should laugh or be worried.
    If I..a plain old, "un-educated", country boy from TN..can sit here and between this magic box Im typing on, and whats happened during MY lifetime that I know, remember & was there for, can produce a literal shit ton of facts where the "scientific community" has been either flat out wrong..LIED..contradicted itself..changed "theories" to suit the need, re-wrote so much stuff that was, at one time "fact"..if I CAN do this myslef..WHY IN THE HELL would I continue to believe these agenda driven..GODLESS sob's every time they shout a "new" or "emerging" threat? ITS BULLSHIT PEOPLE.
    Many of these nuts just have to print or say or come up with some old shit to justify grant monies and keep jobs. Iheard this shit since I was a kid in the 70's..ICE AGE..wait, no...GLOBAL WARMING...ummm, nah..ahhh..CLIMATE CHANGE..yeah..THATS the ticket! Thatll cover our asses any way it goes!
    How many times are meteors coming "danger close"..sun flares...North Pole melting..South Pole melting...dino's died from I think its now 30 different "theories" on that alone. This utter, complete crap Ive heard them say "we know EXACTLY how old Earth is..its 4.51 BILLION years or minus a million years". Do you realized how farcical that is? Remember when WE WERE RUNNING OUT OF OIL..IN THE EARLY 70's? ALL BS. Ive got dozens of examples more off the top of my head of them being wrong. QUESTION: WHEN/WHAT have they been right on? Cant think of a single thing.
    They want SO BADLY to discredit Gods word, Creation, and the ending we know is gonna happen in me thats really what its about. THEY CHANGE- the BIBLE NEVER HAS.
    The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than the cowards they really are.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Straight Shooter View Post
    They want SO BADLY to discredit Gods word, Creation, and the ending we know is gonna happen in me thats really what its about. THEY CHANGE- the BIBLE NEVER HAS.
    ^^^^Thank you.
    Philippians 2:10-11

    To argue with a person who renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead. ~ Thomas Paine

    “The greatest conspiracy theory is the notion that your government cares about you”- unknown.

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    We get a little taste next week, supposedly a polar vortex hitting the upper mid west, Great Lakes region with temps drop minus 40 degrees below normal.

    Polar vortex of DOOOOOM!!!!!

    Last edited by RetroRevolver77; 01-24-19 at 20:03.

  8. #8
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    I haven’t heard of the grand solar minimum before this, but I’ve been hearing about the magnetic pole shifts for several years and that is some serious stuff. If the poles were to “flip”, which apparently has happened before, the upheaval would literally be biblical.
    What if this whole crusade's a charade?
    And behind it all there's a price to be paid
    For the blood which we dine
    Justified in the name of the holy and the divine…

  9. #9
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    Unfortunately, this stuff is not BS, but it doesn't happen quickly...I hope. The most concerning event is the weakening of earths magnetic field. It protects us from most of the damage that can be caused by the solar winds and cosmic rays. We may see DNA damage, cancer, its really hard to predict what can happen. Also, we may see electronics and satellite failures.

    Increasing volcanic and seismic activity around the ring of fire is also concerning. Massive ash clouds would affect weather and plane travel among other things.

    I don't think there will be any big natural calamities in the next few years unless we get hit by an asteroid or the Yellowstone super-volcano cuts loose. But you never know.
    Last edited by ScottsBad; 01-25-19 at 03:06.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by glocktogo View Post
    I haven’t heard of the grand solar minimum before this, but I’ve been hearing about the magnetic pole shifts for several years and that is some serious stuff. If the poles were to “flip”, which apparently has happened before, the upheaval would literally be biblical.
    From what I gather, the grand solar minimum is a naturally occurring sun cycle not different than the eleven year sun cycle. However the grand solar minimums take place about every four hundred years give or take. They went back to historical accounts within the Chinese dynasties where previous generations had noted extreme temps resulting in crop failures and hardships lasting for decades. The reason they used the Chinese accounts is because they keep very good records through each of their administrations.

    Quote Originally Posted by ScottsBad View Post
    Unfortunately, this stuff is not BS, but it doesn't happen quickly...I hope. The most concerning event is the weakening of earths magnetic field. It protects us from most of the damage that can be caused by the solar winds and cosmic rays. We may see DNA damage, cancer, its really hard to predict what can happen. Also, we may see electronics and satellite failures.

    Increasing volcanic and seismic activity around the ring of fire is also concerning. Massive ash clouds would affect weather and plane travel among other things.

    I don't think there will be any big natural calamities in the next few years unless we get hit by an asteroid or the Yellowstone super-volcano cuts loose. But you never know.

    Well they are supposed to update this information soon. From what I saw, we had twice the amount of shift in polar magnetic fields moving thousands of miles over the last thirty years than we did over the one hundred years prior. Almost like an increasing rate of shift. The hypothesis is that it will somehow not only reduce our protection from solar radiation but worse, create something called "star water" which I don't really quite understand to well how that works. Something with heating the upper atmosphere creating huge amounts of condensation resulting in rain/snow on biblical levels. Perhaps the Grand Solar Minimum coupled with the Magnetic Pole shift is why has the US reducing it's population by 70% over the next six years? Not sure.
    Last edited by RetroRevolver77; 01-25-19 at 10:57.

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