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Thread: I'm falling apart

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    I'm falling apart

    Been managing a rotator cuff issue for the past year so my workouts were pathetically irregular and far between. At the beginning of December I finally got myself disciplined enough to get serious about my workout again. I was feeling great and made some gains in my strength program since. My eating was on point, water intake the best it's ever been. I mean, really doing well. But in the last couple weeks tennis elbow decided it wants to join the party. Being that I had no grip strength and it hurt like crazy I took time off to let it heal. I'm bummed and feeling setback. To top it off, this year I'll be 40. What the heck, is this what 39 is? Just parts stop working?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    39 was when I sustained an injury (other than broken bones as a kid) that put me out for a couple months. I was doing great at the gym and the heaviest I've ever been; in a good way. Things went south on a dead-lift and I herniated a disc between L3 and L4. I dropped 10lbs, which is a decent amount for me and it was a good while before I was comfortable lifting again. I was off work and not being able to pick up my kids, not being able to lift, not being able to work, was psychologically hurting me more than anything else.

    It's almost been a year and I'm overall stronger than before my injury. Although nerve pain is completely gone, certain parts of my right leg are still numb and tingly. But in all other aspects at the gym and my health I've gotten stronger. I'm mentally still not ready to do dead-lifts but working my way up to it.

    Point is, I'm 40 now and am in better shape than I was in my college days. Recovery just takes a bit more time! Good luck to you!

  3. #3
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    The best advice I can give you is hang in there and be patient. After having gone through 3 different surgeries over the course of 2 years a short while back, the process of recovery can be very frustrating. Each time I regained my strength and momentum it seemed I was being hit with another obstacle. The shortest of which kept me sidelined for a month.
    Do whatever type of workout you can in the meantime. Continue eating well and practicing the good habits you developed while you were working out. When the opportunity to really start hitting it hard again comes make sure to take full advantage of it. It'll be more of a mental thing to get back your confidence and start feeling like you're making progress, but it does come. Good luck to you and I hope this setback is over quickly!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    If you think turning 40 is bad, wait until you turn 50.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by jb7304 View Post
    If you think turning 40 is bad, wait until you turn 50.
    And if you think 50 is bad, wait until you turn 60.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Young uns, wait until you all hit 75.

  7. #7
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    "I had no grip strength and it hurt like crazy I took time off to let it heal"

    Do you have elbow or forearm pain?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Louisiana, On I-10 west of NOLA, east of BR
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    My last 20 years in order, triple coronary artery bypass surgury, shoulder surgury, neck surgury, back surgury, caridoablation and last week 2 stents. Still hitting the jym twice a week. You have to lower expectations of what you want to do to what you can do.

  9. #9
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    I'm kinda scared what the next 10 years holds if the last 10 were this tumultuous lol But all joking aside, thanks for the boost yall.

    Yoni, when I tried to grip the pain is up on my forearm where it goes into the elbow on the lateral side, over the round bone. That part was tender to the touch too. The pain has subsided over the last few days but I still feel it in gripping actions. Just the last day I started doing some ROM and stretching on my hand/forearm,elbow. It's tight. I'm trying to go easy but telling it to 'hey, we still got things to do so remember to stay loose'.

    In my workouts over the last 8wks I did farmer's walks and standing bar grips in my rotation. I've never incorporated those into my strength workouts ever before. These are the exercise movements that most resembles what hurts.

    P2V, you know with few things that have come up over the past year or two that have got me to began wondering if I need to lower my expectations. But I don't think I'm ready to do that. I've always been all out, I don't know how to not.
    Last edited by Shorts; 02-24-19 at 20:04.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Ever tried yoga? Or even Pilates?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Sic semper tyrannis.

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