DISCLAIMER: Of course no one encourages or condones physical violence or any of that happy horseshit. If you want to start the revolution, please keep it to yourself.

Other than that, what will you do if the New Mexico legislature passes a law requiring registration, confiscation, modification, or otherwise restricts or outlaws semi-autos, standard cap mags, or frankly, WHAT WE CALL FREEDOM firearms?

I know long term I would plan to blow this taco stand and move to Texas, but what about the short term?

Is there a way to fight such a law other than submitting it for a referendum of the voters (which might backfire)?

Even though several counties have declared themselves 2A Sanctuary counties, not all have. What if you live in one of the Commie gun-grabbing counties?

Although the 60-day session just ended, we maybe have a little less than a year before we might face these very questions head-on.

What say you?